Recent content by Teichii492

  1. Teichii492

    B Can iron form via processes like the r- or s-process?

    Hi, I was wondering by what other methods iron can form in stars? Iron can form during silicon burning and i assume it can also form via the beta- decay of neutron rich isotopes around the iron peak? Are these athe only two processes that relate to the cosmogenesis of iron?
  2. Teichii492

    B Confirm General Relativity: Eddington's Starlight Experiment

    Although General Relativity has something to say about the motion of the Earth around the Sun, it was not the purpose of the Eddington experiment. The experiment was to show that the gravity of the sun would deflect the light from distant stars, the orbit of the Earth is only factored into this...
  3. Teichii492

    Stargazing Does Our Picture of the Universe Become Less Accurate the Farther We Look?

    Yes. Since we can only view parts of the universe that are light-years away using various forms of detection equipment. The resolution of our picture is limited by the sensitivity of that equipment. However, we do assume that the laws of physics that apply here, apply in those far-away places...
  4. Teichii492

    B Milky Way is "in the top percentile of all the galaxies that exist"

    Didn't know there were so many new satellites to the Milky Way, that graphic of their discoveries is really great. "The Milky Way is in the top percentile of all the galaxies that exist" Isn't this really just a natural result from the fact that galactic distances (on average) are very large...
  5. Teichii492

    Stars in the early universe and stellar processes

    That sounds quite interesting. I'll assume that the carbon generation events are rare and that this is made negligible because of the sheer mass of the star and thus the temperature of the core? or is it more complicated than that? Also i would like to refine an earlier question. Does the mass...
  6. Teichii492

    Stars in the early universe and stellar processes

    Brilliant, i think both the answers here field enough of what i wanted to know. I'll look more into the details of stellar evolution i think. Thanks a million!
  7. Teichii492

    I How the standard spacetime model relates to reality

    So in this picture, the inside area of the future cone is all possible paths you can take from your present point in time without violating causality. Without getting into philosophy of conciousness and maybe refining your question to ignore for now the human PERCEPTION of time, let's just...
  8. Teichii492

    Stars in the early universe and stellar processes

    Hey PF, Since there are stars that can be powered predominantly (>50%) by the CNO cycle, which requires carbon as a catalyst, and i understand the core temperatures of these stars is about 106 K. Does this mean that stars where the triple-alpha process is dominant (108 K) had to exist and die...
  9. Teichii492

    Why is the Number 3 So Prevalent in our Universe?

    Why do we find triplets satisfying? why are triads so effective in music? Why do we prefer to count to three in preperation for something? Why is the speed of light almost exactly 3 x 108 m s-1? How comes 23 =8 and 32 = 9 are the only non trivial consecutive powers of positive integers? In...
  10. Teichii492

    Why is the Number 3 So Prevalent in our Universe?

    It's simple really. There is no significance, you've just allowed yourself to be swayed by faults in your cognition and it's definitely not worth losing sleep over. The same as it's not worth losing sleep over why the dimensionless parameters take the values they do. It's just apophenia with...
  11. Teichii492

    Wave/Particle duality in Blackhole paradox?

    To expand on my earlier answer to your question. As this is my first attempt to answer a thread since i joined this forum, i hope that i am not mistaken in my understanding. (this is my caveat) The people who are usually doing the speculation, are most often those with little to no knowledge...
  12. Teichii492

    Wave/Particle duality in Blackhole paradox?

    This is only a hunch, but if you google "Quantum entanglement" i think you may be feeding on a confabulation of the idea of wave/particle duality and the concept of quantum entanglement. Which, in their basic popularisations could quite possibly seem to be the same thing.
  13. Teichii492

    Wave/Particle duality in Blackhole paradox?

    As a long time browser of various science forums, i can give you a brief answer to this line of reasoning. Firstly, in any other science forum without strict rules on speculation any thread grounded in scientific rigor is quickly derailed into philosophising and speculation. It creates a very...
  14. Teichii492

    Wave/Particle duality in Blackhole paradox?

    I hope i am correct in pointing out that there may be two misconceptions in this first part of your post. The first i will address by pointing you to This Thread post #28 should give you a fairly nuanced description of why we can infer that the particle does infact cross the event horizon. The...
  15. Teichii492

    Clarification on key concepts of string theory

    I've been tasked with giving a presentation on any subject i like to my undergraduate physics class. Inspired by a recent lecture i attended by David Tong i have chosen to do a quick (10 minute) overview of the current state of theories beyond the standard model, obviously aimed at being...