Does Special and General Relativity Affect Aging of Apollo Astronauts?

In summary, the time dilation factor for an object moving at Earth escape velocity is:$$\gamma_0 =\sqrt{1 - \frac{2 M_E}{r_E} - \frac{2 M_M}{R_M - r_E} - v_R^2 }$$
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Did the Apollo astronauts age more or less during their trip than those who stayed behind on Earth?
I recently read Michael Collins' excellent book Carrying the Fire in which, among other things, he describes the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon and back. After the astronauts returned and were quarantined inside an isolation facility, they spoke to President Nixon, and Collins remarks in describing this conversation that Nixon referred to the astronauts having aged a bit less during their trip because of relativity. I have seen other references to similar statements made at the time, and it seems to have been a fairly common belief (and from what Collins says in the book it seems like he shared that belief).

My question is, is that correct? If we just take into account special relativity (which is what I think Nixon and others were thinking of), it would be, because of the much greater speeds the astronauts were traveling relative to the Earth. However, that is not the only factor involved; general relativity says that clocks at higher altitudes in a gravity well tick faster, and the Apollo astronauts spent most of their trip much higher in Earth's gravity well than those who stayed behind on Earth. In fact, for an object moving at Earth escape velocity, at any altitude higher than one Earth radius (i.e., distance from Earth's center greater than twice Earth's radius), the astronaut's clock will be ticking faster than Earth-bound clocks.

Here are some quick rough order of magnitude computations to try to quantify the effects. I invite comment from anyone who is interested.

Under the given conditions, we can use the weak field, slow motion approximation to the time dilation factor, which, in an Earth-centered inertial frame, will be (in units where ##G = c = 1##):

\gamma = \sqrt{ 1- \frac{2M_E}{r} - \frac{2M_M}{R_M - r} - v^2}

where ##M_E## is the mass of the Earth, ##M_M## is the mass of the Moon, ##r## is the distance from the center of the Earth to the astronaut, ##R_M## is the distance from the center of the Earth to the center of the Moon, and ##v## is the astronaut's speed relative to Earth. (Note that we are idealizing all motion as taking place along a radial line between the Earth and the Moon, which is not correct for the actual Apollo trajectories but is a good enough approximation for this discussion. Note also that, for the portions of the mission where the astronauts are in orbit around the Earth or the Moon, we will fudge somewhat on how we handle the distance ##r##, but the fudging won't affect the results significantly.)

The rate of Earth-bound clocks is now simple to express: we take ##r## to be the radius ##r_E## of the Earth, and ##v## to be the speed ##v_R## of an object on the Earth's equator and rotating with the Earth (about 450 meters/second), and obtain:

\gamma_0 =\sqrt{ 1 - \frac{2 M_E}{r_E} - \frac{2 M_M}{R_M - r_E} - v_R^2 }

For purposes of this discussion, we can split up the mission into six phases. In each phase we will make assumptions about ##r## and ##v## that will allow us to simplify the above general equation considerably.

(1) Earth orbit. Here we take ##r## to be the radius of the Earth, and ##v## to be the free-fall orbital velocity, which gives ##v^2 = M_E / r##. So the time dilation factor becomes:

\gamma_1 = \sqrt{1 - \frac{3 M_E}{r_E} - \frac{2 M_M}{R_M - r_E}}

(2) Trans-lunar coast, up to point where speed stops decreasing (because the Moon's gravity starts overcoming Earth's and the spacecraft starts speeding up towards the Moon). Here we take ##v## to be Earth escape velocity, which gives ##v^2 = 2 M_E / r##, and ##r## gradually increases to the distance ##R_S## where speed stops decreasing. Rather than do the messy integral over ##r## that would be required to take the changing ##r## into account, we adopt an average value for ##r## of ##R_S / 2## (which is actually an underestimate since the ship is decelerating away from Earth). This gives for the time dilation factor:

\gamma_2 = \sqrt{1 - \frac{8 M_E}{R_S} - \frac{2 M_M}{R_M - R_S / 2}}

(3) Approach to Moon. Here we take ##v## to be Moon escape velocity, which gives ##v^2 = 2 M_M / (R_M - r)##, and we use an average value for ##r## of ##(R_M - R_S) / 2##. This gives for the time dilation factor:

\gamma_3 = \sqrt{1 - \frac{4 M_E}{R_M - R_S} - \frac{6 M_M}{R_M + R_S}}

(4) Lunar orbit. Here we take ##r## to be ##R_M## minus the radius of the Moon, and ##v## to be the lunar free-fall orbital velocity such that ##v^2 = M_M / r_M##, so we have for the time dilation factor:

\gamma_4 = \sqrt{1 - \frac{2 M_E}{R_M - r_M} - \frac{3 M_M}{r_M}}

(5) and (6) are the same as (3) and (2), since the trip back to Earth is just the reverse of the trip to the Moon. Since the spacecraft re-enters and splashes down without going back into Earth orbit, there is no repeat of (1).

