i want to prove that if ##F:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}## is a differentiable function, then
where ##H_i(a)=\frac{\partial F}{\partial x^i}\bigg|_{x=a}##. the hint is that with the 1-dimensional case, convert the integral into one with limits from ##0## to...
My take:
$$\int_{x^2}^{2x} \sin t \, dt$$
using the fundamental theorem of calculus we shall have,
$$\int_{x^2}^{2x} \sin t \, dt=-2x \sin x^2 +2 \sin 2x$$
I also wanted to check my answer, i did this by,
$$\int [-2x \sin x^2 +2 \sin 2x] dx$$
for the integration of the first part i.e...
I'm referring to this result:
But I'm not sure what happens if I apply a linear differential operator to both sides (like a derivation ##D##) - more specifically I'm not sure at what point should each term be evaluated. Acting ##D## on both sides I'll get...
Attached here is the full problem I am doing.
I went through the problem and got my final answer which I thought was correct. Here is my work. They tell me I am wrong. Not sure where is the mistake.
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic essentially states that any positive whole number n can be written as:
##n = p_1^{a_1} \cdot p_2^{a_2} \cdot p_3^{a_3} \cdot \dots##
where ##p_1##, ##p_2##, ##p_3##, etc. are all the primes, and ##a_1##, ##a_2##, ##a_3##, etc. are non-negative integers...
According to the book I am using, one can decompose a finite abelian group uniquely as a direct sum of cyclic groups with prime power orders.
Uniquely meaning that the structures in the group somehow force you to one particular decomposition for any given group.
Unfortunately, the book gives no...
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic applies to prime factorizations of whole numbers. Can this theorem also correctly be invoked for all rational numbers? For example, if we take the number 3.25, it can be expressed as 13/4. This can be expressed as 13/2 x 1/2. This cannot be broken...
is there a rigorous version of this proof of fundamental theorem of calculus?if yes,what is it?and who came up with it?
i sort of knew this short proof of the fundamental theorem of calculus since a long while...but never actually saw it anywhere in books or any name associated with it.
i know...
A monic polynomial of degree N has N number of coefficients. The product of N number of linear factors has N number of free terms. A complex number has 2 DOF. Therefore, both a monic polynomial and the product of free terms have 2N number of DOF of real values. Thus, it must be possible to...
Sorry for the misspelling, but this forum doesn't allow enough characters for the title. The title should be:
For the topological proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, what is the deal when the roots are at the same magnitude, either at different complex angles, or repeated roots?
Homework Statement
I am stuck on the section of my lecture notes attached, where it says that equation 4.20 follows from 4.18 via an application of the fundamental theorem of calculus
Homework Equations
if ## f## is cts on ##[a,b]## then the function ...
So as always I come here to make sure my maths homework is right and ask few questions to make sure I understand the topic.
Here is my homework:
Q.1 I'm fairly certain that this is correct, however, please check if I didn't do any stupid mistakes.
Q.2 Same as above.
Q.3 Now here is where the...
Homework Statement
Could someone illustrate why
$$\int_{V} \nabla \cdot (f\vec{A}) \ dv = \int_{V} f( \nabla \cdot \vec{A} ) \ dv + \int_{V} \vec{A} \cdot (\nabla f ) \ dv = \oint f\vec{A} \cdot \ d\vec{a}$$
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I understand that the integrand can...
The Fundamental Theorem of Quantum Measurements (see page 25 of these PDF notes) is given as follows:
Every set of operators ##\{A_n \}_n## where ##n=1,...,N## that satisfies ##\sum_{n}A_{n}A^{\dagger}_{n} = I##, describes a possible measurement on a quantum system, where the measurement has...
I am reading "Introduction to Real Analysis" (Fourth Edition) by Robert G Bartle and Donald R Sherbert ...
I am focused on Chapter 7: The Riemann Integral ...
I need help in fully understanding yet another aspect of the proof of Theorem 7.3.5 ...Theorem 7.3.5 and its proof ... ... read as...
I am reading "Introduction to Real Analysis" (Fourth Edition) by Robert G Bartle and Donald R Sherbert ...
I am focused on Chapter 7: The Riemann Integral ...
I need help in fully understanding an aspect of the proof of Theorem 7.3.5 ...Theorem 7.3.5 and its proof ... ... read as follows:
So in differential calculus we have the concept of the derivative and I can see why someone would want a derivative (to get rates of change). In integral calculus, there's the idea of a definite integral, which is defined as the area under the curve. Why would Newton or anyone be looking at the...
