Recent content by ScrollPortals

  1. ScrollPortals

    Respecting Time Symmetry when programming

    The systems with code snippets have no contrast between two different energies or particles. They're all just 1 definition for 1 particle or field or material. I'm also not good at math, and that's a language on top of programming. Calculus does a lot of tricks I just won't understand unless...
  2. ScrollPortals

    Respecting Time Symmetry when programming

    Yes, I do. 8 years. I just don't know the concepts of math well enough. Damn shame, I know. Frustrates the hell out of me because teachers didn't really get behind my unique projects. I am sure there are a lot of people here with a burning resentment like that. Soul crushing.
  3. ScrollPortals

    Respecting Time Symmetry when programming

    Noether's Theorem and the Motion of Creation Symmetry and conservation laws: Noether's contribution to physics - Uhlenbeck These videos will be the best at explaining. But it's basically math that preserves the conservation of energy. The conservation of energy isn't just a property of the...
  4. ScrollPortals

    Respecting Time Symmetry when programming

    Where can I learn to break the habit of using time steps and instead use mathematical frameworks to preserve time symmetry when programming simulations? I recently visited a site ( ). He's got a lot of STEM experience. He's written simulations and programs for a lot of things...
  5. ScrollPortals

    What's so special about higher dimensions?

    I use normal mathematical rules. But the simulation looks at the axes to determine if they're good for black holes jets. So in hire dimensions, I am looking for a way to conceptualize what would happen with different axes emitting different jets at different rotations. I also don't know what...
  6. ScrollPortals

    What's so special about higher dimensions?

    What's so special about higher dimensions? I did some youtube research and didn't find a lot of information. All I found is that beyond 5 dimensions all dimensions have only 3 platonic solids. I've got this simulation I'm working on. I don't want to go into detail for obvious reasons but so...
  7. ScrollPortals

    Math Stories: Struggles, Triumphs & Benefits

    This is somewhat of a meta topic. I want collect a few personal stories about how you got into and advanced through math. What trials did you face? what kept you going? How did your perspective of the field change as you learned more? Did you know it was beneficial or were you just good at it? I...
  8. ScrollPortals

    What does it take to rush ahead of commercial factories? (graphene)

    Sorry, no, I'm not seeing what you are. Could you link me? Are we talking about the wiki page? I skimmed it. My fault. This is good to know. "Why does this all have to be done with Math?" Hopefully we're on the same page. I'm willing to bet that Graphene will be useful, so I want to learn...
  9. ScrollPortals

    What does it take to rush ahead of commercial factories? (graphene)

    Fine. I want to master graphene because it's going to give me superpowers in combination with other knowledge. The first result is "potential applications" not what we're currently able to do. Sorry, I misunderstood this then "The failure rate on most of the devices I work with in the lab is...
  10. ScrollPortals

    What does it take to rush ahead of commercial factories? (graphene)

    It makes perfect sense for me to ask "what are we capable of doing with graphene?". You gave me an answer it would take me days to dig up on google. That answer is "not much really". There is no google search for "what hardware components have we tested in the lab with graphene" that will...
  11. ScrollPortals

    What does it take to rush ahead of commercial factories? (graphene)

    I'm not trying to mass produce graphene. I'm trying to make practical use of it in electronic devices before doing so as a hobby become irrelevant. I've also posted in other forums about CRISPR-cas9 and trying to find a good point where I can start fiddling with that. The answer I always get is...
  12. ScrollPortals

    What does it take to rush ahead of commercial factories? (graphene)

    That's the article that made me post this topic. This stuff is becoming more abundant and I'm trying to find the most efficient grassroots approach to master lab management & get a wider and tighter wrap around the nature of physics. I want to get a block of this stuff (I know they're only 2...
  13. ScrollPortals

    What does it take to rush ahead of commercial factories? (graphene)

    None, no research. Nothing. I know nothing more than graphene conducts electricity and it's better than copper. I get the feeling that brute-forcing questions and trying to pull people together won't help generate a product. I guess I'll need a lot of money first, both for marketing to talent...
  14. ScrollPortals

    What does it take to rush ahead of commercial factories? (graphene)

    Cheaper ways to make graphene I want to try making my own computing parts with graphene. What are we capable of now with graphene? What parts can we make? What computations can we do? Do we have circuit board limitations?
  15. ScrollPortals

    Barrier to entry for hardware material science experiments?

    I read and science daily, daily. I read about all these amazing experiments and discoveries and I want to try my own experiments. A lot of articles are about emerging computing technologies, and often the article emphasizes how inexpensive these materials and processes are becoming. I...