Understanding Relativity: Observer Perspectives on Time and Distance

  • Thread starter granpa
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In summary, the time and distance between two events for observer A, denoted as (t,d), can be calculated for observer B who is moving at a velocity relative to observer A. This can be done using the Lorentz transformation equations, which show that the difference in time and distance for observer B is (t*g, d/g) where g is the Lorentz factor. It is important to note that the concept of "moving" or "stationary" is relative and depends on the observer's frame of reference.
  • #1
if the time and distance between 2 events for observer A are t and d then what is the time and distance between those same 2 events for observer B who is moving at gamma=g relative to observer A?

assuming of course that all events lie along the x-axis which as also the direction of motion.

I am not asking how to calculate the interval. I know that. I'm asking how to calculate how a different observer will see it.
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  • #2
granpa said:
if the time and distance between 2 events for observer A are t and d then what is the time and distance between those same 2 events for observer B who is moving at gamma=g relative to observer A?

assuming of course that all events lie along the x-axis which as also the direction of motion.

I am not asking how to calculate the interval. I know that. I'm asking how to calculate how a different observer will see it.

If according to observer A the difference in between the two events is [itex]( \Delta t, \Delta d) [/itex] then the the difference between the two events according to observer B is [itex](\Delta t*g , \Delta d/g) [/itex] ..Simple as that ;)

Please don't get confused by the Lorentz transformation equations

where setting x to zero in [tex]t^{\prime} = g \left( t - \frac{vx}{c^2} \right)[/tex] appears to give [tex]t^{\prime} = g* t [/tex]

and setting t to zero in [tex]x^{\prime} = g (x - vt)[/tex] appears to give [tex]x^{\prime} = g*x[/tex]

..where [tex]g = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2}{c^2}}}[/tex]

That is not the correct way to analyse the situation.

The correct way can be found here for time :http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/relativ/tdil.html#c2 and here for distance http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/relativ/tdil.html#c1

There is a small error in the hyperphysics calculation for time transformation but they get the right final result in the end due to a correcting error. See if you can spot it ;)
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  • #3
that can't be. in the frame of a stationary observer the distance between 2 events might be zero and the time nonzero. to a moving observer the distance between those same 2 events would not be zero.
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  • #4
Let events 1 and 2 occur at [itex](x_1, t_1)[/itex] and [itex](x_2, t_2)[/itex] in frame S. In frame S' they occur at

[tex]x_1^{\prime} = \gamma (x_1 - v t_1)[/tex]

[tex]t_1^{\prime} = \gamma (t_1 - v x_1 / c^2)[/tex]

[tex]x_2^{\prime} = \gamma (x_2 - v t_2)[/tex]

[tex]t_2^{\prime} = \gamma (t_2 - v x_2 / c^2)[/tex]

Subtracting pairs of equations gives

[tex]\Delta x^{\prime} = x_2^{\prime} - x_1^{\prime} = \gamma ((x_2 - x_1) - v (t_2 - t_1)) = \gamma (\Delta x - v \Delta t)[/tex]

[tex]\Delta t^{\prime} = t_2^{\prime} - t_1^{\prime} = \gamma ((t_2 - t_1) - v (x_2 - x_1) / c^2) = \gamma (\Delta t - v \Delta x / c^2)[/tex]

That is, the Lorentz transformation applies to [itex]\Delta x[/itex] and [itex]\Delta t[/itex] just as it does to x and t, because the transformation is linear.
  • #5
granpa said:
that can't be. in the frame of a stationary observer the distance between 2 events might be zero and the time nonzero. to a moving observer the distance between those same 2 events would not be zero.

Exactly. See my reply to your question about proper velocity.

Imagine you are on a train and you have a flashlight. You flash it once and few seconds later you flash it again. If you consider yourself (and the train) to be stationary, then the two flashes occurred in the same place according to you. Another observer on the side of the track says the two flashes did not happen in the same place relative to his reference frame (The railway track).