The total elapsed times to compare are thus as follows: using ##T_1##, ##T_2##, ##T_3##, and ##T_4## as the times for trip phases 1 through 4, we have

T_{\text{Earth}} = \left( T_1 + 2 T_2 + 2 T_3 + T_4 \right) \gamma_0

T_{\text{Astronaut}} = T_1 \gamma_1 + 2 \left( T_2 \gamma_2 + T_3 \gamma_3 \right) + T_4 \gamma_4

This gives

T_{\text{Astronaut}} - T_{\text{Earth}} = T_1 \left( \gamma_1 - \gamma_0 \right) + 2 \left[ T_2 \left( \gamma_2 - \gamma_0 \right) + T_3 \left( \gamma_3 - \gamma_0 \right) \right] + T_4 \left( \gamma_4 - \gamma_0 \right)

The only term on the RHS of the above that will be negative is the first, since ##\gamma_1 < \gamma_0## (as is well known for low Earth orbit), but all the other ##\gamma##s are greater than ##\gamma_0## (since for all of those values of ##r## the altitude effect well outweighs the speed effect, and the Moon's gravity well is too shallow to make much difference even in ##\gamma_4##). Since ##T_1## is much shorter than all of the other times (a couple of hours vs. days -- about 2 days for ##T_2## and about a day for ##T_3## and ##T_4##), without even doing a detailed calculation it seems to me that the difference above will be positive by a fair margin, i.e., the astronaut's elapsed time will end up being larger. However, I will fill in some actual numbers in a follow-up post.
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  • #2
Here is the follow-up post with more specific numbers. (Note that I have just cut and pasted numbers from my calculations without rounding, so that everyone can see the exact numbers I used, but really all of this is just to about 1 significant figure, as you'll see when I describe the final answer.)

Input parameters (all in units where ##G = c = 1##, so everything is in meters except speeds, which are dimensionless fractions of the speed of light):

$$M_E = 0.004452822256662402$$

$$M_M = 0.00005497311427978274$$

$$r_E = 6378000$$

$$r_M = 1740000$$

$$v_R = 0.0000015010378776301086$$

$$R_M = 400000000$$

$$R_S = \frac{2}{3} R_M$$

Time dilation factors (given as the difference from ##1## so the differences between them will be easier to see):

$$1 - \gamma_0 = 6.994196333209857 \times 10^{-10}$$

$$1 - \gamma_1 = 1.0473697464874476 \times 10^{-9}$$

$$1 - \gamma_2 = 6.699851784475186 \times 10^{-11}$$

$$1 - \gamma_3 = 6.703970711896545 \times 10^{-11}$$

$$1 - \gamma_4 = 5.857125895403215 \times 10^{-11}$$

(Notice how the Moon's gravity well is so shallow that clocks tick fastest in lunar orbit.)

Trip phase times (all in seconds):

$$T_1 = 12000$$

$$T_2 = 172800$$

$$T_3 = 86400$$

$$T_4 = 86400$$

And the final answer:

$$T_{\text{astronaut}} - T_{\text{Earth}} = 0.0003790338523685932$$

So the astronauts aged roughly 400 microseconds more than those on Earth.
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  • #3
Here is a calculation from NASA for Apollo 12 and Apollo 13:

NASA said:
Relativistic time corrections for Apollo 12 and Apollo 13
Results are presented of computer calculations on the relativistic time corrections relative to a ground-based clock of on-board clock readings for a lunar mission, using simple Newtonian gravitational potentials of Earth and moon and based on actual trajectory data for Apollo 12 and Apollo 13. Although the second order Doppler effect and the gravitational red shift give rise to corrections of opposite sign, the net accumulated time corrections, namely a gain of 560 (+ or - 1.5) microseconds for Apollo 12 and gain of 326 (+ or - 1.3) microseconds for Apollo 13, are still large enough that with present day atomic frequency standards, such as the rubidium clock, they can be measured with an accuracy of about + or - 0.5 percent.

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  • #4
Sagittarius A-Star said:
Here is a calculation from NASA for Apollo 12 and Apollo 13:
Cool, I wasn't that far off! In addition to using the actual trajectory parameters and integrating over them, which of course I didn't do, their calculation includes other effects that I didn't take into account, such as the Sun's potential (I had ignored this effect since the Moon was near first quarter during at least most of the Apollo missions, so the spacecraft 's motion was more or less transverse to the Sun-Earth line and the Sun potential would have been more or less constant) and higher multiple moments of the Earth (I had ignored these because I didn't want to complicate the metric formula).
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  • #5
My eyes! The extraneous precision hurts my eyes!

As you say, there are SR and GR effects. For orbits, Δt is always negative. (Orbits are caused by gravity, so taht ties the SR and GR effects together) There's a paper here that works this out for non-circular orbits. They didn't work out the exact Figure 8-ish path of Apollo but the conclusion looks robust.

Collins should have had the largest effect of the three.
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  • #6
Vanadium 50 said:
For orbits, Δt is always negative.
I'm not sure what sign convention you are using here. I have been comparing the spacecraft clock to a ground clock, and the sign of the difference between those two is not always the same.

