Can Lepton's Spin be Reduced to Zero? What Happens Then?

In summary: Eg : the massive intermediate vectorbosons that mediate the weak force. Or the pions (ie the lightest meson : a quark-antiquark-pair) that mediate the residual strong force (you know the ancient Yukawa particle)
  • #1
is it possible (just in theory) to reduce the spin of a particle to zero?

take a lepton for example - to reduce complications.

if it is, what will happen?

Physics news on
  • #2
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

spin is INTRINSIC angular momentum. You can't change spin at all ! And don't even bother picturing "spin", its nothing at all like normal angular momentum.
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  • #3
sniffer said:
is it possible (just in theory) to reduce the spin of a particle to zero?

take a lepton for example - to reduce complications.

if it is, what will happen?


This question is almost a logical contradiction. You might as well ask "Is it possible to reduce blue to 24?"

The problem comes in due to the word "spin". It has been explained many times on here that this word is only historical in nature to the classical spinning motion. It really has no physical equivalent to that. Once you realize this, then you can see why your question really, even in theory, really can't be answered, at least not in a rational fashion.

  • #4
i know, i read this thing long ago. one qm book says electron dimension is smaller than any physical meaning, and if the physical spin applies, the speed of the circumference will exceed speed of light etc etc. spin is just intrinsic angular momentum, it's the most basic mathematcal concept in qm. i learned qm. is there for some reason "spin" property can dissapear? that's all i meant. sorry if this question sounds silly.
  • #5
Spin is a fundamental property, like charge. If you somehow change the charge on the electron, it is not an electron any longer. Likewise with spin.

Can a particle have zero-spin ? Yes it can.
  • #6
You can think of it this way: what we call an "electron" has spin 1/2. When you have something interact with it in whatever form you decide, that non-zero angular momentum will have to go somewhere. If it ends up in something of the same mass, you have another electron (or a positron),... otherwise, there's no electron left on the reaction (but still, the total angular momentum of the components went somewhere)... got to go!
  • #7
sniffer said:
is it possible (just in theory) to reduce the spin of a particle to zero?

take a lepton for example - to reduce complications.

if it is, what will happen?


no, no and no again

Scroll down to the 'five socalled easy pieces'-entry

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  • #8
From what I have read, there is no 'spin', but there is energy. So this is my question. If an atom were to reach absolute zero, or some temperature that would make all energy stop. What would happen to the Atom? Would it disappear and cease to exist or what? I need this for a story I am writing and my own curiosity.
Thanks, NanLou4
  • #9
NanLou4 said:
From what I have read, there is no 'spin', but there is energy. So this is my question. If an atom were to reach absolute zero, or some temperature that would make all energy stop. What would happen to the Atom? Would it disappear and cease to exist or what? I need this for a story I am writing and my own curiosity.
Thanks, NanLou4
1) Particles do have spin, but as others have mentioned it is a different concept from the classical concept of spin.

2) Absolute zero cannot be reached because Heisenberg's uncertainty principle forbids it.

3) If the uncertainty principle didn't apply (if Planck's constant was zero), and you did manage to reduce the energy of a particle to absolute zero, why would it cease to exist? Fermions don't require energy to exist. If you removed the energy from a boson, however, it would cease to exist, but bosons are particles like photons (light), which don't have mass. The particles that make up atoms are fermions, so an atom would continue to exist even if its energy was drained.
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  • #10
εllipse said:
If you removed the energy from a boson
Remove the energy from a boson ? How are you going to do that ? A boson IS energy.

but bosons are particles like photons (light), which don't have mass.

Bosons are particles with integer spin that therefore respect the Bose-Einstein statistics. Photons are bosons with spin 1 and zero 'rest'mass. However not all bosons are massless ! Eg : the massive intermediate vectorbosons that mediate the weak force. Or the pions (ie the lightest meson : a quark-antiquark-pair) that mediate the residual strong force (you know the ancient Yukawa particle)

  • #11
marlon said:
Remove the energy from a boson ? How are you going to do that ? A boson IS energy.
Well, that was the point. As bosons try to escape the event horizon of a black hole, their energy is completely removed, correct? I guess that's along the lines of what I was thinking.

Bosons are particles with integer spin that therefore respect the Bose-Einstein statistics. Photons are bosons with spin 1 and zero 'rest'mass. However not all bosons are massless ! Eg : the massive intermediate vectorbosons that mediate the weak force. Or the pions (ie the lightest meson : a quark-antiquark-pair) that mediate the residual strong force (you know the ancient Yukawa particle)

Ah, my bad. :redface: Thanks for the corrections.

FAQ: Can Lepton's Spin be Reduced to Zero? What Happens Then?

1. Can the spin of a lepton be reduced to zero?

Yes, the spin of a lepton can be reduced to zero. This is known as the "spin zero" state.

2. How is the spin of a lepton reduced to zero?

The spin of a lepton can be reduced to zero by pairing it with an antilepton. When a lepton and antilepton annihilate each other, their spins cancel out, resulting in a spin zero state.

3. What does it mean for a lepton to have a spin of zero?

A lepton with a spin of zero has no angular momentum and does not rotate around an axis. It is considered a point particle and cannot be oriented in any particular direction.

4. What happens to the properties of a lepton when its spin is reduced to zero?

When a lepton's spin is reduced to zero, its properties such as mass and charge remain unchanged. However, it can no longer participate in strong interactions as it no longer has spin angular momentum.

5. Can a lepton with a spin of zero still interact with other particles?

Yes, a lepton with a spin of zero can still interact with other particles through electromagnetic and weak interactions. However, it cannot participate in strong interactions due to its lack of spin angular momentum.

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