Hi All,
According to the fundamental theorem of algebra: "every non-zero, single-variable, degree n polynomial with complex coefficients has, counted with multiplicity, exactly n complex roots".
My question is: what about polynomials with degree say 2.3 or 3.02, as in the polynomial:
## p(x) =...
Homework Statement
Show that Dx∫f(u)du = f(x) Where the integral is evaluated from a to x. (Hint: Do Taylor expansion of f(u) around x).
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have
... = Dx(F(u)+C) = Dx(F(x-a)+C) = dxF(x) - dxF(a) = f(x)-f(a). My problem is that it should be...
Hi, this is a newbee question. Does the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus supply a visual (graphical) way of linking a function (F(x)) with its derivative (f(x))? That is, the two-dimensional area under a curve in [a,b] for f(x) is always equals to the one-dimensional distance F(b)-F(a)? If...
Homework Statement
Sorry that I am not up on latex yet, but will describe the problem the best I can.
On the interval of a=1 to b= 4 for X. ∫√5/√x.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
My text indicates the answer is 2√5. I have taken my anti derivative and plugged in b and subtracted...
Homework Statement
F(x) = (integral from 1 to x^3) (t^2 - 10)/(t + 1) dt
Evaluate F'(x)
Homework Equations
Using the chain rule
The Attempt at a Solution
Let u = x^3
[((x^3)^2 - 10) / (x^3 + 1)] ⋅ 3x^2
*step cancelling powers of x from fraction*
= (x^3 - 10)(3x^2)
= 3x^5 - 30x^2
I am...
I am reading the book, Basic Abstract Algebra by P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain, and S.R. Nagpaul ... ... and am currently focused on Chapter 2: Integers, Real Numbers and Complex Numbers ...
I need help with an aspect of the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic in Section 1.3 ... ...
I am reading the book, Basic Abstract Algebra by P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain, and S.R. Nagpaul ... ... and am currently focused on Chapter 2: Integers, Real Numbers and Complex Numbers ...I need help with an aspect of the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic in Section 1.3 ... ...The...
The proofs of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in the textbook I'm reading and those that I have found online, basically show us:
1) That when we apply the definition of the derivative to the integral of f (say F) below, we get f back.
F(x) = \int_a^x f(t) dt
2) That any definite integral...
Homework Statement
"Under mild continuity restrictions, it is true that if ##F(x)=\int_a^b g(t,x)dt##,
then ##F'(x)=\int_a^b g_x(t,x)dt##.
Using this fact and the Chain Rule, we can find the derivative of
##F(x)=\int_{a}^{f(x)} g(t,x)dt##
by letting
##G(u,x)=\int_a^u g(t,x)dt##,
I am a little confused over part 1 of the fundamental theorem of calculus. Part 2 makes perfect sense to me. I guess my confusion is if we have an integral g(x) defined from [a, b], and we are looking at point x, how do we know that g'(x) = f(x)? It makes sense in the idea that they are...
Homework Statement
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this concept. I understand integration and differentiation individually. I even understand the algebraic manipulations that reveals their close relationship. However, the typical geometric interpretation of a 1-D curve being the...
Is the fundamental theorem of algebra (for polynomials on the complex plane) equivalent to the statement that any polynomial p of degree n>0 can be written
p(z) = c(z - a_1 ) (z- a_2) \cdot \cdot \cdot (z - a_n )
or am I missing some subtle distinction? And if not equivalent, does the theorem...
I know that according to the first fundamental theorem of calculus:
$$\frac{d}{dx} \int_a^x f(t) dt = f(x)$$
I also know that if ##F## is an antiderivative of ##f##, then the most general antiderivative is obtained by adding a constant.
My question is, can every single antiderivative of ##f## be...
"If ##f## is continuous on ##[a,b]## and:
$$g(x) = \int_a^x f(t) dt$$
Then ##g## is continuous on ##[a,b]##, differentiable on ##(a,b)##, and ##g'(x) = f(x)##."
This is the first fundamental theorem of calculus. I'm curious as to why ##g## is only differentiable on ##(a,b)##, but not ##[a,b]##.
I was reading about double integral when a doubt came to my mind: how to find the antiderivative of the function f(x,y), like bellow, and compute the fundamental theorem of calculus for double integral?
