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  1. U

    Acid-Base Chemistry in Aqueous Solutions

    Homework Statement What are the final hydrogen ion concentration and pH of of a solution obtained by mixing 400 mL of 0.2 M NaOH with 150 mL of 0.1 M H3PO4? pKa's are 2.12, 7.21, 12.32 Homework Equations Henderson-Hasselbach: pH = pKa + log [b]/[a] The Attempt at a Solution 0.2 M...
  2. U

    Degrees of Freedom: Gases vs Solids/Liquids

    The homework assignment that I've been given in Physics deals with degrees of freedom (which my assignment refers to as "modes"). We're given the equation E_{thermal}= (# of modes) \times \frac{1}{2} \times k \times T. (k being the Boltzmann's Constant). We are also told that gases have 3...
  3. U

    Calculate Ecell using Nernst Equation and Appendix D Data | Mg-Al Cell Problem

    Hrm, +3 -> 0. So 3 electrons being transferred, unless you count the coefficient as well. Would it be 6 electrons transferred?
  4. U

    Integrate 3cos^2(x): Step by Step Solution

    Ah, my mind completely skipped over that trigonometric property, and simply thought that danago had misread ZaZu's original problem. My apologies. Anyway, danago is pushing you towards the correct answer, ZaZu.
  5. U

    Integrate 3cos^2(x): Step by Step Solution

    danago, he's asking for cosine squared of x, not cosine of 2x. ZaZu, have you learned integration by parts? That's really the only way I can see you integrating this function. Set u = 3cos^2(x) and dv = dx. Solve from there.
  6. U

    Calculate Ecell using Nernst Equation and Appendix D Data | Mg-Al Cell Problem

    Homework Statement Use the Nernst equation and data from Appendix D in the textbook to calculate E cell for each of the following cells. Mg(s)|Mg+2 (0.012 M) || [Al(OH)4]- (0.25M), OH- (0.048M)|Al(s) Homework Equations Ecell = Ecell(standard) - 0.0591/n * log Q The Attempt...
  7. U

    What Is the Probability of Their Child Having Sickle Cell Anemia?

    Among black Americans, the frequency of sickle cell anemia is about .0025. What is the frequency of heterozygotes? When one black American marries another, what is the probability that both will be heterozygotes? If both are heterozygotes, what is the probability that one of their children will...
  8. U

    Traffic Signal Necessity at Intersection in Thomasville, Oregon An intersection in Thomasville, Oregon, cars turn left at the rate L(t) = \sqrt{t}*sin^2(t/3) cars per hour over the time interval 0 < t < 18 hours. The graph of y = L(t) is shown above.Traffic engineers will install a signal if...
  9. U

    How Do I Determine the Quantity on a Graph Using Fundamental Theorem? The problem states that it wants the upper and lower estimate of total distance. Therefore, I used rectangles to solve for it. However, let's say I'm working on upper limits. For my initial rectangles, I use the right endpoints, but then it...
  10. U

    Mapping an Equal Potential Field

    Homework Statement For this lab, we have one wire hooked up to the positive terminal of a battery pack and another hooked up to the negative terminal. Each of those is attached to a weight and placed in salt water. Another wire is hooked up to a voltmeter which is then attached to the...
  11. U

    How do I use substitution to solve a differential equation with a square root?

    Homework Statement Solve the differential equation. dy/dx = 4x + 4x/square root of (16-x^2) Homework Equations Substituting using U... The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure if that's what I am supposed to do, but I tried using the U substitution... 4x + 4x/square root of...
  12. U

    Baseball Related Rates: Milt Famey's Line Drive to Third Base Equation

    Eh, this is sort of a simple question. Milt Famey hits a line drive to center field. As he rounds second base, he heads directly for third base, running at 20 ft per second. Write an equation expressing.. blah blah blah. I'm not asking to do the mathematical part. I just don't know...
  13. U

    Conservation of Linear Momentum of spaceship

    With the engines off, a spaceship is coasting at a velocity of +230 m/s through outer space. The ship carries rockets taht are mounted in firing tubes, the back ends of which are closed. It fires a rocket straight ahead at an enemy vessel. The mass of the rocket is 1300 kg, and the mass of the...
  14. U

    Kinematics & Gravitation Constant: +9.8 or -9.8?

    Oh, that is my mistake. He doesn't call it the gravitational constant. It's the acceleration due to Earth's gravity. Sorry.
  15. U

    Kinematics & Gravitation Constant: +9.8 or -9.8?

    Yes, my teacher taught us that the gravitational constant is -9.8 m/s^2. Is he teaching it wrong? It doesn't seem wrong to me when he does example problems on the board. It's just that when I do bookwork, I have to use +9.8 to get the right answer..