Calculate Radius of Wire in Air Wedge Formed by Glass Plates

  • Thread starter U262241
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    Air Wedge
In summary, the air wedge forms between two glass plates when 688 nm light is shone on it. 29 dark fringes are observed when this light is used. The radius of the wire is 13.158 micro meters.
  • #1
An air wedge is formed between two glass plates separated at one edge by a ver fine wire. When the wedge is illumindated from above by 688 nm light, 29 dark fringes are observed. Calculate the radius of the wire. Show answer in micro meters

I have tried many different things with this problem and cannot come up with the correct answer. Here is the last thing I did. Since 39 dark fringes are seen; 39 light fringes will also be seen. Where t=0 will be the first dark fringe. Which means fringe 78 is a light fringe, which is right next to the wire separating the two glass plates. The formula is:

t = [((m - 1/2)*lamda) / 2] * 1e+6 micro m/m

This will give the diameter of t. Divide the diameter by 2 to get the radius. Unfortunately, this does not give the correct answer. What am I doing wrong. The answer I came up with is 13.158 micro meters.
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  • #2
Each time the fringes go from dark to light to dark again, by what fraction of a wavelength has the air gap increased?
  • #3
Should it be +1/2 instead of -1/2?
  • #4
No no, forget the freakin' formula for a second. Do you know how these fringes show up? THe two paths of light, one slightly longer, etc? Each time you get to another dark fringe, how much farther has the second ray of light traveled?
  • #5
i using the formula with : 2t = n (w)

**P/s : w = wavelength , t = thickness

regarding ur ques --> w= 688nm , n (dark) = 29

t = (29*688nm) / 2
= 9.976 micro meter

Since the ques need ans in radius, therefore
t / 2 = 9.976/2
= 4.988 micro meter ( Ans )Done! Is it correct??
  • #6
am i correct to say that since for the 1st dark fringe, we consider n=0, thus the value of n should be 28 instead of 29 ?

hence, making it:-

2 (t) = (28) (688*10^-9)

where t = 9.63 micrometer
and the radius is 4.82 micrometer ?

FAQ: Calculate Radius of Wire in Air Wedge Formed by Glass Plates

1. How is the radius of a wire calculated in an air wedge formed by glass plates?

The radius of a wire in an air wedge can be calculated using the formula: r = (nλd)/2π, where r is the radius of the wire, n is the refractive index of the medium between the plates, λ is the wavelength of light passing through the plates, and d is the distance between the plates.

2. What is an air wedge formed by glass plates?

An air wedge formed by glass plates is a scientific setup used to study the phenomenon of interference. It consists of two parallel glass plates with a small gap between them, creating a wedge-shaped air gap. Light passing through this gap undergoes interference, resulting in observable patterns.

3. Why is it important to calculate the radius of a wire in an air wedge?

Calculating the radius of a wire in an air wedge is important because it helps in understanding and predicting the interference pattern produced by the setup. It also allows for the measurement of the refractive index of the medium between the plates, which can provide valuable information about the properties of the medium.

4. What factors affect the radius of a wire in an air wedge formed by glass plates?

The radius of a wire in an air wedge is affected by the wavelength of light, the distance between the plates, and the refractive index of the medium between the plates. Changes in any of these factors can result in a different radius, which in turn affects the interference pattern produced by the setup.

5. How is the refractive index of the medium between the plates determined?

The refractive index of the medium between the plates can be determined by measuring the radius of the wire in the air wedge and using the formula: n = (2πr)/λd, where n is the refractive index, r is the radius of the wire, λ is the wavelength of light, and d is the distance between the plates. Alternatively, the refractive index can be measured using a refractometer or other specialized equipment.

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