Bose einsten condensation Definition and 11 Threads

In condensed matter physics, a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter (also called the fifth state of matter) which is typically formed when a gas of bosons at low densities is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero (−273.15 °C or −459.67 °F). Under such conditions, a large fraction of bosons occupy the lowest quantum state, at which point microscopic quantum mechanical phenomena, particularly wavefunction interference, become apparent macroscopically. A BEC is formed by cooling a gas of extremely low density (about one-hundred-thousandth (1/100,000) the density of normal air) to ultra-low temperatures.
This state was first predicted, generally, in 1924–1925 by Albert Einstein following and crediting a pioneering paper by Satyendra Nath Bose on the new field now known as quantum statistics.

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  1. S

    I Bose-Einstein and Fermionic condensates in space?

    Imagine we have a cold region of the universe, almost devoid of matter and radiation. Or perhaps in a future universe where the CMB has "cooled" down to sufficiently low "temperatures" Could there be long lived macroscopic Bose-Einstein and Fermionic states of matter there? Could matter...
  2. R

    B Are BEC vortex lattices individual atoms?

    Can anyone tell me what are those vortex lattices in Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC)? Images of these vortex lattices in BEC can be seen here Are those...
  3. J

    I Bose Einstein Condensate For Oxygen 16 and Oxygen 18

    I am interested in whether or not Bose Einstein condensates have been realized for spin zero stable oxygen isotopes and if so, the maximum density achieved for these condensates. I understand that the quantum spins of oxygen 16 and oxygen 18 are both zero so such condensates would seem to be...
  4. Wrichik Basu

    Particle Bose Einstein Condensate Original Paper

    Anyone has the original paper on the Bose-Einstein condensate? Searched on Google without any success.
  5. P

    B Bose–Einstein condensate and Hadron Collider

    Just out of curiosity I was wondering what would happen if a Bose-Einstein condensate were placed in a Hadron Collider. Is it even possible?
  6. A

    I Does slowing light with a BEC change any of its properties?

    So I understand that scientists have been able to slow light to extremely low speeds using Bose-Einstein Condensates and even without them ( and if I understand this correctly they slow light the same way water or air does; atoms absorb the photons and...
  7. D

    I Bose enhancement in early universe cosmology

    I have been reading through Mukhanov's book "Physical Foundations of Cosmology" and have reached the section where he discusses the process of reheating. In it he mentions that the decay of the inflaton into bosonic states can be "Bose enhanced", i.e. that if ##n## previously created particles...
  8. S

    How Can the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation Model BECs at Finite Temperatures?

    Hello What are some method or references to consider BECs or atom lasers in finite temperatures with Gross-Pitaevskii equation? There is quantum mechanical approach but I want a mean field approach which considers thermal or quantum noises too. If possible, introduce some references. Thank you...
  9. J

    Huh? Condensates can exchange particles without effect?

    I have now seen it repeated multiple times that a particle (a fermion, perhaps?) moving in a condensate can exchange particles (bosons, most probably) "without effect" -- the version of this that I run into usually goes something like that the energy of the condensate does not change AT ALL...
  10. J

    What happens when Bose-Einstein Condensate exits a vacuum?

    I haven't learned about this yet in school but I'm assuming as the atoms condense down to a single wavelength the volume of the liquid would be very small. If this condensate was instantly released out of a vacuum and into normal atmospheric pressure, would the volume rapidly expand? Secondly...
  11. H

    Bose Einstein condensation in 2D finite space

    It can be easily proved that Bose Einstein condensation can be got in infinite 2D. But what about finite 2D with extreme large "Volume" L^2 ?