Need help for Generator Synchronization

In summary, you need to adjust the voltage of the generator to match that of the synchronizing source, connect the generators between their respective phase A connections, and adjust the speed of the generator to create a slow wave cycle. When all lamps are extinguished, you are synchronized.
  • #1
I want to synchronize to generator. And I want to simulate using MATLAB. But I cannot understand how to do that. Because to do that I need equation's of voltage, phase and frequency. But I could not find. Please help me with that. And also I want to simulate those equation using MATLAB. is there any software which is better than MATLAB. If I have to use MATLAB, then please help me with the MATLAB code. Please.
Engineering news on
  • #2
i know nothing of Matlab.

Here's how to synchronize a generator:
Adjust its voltage to same as what you intend to synchronize to.
Connect two lamps of same voltage as your generator in series and tie them between phase A of generator and phase A of whatever you want to synchronize it to.
Do same with another phase, maybe B.

Watch the lights. They will go from full brightness to completely extinguished as the generator and source roll in and out of phase.
Adjust speed of generator until that bright/dim/dark cycle is very, very slow like once per minute.
When all four lights are completely extinguished you are synchronized and in phase with voltage matched. That's a good time to close the breaker.

Can you make Matlab simulate that?

Do a search on "synchroscope" MATLAB probably has one in its library
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  • #3
Great description of actual synchronization operation, Jim!
  • #4
Thank you very much Jim. But I was actually looking for some MATLAB simulation to show the wave shapes of voltage, phase and frequency of running and incoming generator. But I cannot do that because I do not know which equation need to use.
  • #5
Doesn't your Matlab simulation show the the output waveforms from both generators? The last one I did (several years ago) did. Those were the voltage waveforms, and from there, it should not bee too hard to implement what Jim has described in Matlab code. Look again at your simulation. What exactly is it giving you? What is your output information? From that output, you should be able to get back to this, I would think.
  • #6
Not knowing a thing about matlab, I'm at a bit of a loss what to say.

but i do recollecct being afraid to tackle problems in an analog computing lab course for fear of failing. That was a psychological problem not an electrical one.
Once i overcame that fear and got the first success under my belt i flew through the course and got "A". Loved it so much i used to go in Saturdays just to play with the analog computers (in my day they were faster at solving differential equations than were digital ones)

So try a baby step with MATLAB
Vgenerator = Vgenerator X sin(wgeneratort)

Vline = Vline X sin(wlinet)

and difference appears across synchronizing lamps.

Next fix wline and set up a way to control wgenerator from whatever input device MATLAB uses.

next make something that generates a signal of [wgenerator -wline ] and you have beginnings of an automatic synchronizer.

success is a series of little victories.

old jim
  • #7
OldEngr63 said:
Great description of actual synchronization operation, Jim!
I thought so, too! Very clearly stated, Jim.
  • #8
Thank you very much Jim, That was really helpful for me and again thanks for describing clearly.
  • #9
i thank all of for the kind words. They came just when i thought i'd failed.

thank you.

old jim
  • #10
You have access to Signal Generator block in your simulink. Its inputs are amplitude and frequency.


You could generate time signal via a time block and feed a sine wave function with it. This way you will be able to control immediate frequency (which is time derivative of phase angle).


You could work directly with the Sine Wave box. It's inputs are amplitude, frequency, and initial phase offset.

With regards to estimating frequency and phase of a harmonic signal, you will need a structure called Phase Lock Loop. Those guys are done in both analog and digital domain and are widely used in power converters. The drawback is that the structures are not trivial to design as it's usually a third-order feedback system.

FAQ: Need help for Generator Synchronization

1. What is generator synchronization?

Generator synchronization is the process of connecting a backup generator to a power grid in order to provide a secondary source of electricity in case of a power outage or shortage. This ensures that there is a continuous supply of power to critical systems and prevents disruptions in operations.

2. Why is generator synchronization important?

Generator synchronization is important because it helps to maintain the stability and reliability of the power grid. It ensures that there is a smooth transition from the main power source to the backup generator, preventing any sudden fluctuations or interruptions in the supply of electricity.

3. What are the steps involved in generator synchronization?

The first step is to ensure that the generator and the power grid have compatible voltage and frequency settings. Next, the generator is started and allowed to reach its rated speed. Then, the generator's voltage and frequency are adjusted to match the power grid's settings. Finally, the breaker between the generator and the power grid is closed to connect the two systems.

4. What are the safety precautions for generator synchronization?

It is important to follow all safety protocols and guidelines when performing generator synchronization. This includes wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, ensuring that the generator is properly grounded, and following proper procedures for starting and stopping the generator. It is also important to regularly inspect and maintain the generator to prevent any potential hazards.

5. Can generator synchronization be automated?

Yes, generator synchronization can be automated using specialized equipment such as synchronizers and load sharing controllers. These devices monitor and adjust the voltage and frequency of the generator to ensure a seamless transition to backup power. However, it is still important to have trained personnel oversee the process and perform regular maintenance to ensure the system is functioning properly.

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