Recent content by unique_pavadrin

  1. U

    How Do You Determine the Y-Coordinate of a Circle's Center?

    cheers for that, makes sense now, the radius is \sqrt {149} ? correct...
  2. U

    How Do You Determine the Y-Coordinate of a Circle's Center?

    sorry i don't see how that helps would simultaneous solving of some sort help?
  3. U

    How Do You Determine the Y-Coordinate of a Circle's Center?

    URGENT: Centre Point of a circle Homework Statement Find the center point of the circle shown in the diagram below and the radius of the circle. The red dots have the following coordinates; (-17,0); (0,17); (31,0) Homework...
  4. U

    Solving (z^N-a^N) = 0 for a^N<0

    couldn't you use the relationship z - \frac{1}{z} = 2{\bf{i}}\sin \theta and De Movire's Theorem?
  5. U

    The Mystery Behind the Fan's Circular Motion

    Homework Statement Hey just a quick question that bothering me: how come when u stick your finger in the middle of the fan and let it move it goes in a larger circle?
  6. U

    Complex Number Locus: Find Locus of z

    no i am unsure on how to apply the magnitude. do i just square it and then square root it, taking the +ve root?
  7. U

    Complex Number Locus: Find Locus of z

    Homework Statement Find the locus of the point z satisfying: \left| {\frac{{z - 1 - 2{\bf{i}}}}{{z + 1 + 4{\bf{i}}}}} \right| = 1 2. The attempt at a solution \begin{array}{l} \left| {\frac{{z - 1 - 2{\bf{i}}}}{{z + 1 + 4{\bf{i}}}}} \right| = 1 \\ \left| {\frac{{\left( {x - 1}...
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    Chemistry Chemistry Organic Molecule Drawing Program

    thank you for the replies. ChemDraw is a little excessive to what i want, while BKchem is perfect, just need to learn how to use it :P thanks once again unique_pavadrin
  9. U

    An elevator moving up and a bolt falling down

    firstly you have posted this in the wrong forum here are some hints which maybe able to help you s = ut + \frac{1}{2}at^2 the velocity of the elevator is acting in the opposite direction to gravity, therefore it is a negative velocity in respect to gravity so gravity will be 9.8m/s/s and the...
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    Chemistry Chemistry Organic Molecule Drawing Program

    to whom may read this, i was desperately looking for a chemistry computer program which allows me to draw organic molecules, methane, trans-1,2-dichloroethene, cyclopentene, etc. with the bonds in them. Here is an example of what i would like the program to draw...
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    Mathematica Mathematica vs Maple: Which is Best for Maths?

    thanks for the reply. mathematic 6 seems to best suit my needs
  12. U

    Mathematica Mathematica vs Maple: Which is Best for Maths?

    i hope i got this in the right forum...if not sorry i was in the market for a mathematical software that would be able to just about anything related to maths (differentiate, integrate, factorise, complete the square, give results in exact form, all the basics, etc.) i am familiar with...
  13. U

    Simpson's Rule for Numerical Integration: Accuracy and Applications

    Does the Simpson's rule of numerical integration (\frac{1}{3}h\left( {f_0 + 4f_1 + f_2 } \right)) give exact values for all polynomials to a third degree i.e., linear functions, quadratic functions, and cubic functions? Is there a better method for numerical integration approximation? One...