For circular free-fall orbits around a non-rotating planet, the orbiting clock runs slower than the ground clock for orbital radius less than 3/2 the radius of the central body, and faster for orbital radius greater than that. This follows easily from the fact that circular free-fall orbital velocity is ##v = \sqrt{M / r}## and the time dilation factor is ##\sqrt{1 - 2M / r - v^2}## (where ##v = 0## for the ground clock). Corrections for the rotation of the planet and ellipticity of the orbit might change the details of exactly when the sign change occurs, but it will certainly occur somewhere.

Vanadium 50 said:
There's a paper here that works this out for non-circular orbits.
On a quick skim this paper seems to be saying the sign is always the same, so I'm not sure what sign convention it is using either.

Vanadium 50 said:
Collins should have had the largest effect of the three.
Actually, in comparison with Earthbound clocks, Collins (and more generally the CM pilot) should have had the smallest effect, i.e., the smallest gain in time compared to Earthbound clocks, because his "tick rate" in lunar orbit would have been slower than the "tick rate" of Armstrong and Aldrin during their excursion to the Moon's surface. So Armstrong and Aldrin would have gained more time relative to Earthbound clocks than Collins did.
  • #7
PeterDonis said:
On a quick skim this paper seems to be saying the sign is always the same, so I'm not sure what sign convention it is using either.
It might be comparing the actual clock with a hypothetical clock at rest at infinity. In this case the actual clock would always be running slow by some amount, but this comparison isn't very useful in a practical sense. The relevant comparison for this thread is the comparison of the spacecraft clock with the ground clock.
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  • #8
PeterDonis said:
non-rotating planet
I think that's what they assume. But since the rotational velocity is always less than the orbital velocity (otherwise your planet goes flying apart) it looks like a safe assumption.

They do not assume circular orbits - just ellipses.
  • #9
Vanadium 50 said:
since the rotational velocity is always less than the orbital velocity
Not only that, in general it will be much less (in the case of the Earth, 450 vs. 8000 meters per second, or about a factor of 18 less). So the contribution to the time dilation factor for a ground observer will be much less as well.
  • #10
PeterDonis said:
Not only that, in general it will be much less (in the case of the Earth, 450 vs. 8000 meters per second, or about a factor of 18 less). So the contribution to the time dilation factor for a ground observer will be much less as well.
On earth, the SR-time dilation by rotation of the Earth is compensated by a GR-time dilation effect. The centrifugal force on the Earth causes a flattening of the earth: The distance between equator and the center of the Earth is greater than the distance between the poles and the center. Because of this Earth flattening, a clock at the equator is in a higher gravitation potential than a clock at the pole, and - in the rotating frame - only at the same "gravitational" potential, if the potential-change by the centrifugal force from the rotation is considered. The time dilation difference between a clock at sea-level altitude on a pole and a clock at sea-level altitude on the equator is only of the order ##\mathcal {O} (1/c^4)##.

Source (unfortunately not in English):

Chapter 14.3 “Uhrenvergleich am Äquator und am Pol” of the book “Einsteins Theorien: Spezielle und Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie für interessierte Einsteiger zur Wiederholung”, Springer Spektrum
from Bernd Sonne, Reinhard Weiß zeitdilatation nordpol äquator&f=false
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  • #11
Sagittarius A-Star said:
On earth, the SR-time dilation by rotation of the Earth is compensated by a GR-time dilation effect.
More precisely, this is why all clocks at rest on the rotating Earth and exactly on Earth's geoid have the same "tick rate". I was simply doing the calculation explicitly for the clock on the geoid at the Earth's equator. None of this changes anything I said about the relationship between the "tick rate" of such a clock and the "tick rate" of the spacecraft clock.
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FAQ: Does Special and General Relativity Affect Aging of Apollo Astronauts?

1. How does Special and General Relativity affect the aging of Apollo astronauts?

Special and General Relativity both play a role in the aging of Apollo astronauts. Special Relativity states that time is relative and can be affected by the speed at which an object is moving. General Relativity states that time can also be affected by the presence of a strong gravitational field. This means that the astronauts' time on the moon would have been slightly slower than time on Earth due to their high speeds and the moon's weaker gravitational field.

2. Did the astronauts age slower or faster due to Special and General Relativity?

The astronauts aged slightly slower due to Special and General Relativity. This is because their high speeds and the moon's weaker gravitational field caused time to pass at a slower rate for them compared to time on Earth.

3. How much of an effect did Special and General Relativity have on the aging of Apollo astronauts?

The effect of Special and General Relativity on the aging of Apollo astronauts was very small. The difference in time between the astronauts on the moon and those on Earth would have been a matter of milliseconds or microseconds.

4. Did the astronauts experience any physical effects due to the time difference caused by Special and General Relativity?

No, the time difference caused by Special and General Relativity would have been too small to have any noticeable physical effects on the astronauts.

5. How does this time difference due to Special and General Relativity affect space travel and future missions?

The time difference caused by Special and General Relativity is something that needs to be taken into consideration for future space missions. It may affect the timing of communication between astronauts and Earth, as well as the scheduling of tasks and experiments. However, with the technology and understanding we have today, this time difference can be accounted for and managed effectively.

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