\int_{2}^{8} \int_{2}^{6} f(x,y) dx \wedge dy = ?
OBS: It's not an exercise. I know how...
1. If g(x) = ∫ f(t) dt = xln x, find f(1)
The ∫ has x^2 on top and 0 on bottom.
2. g'(x) = f(x) <--FTC1
The Attempt at a Solution
g'(x) = f(x) u=x^2
g'(x) = u*lnu * 2x(derivative of inner function)
g'(x) = 2x(x^2)ln(x^2)
f(1) = 2(1)(1^2)ln(1^2)
f(1) = 0, since ln(1) = 0
This is an example at the beginning of the section on the Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals.
1. Homework Statement
Find the work done by the gravitational field
\vec{F}(\vec{x}) = -\frac{mMG}{|\vec{x}|^3}\vec{x}
in moving a particle from the point (3,4,12) to (2,2,0) along a piece wise...
Suppose F is a field and that ## f(x) ## is a non-constant polynomial in ##F[x]##. Since ##F[x] ## is a unique factorization domain, ## f(x) ## has an irreducible factor, ## p(x) ##. Then the fundamental theorem of field theory says that the field ## E = F[x]/<p(x)> ## contains a zero of ## f(x)...
Homework Statement
Hi, I've been working through a practice problem for which I used the fundamental theorem of calculus, or one of its corollaries.
The setup is a population changing over time. The population, P(t) at t = 0 is 6 billion. The limiting population as t goes to infinity is given...
Say I have the statement ##\int \frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} x}\mathrm{d}x = y##. How does the fundamental theorem of calculus make this necessarily true? When I see the formal statement of the theorem, it is usually in terms of a definite integral such as ##F(x) = \int_{a}^{x}f(t)dt##. How...
I understand that the fundamental theorem of calculus is essentially the statement that the derivative of the anti-derivative F evaluated at x\in (a,b) is equal to the value of the primitive function (integrand) f evaluated at x\in (a,b), i.e. F'(x)=f(x). However, can one imply directly from...
Would it be a legitimate (valid) proof to use an \epsilon-\delta limit approach to prove the fundamental theorem of calculus?
i.e. as the FTC states that if f is a continuous function on [a,b], then we can define a function F: [a,b]\rightarrow\mathbb{R} such that F(x)=\int_{a}^{x}f(t)dt
Then F...
I am reading Manfred Stoll's book: Introduction to Real Analysis.
I need help with Stoll's definition of the natural logarithm function (page 234 -235)
The relevant section of Stoll reads as follows:
In this section we read:
" ... ... To prove (a), consider the function L(ax), x \gt 0. By...
I am reading Manfred Stoll's book: Introduction to Real Analysis.
I need help with Stoll's proof of The Fundamental Theorem of the Calculus - Stoll: Theorem 6.3.2
Stoll's statement of Theorem 6.3.2 and its proof reads as follows:
In the above proof we read:
\mathscr{L}( \mathscr{P} ...
Homework Statement
Evaluate the definite integral of the algebraic function. Use a graphing utility to verify your result.
Integral from [1 to 2] of (3/x^2 - 1)
Homework Equations
The answer is 1/2
f(x)dx= F(b) - F(a)
The Attempt at a Solution
I tried taking it to make it -x^-3 - 1x as the...
Homework Statement
Solve the integral equation for y(x):
y(x) = 1 + ∫ { [y(t)]^2 / (1 + t^2) } dt
(integral from 0 to x)
See attached image for the equation in a nicer format.
Homework Equations
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
The Attempt at a Solution
dy/dx = y(x)^2 / (1 + x^2)
∫ dy/y^2 = ∫...
Dear all,
I am trying to understand the fundamental theorem of algebra from the text (Alan F. Beardon, Algebra and Geometry) attached in this post. I have understood till the first two attachments and my question is from the 3rd attachment onwards.
I will briefly describe what...
Why is it significant enough to be fundamental?
Some people say that it is fundamental because it establishes the importance of primes as the building blocks of positive integers, but I could just as easily 'build up' the positive integers just by simply iterating +1's starting from 0.
In fundamental theorem of galois theory,(statement): given that K be galois extension of F, G(K/F) be its galois group, S(K) be the set of all subfields of K containing F & S(G) be the set of all subgroups of G(K/F),
mapping g: from S(K) to S(G) defined by g(H)=G(K/H),
mapping h: from S(G) to...