A light string is wrapped around a solid cylinder

In summary: I = 1/2MR^2, and τR = Iα to solve for mass, but I'm still left with r from α = a/rFTr x R = I αFT R^2 = 1/2MR^2 αFT = 1/2M a/rYes, you are correct.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a light string is wrapped around a solid cylinder and a 300 g mass hangs from the free end of the string. When released, the max falls a distance 54 cm in 3.0s.

b) calculate tension in string
c) calculate mass of cylinder

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I got part b, T = 2.9N however for part C i am completely lost.

I know i have to use I=1/2(mr^2) but i am not sure how to go about this.

any help please!
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  • #2
the question is not complete. the radius of the cylinder should be given....
  • #3
Kishlay said:
the question is not complete. the radius of the cylinder should be given....

No, it cancels:biggrin:

  • #4
  • #5
ya i got it...
  • #6
robbyrandhawa said:

Homework Statement

a light string is wrapped around a solid cylinder and a 300 g mass hangs from the free end of the string. When released, the max falls a distance 54 cm in 3.0s.

b) calculate tension in string
c) calculate mass of cylinder

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I got part b, T = 2.9N however for part C i am completely lost.

I know i have to use I=1/2(mr^2) but i am not sure how to go about this.

any help please!

You did not specify, but the cylinder should rotate about a fixed horizontal axis. There is some relation between the torque acting on it and its angular acceleration. There is also some relation about the angular acceleration of the cylinder and the linear acceleration of the mass.

  • #7
so i have to use t=rF and I=1/2mr^2 and then solve for m??
  • #8
robbyrandhawa said:
so i have to use t=rF and I=1/2mr^2 and then solve for m??

No. You do not need and can not solve for the mass of the cylinder. I meant that there is some relation between the angular acceleration of the cylinder and the linear acceleration of the hanging body. They are connected with the string. The hanging mass can descend only when the string unwinds from the coil. See the figure. The hanging mass moves downward and the cylinder rotates clockwise. There is some tension T in the string. What are the forces acting on the hanging mass? What torque acts on the cylinder?



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  • #9
I am working on this problem, and when solving for the tension in the string, am I assuming it is prior to release? where: ΣF = FT - mg = 0, so T = 2.94 Nm? Or should I be solving for ΣF = FT - mg = ma and use Δy of 0.54m in 3s to solve for a?
  • #10
Jam51 said:
I am working on this problem, and when solving for the tension in the string, am I assuming it is prior to release? where: ΣF = FT - mg = 0, so T = 2.94 Nm? Or should I be solving for ΣF = FT - mg = ma and use Δy of 0.54m in 3s to solve for a?
I would assume the tension asked for is after release.
  • #11

So, am I correct in saying:
y = 1/2at^2
0.54m = 1/2a(3)^2
a = 0.12m/s^2

ΣF = FT - mg = ma
FT = m(g+a)
= .3kg (9.8 + 0.12m/s^2)
= 2.976 Nm

I just realized with a being so small it didn't make much of a difference. Did I get a wrong?
  • #12
Jam51 said:
ΣF = FT - mg = ma
Which way is the mass accelerating?
Also, units for tension would be N, not Nm.
  • #13
Oh, right. That's torque...

The mass would be accelerating downward, and cylinder clockwise.
  • #14
Jam51 said:
The mass would be accelerating downward, and cylinder clockwise.
It's always a bit hard commenting on such equations without knowing how you are defining directions.
From your first calculation, it looks like you are taking down as positive for a, and you later use a positive value for g. So which way is the net force FT-mg?
  • #15
I thought if acceleration is positive downward than I can use a positive g? So the net force would be down as well...
  • #16
Jam51 said:
I thought if acceleration is positive downward than I can use a positive g? So the net force would be down as well...
Right, so in your equation ##F_T-mg=ma##, which way is the force on the left and which way is the acceleration on the right?
  • #17

So it should be mg - FT = ma?
  • #18
Jam51 said:

So it should be mg - FT = ma?
  • #19
So I get:
ΣF = mg - FT = ma
FT = m(g - a)
= .3kg (9.8 - 0.12m/s^2)
= 2.9 N

Then for part c (mass of cylinder), I tried using α = a/r, τ = FTr, I = 1/2MR^2, and τR = Iα to solve for mass, but I'm still left with r from α = a/r

FTr x R = I α
FT R^2 = 1/2MR^2 α
FT = 1/2M a/r
  • #20
Nevermind, I don't know where I came up with τR = Iα
  • #21
FTr = I α
FT r = 1/2MR^2 (a/r)
FT = 1/2M a
M = 2FT / a = 2(2.9) / 0.12 = 48.3kg

  • #22
Jam51 said:
FTr = I α
FT r = 1/2MR^2 (a/r)
FT = 1/2M a
M = 2FT / a = 2(2.9) / 0.12 = 48.3kg

Looks right.
  • #23
Great. Thanks for your help!

FAQ: A light string is wrapped around a solid cylinder

1. What is the purpose of wrapping a light string around a solid cylinder?

The purpose of wrapping a light string around a solid cylinder is to demonstrate the principles of rotational motion and how torque affects an object's motion.

2. How does wrapping a light string around a solid cylinder affect its motion?

Wrapping a light string around a solid cylinder increases the cylinder's moment of inertia, making it more resistant to changes in its rotational motion.

3. Can the direction of the light string affect the cylinder's motion?

Yes, the direction of the light string can affect the cylinder's motion. If the string is wrapped in the same direction as the cylinder's rotation, it will add to the cylinder's angular momentum. If wrapped in the opposite direction, it will decrease the cylinder's angular momentum.

4. How does the radius of the cylinder impact the motion when a light string is wrapped around it?

The radius of the cylinder affects the moment of inertia, which in turn affects the cylinder's motion. A larger radius will result in a larger moment of inertia and therefore, a slower rotational motion.

5. Is there a limit to how many times a light string can be wrapped around a solid cylinder?

There is no specific limit to how many times a light string can be wrapped around a solid cylinder. However, as more wraps are added, the cylinder's moment of inertia will increase, resulting in a slower rotational motion.

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