In this case, what you call the "moving observer" is the observer on the trackside. Is he really moving? He is stationary as far as he is concerned, because he not moving relative to the railway embankment. Is the observer on the train really stationary or moving? Stationary and moving are relative concepts and that is sort of the whole point of relativity. All you can say is that object A is moving relative to object B or observer A is moving relative to observer B. To say observer A is moving or stationary without reference to something else is meaningless.
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  • #6
jtbell said:
Let events 1 and 2 occur at [itex](x_1, t_1)[/itex] and [itex](x_2, t_2)[/itex] in frame S. In frame S' they occur at

[tex]x_1^{\prime} = \gamma (x_1 - v t_1)[/tex]

[tex]t_1^{\prime} = \gamma (t_1 - v x_1 / c^2)[/tex]

[tex]x_2^{\prime} = \gamma (x_2 - v t_2)[/tex]

[tex]t_2^{\prime} = \gamma (t_2 - v x_2 / c^2)[/tex]

Subtracting pairs of equations gives

[tex]\Delta x^{\prime} = x_2^{\prime} - x_1^{\prime} = \gamma ((x_2 - x_1) - v (t_2 - t_1)) = \gamma (\Delta x - v \Delta t)[/tex]

[tex]\Delta t^{\prime} = t_2^{\prime} - t_1^{\prime} = \gamma ((t_2 - t_1) - v (x_2 - x_1) / c^2) = \gamma (\Delta t - v \Delta x / c^2)[/tex]

That is, the Lorentz transformation applies to [itex]\Delta x[/itex] and [itex]\Delta t[/itex] just as it does to x and t, because the transformation is linear.

there must be an error in the second equation. it doesn't work for the trivial case of a particles position relative to itself (ie 0,0). are you sure you don't divide by v? then it would work(but only if c=1)

at time=zero the particle is at (0,0). at time=t it is at (t,tv). changing to the frame of the particle itself it should always be at (0,0)
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  • #7
granpa said:
at time=zero the particle is at (0,0). at time=t it is at (t,tv). changing to the frame of the particle itself it should always be at (0,0)

the formula is probably right, it gives:

at t=0 the particle is at (t=0,x=0),(t'=0,x'=0).
at t=t it is at (t=t,x=vt),(t'=t(1-v2/c2)1/2,x'=0).

t' is not zero, since time will pass for in the particle's frame. it should be less than t, because of time dilation, but not so slow until time has stopped, unless it is a photon.
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  • #8
granpa said:
at time=zero the particle is at (0,0). at time=t it is at (t,tv). changing to the frame of the particle itself it should always be at (0,0)

In the rest frame of the particle, its position is always zero, but time still elapses for it (although more slowly because of time dilation).

Letting [itex]x_2 = vt[/itex] and [itex]t_2 = t[/itex] we get

[tex]x_2^{\prime} = \gamma (x_2 - v_2 t) = \gamma (vt - vt) = 0[/tex]

[tex]t_2^{\prime} = \gamma (t_2 - v x_2 / c^2) = \gamma (t - v^2 t / c^2) = \gamma (1 - v^2 / c^2) t = \gamma (1 / \gamma^2) t = t / \gamma[/tex]
  • #9
seems obvious now

FAQ: Understanding Relativity: Observer Perspectives on Time and Distance

1. What is relativity and why is it important?

Relativity is a scientific theory proposed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century. It explains how the laws of physics are the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. This theory has revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity and has been confirmed by numerous experiments. It is important because it allows us to accurately describe and predict the behavior of objects in the universe.

2. How does relativity affect our perception of time?

According to relativity, time is relative and can be perceived differently by different observers depending on their relative speeds and positions. This means that time can appear to pass at different rates for different people, and can even appear to slow down or speed up depending on the observer's motion. This phenomenon, known as time dilation, has been confirmed by experiments and is a crucial aspect of understanding relativity.

3. How does relativity change our understanding of distance?

Relativity also has an impact on our understanding of distance. According to the theory, the distance between two objects can appear to be different for different observers, depending on their relative motion. This is known as length contraction and has been confirmed by experiments. It also means that the concept of a fixed, absolute distance becomes obsolete in the context of relativity.

4. How does gravity fit into the theory of relativity?

One of the key aspects of relativity is its explanation of gravity. According to Einstein's theory, gravity is not a force between two objects, but rather a curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy. This means that massive objects, such as planets and stars, actually bend the fabric of space and time around them, causing other objects to move towards them. This is known as the theory of general relativity and has also been confirmed by experiments.

5. Can you give an example of how relativity is applied in everyday life?

GPS technology is a practical application of relativity that we use every day. GPS satellites orbit the Earth at high speeds, which causes them to experience time dilation according to Einstein's theory. This means that the clocks on these satellites run slightly slower than clocks on the ground. In order for the GPS system to accurately determine a person's location, this difference in time must be accounted for and corrected. Without taking relativity into account, the accuracy of GPS technology would be significantly reduced.
