Recent content by rsaad

  1. R

    Connection and tensor-issue with the proof

    Γabc are the christoffel symbols/connection and T^(bc) = (e^b,e^c)
  2. R

    Connection and tensor-issue with the proof

    Homework Statement I am tying to prove the following: \Gamma^{a}_{bc} T^{bc} =0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I approached this problem as follows: dx_{b}/dx^{c} * e^{a} (e^{b} . e^{c}) but it did not yield anything. Then I expanded the christoeffel symbols into...
  3. R

    Can Binomial Distribution Be Approximated to Poisson Distribution?

    I looked at the stirling formula derivation but I don't know how it is helpful here. So I have solved it the other way. [N-(n-(n-0))] [N-(n-(n-1))] [N-(n-(n-2))] [N-(n-(n-3))]...[N-( n-(3) )][N-( n-(2) )][N-( n-(1) )] For N>>n, using this approximation once, I get n terms: [N-n] [N-n] [N-n]...
  4. R

    Can Binomial Distribution Be Approximated to Poisson Distribution?

    Homework Statement The question requires me to approximate binomial distribution to get poisson distribution. Show that N!/(N-n)!=N^n. Homework Equations N!/n!(N-n)! p^n q^(N-n)=Binomial distribution The Attempt at a Solution I expanded N!/(N-n)! and got...
  5. R

    QFT newbie-creation of particle and anti-particle

    Hi, I read the following in an online source: In relativistic settings, momentum and energy are equal so the uncertainty principle, for a particle of mass m which is trapped in a box of size L, becomes delta E>= \hbarc/L. If uncertainty exceeds delta E=2mc^2, we get pairs of particles and...
  6. R

    Tensor product: commutator for spin

    Homework Statement [S2 total, Sz ∅1] Homework Equations S2 total = S2∅1+ 1∅S2+2(Sx∅Sx+Sy∅Sy+ Sz∅Sz) The Attempt at a Solution I calculated it in steps: (1∅Sx 2 +Sx 2∅1) * Sz ∅1 =[S2x, Sz] ∅1 + Sz∅Sx 2 =-h_cut i (SxSy+SySx)∅1 + Sz∅Sx 2 Is it correct way of doing it? I...
  7. R

    Eigenvalues/Eigenstates of Spin Operator S in xz Plane

    Of course it is a quantum number but why is there a half?
  8. R

    Eigenvalues/Eigenstates of Spin Operator S in xz Plane

    Homework Statement Find the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the spin operator S of an electron in the direction of a unit vector n; assume that n lies in the xz plane. Homework Equations S|m>= h m|m> The Attempt at a Solution This question is from Zettili QM and they have...
  9. R

    How is the Coordinate of M1 Determined in a Dumbbell System?

    In the book R_1 = R M2/ (M1 + M2) but mine is R1= R M2 / (M2-M1)
  10. R

    How is the Coordinate of M1 Determined in a Dumbbell System?

    R= R_1 + R_2 where R_i is the distance to M_i from CM.
  11. R

    Moment of inertia tensor about y-axis of a cylinder.

    Homework Statement What must the ratio of height to radius of a cylinder be so that every axis is a principal axis (with the CM as the origin)? Homework Equations Moment of inertia tensor. I need I_yy = \sum m *(x^2 + z^2) The Attempt at a Solution I calculated I_zz = MR^2 /12...