Airfoil pressure distribution using joukowski transform

In summary, You need to enter the speed, angle of attack, circle origin, and radius. You also need to generate the pressure distribution on the airfoil using the Joukowski transform. Once you have that, you need to solve for the lift force. The coefficient of lift is then determined using the Kutta-Joosten equation. You also need to calculate the chord length and the camber. Last, you need to determine the thickness of the airfoil.
  • #1
I am given a project to transform an airfoil from a cylinder using joukowski transform. The cylinder is in zeta plane and the airfoil is in z plane. I did the plotting and i got the airfoil shape using matlab. but i want to know how to plot the pressure distribution over the airfoil.

The inputs to my program are:

Velocity, Angle of attack, coordinates of center of circle(zeta plane), radius of circle(zeta plane).
Can somebody please tell me how to plot pressure distribution for an airfoil?

I am using Matlab to do the stuff but i m getting weird plots for pressure distribution. Please help me of someone can...deadline near
Physics news on
  • #2
Have you tried" ?
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  • #3
  • #4
Do your own work. This is easy stuff.
  • #5
Brian_C said:
Do your own work. This is easy stuff.

I m stuck somewhere as i m not that good in programming. I know the physics behind that but i m not able to write a computer program for that.
  • #6
minger said:
Ah the Joukowski airfoil, once my bane. Are you having trouble solving for the pressure, or just displaying it?

I'm not real familiar with Matlab, I do most of my programming just in Fortran, so if it's displaying the results, perhaps the Math & Science Software board might be more appropriate.

Otherwise, check out:

Thank u for ur help. I m having problems in plotting the graphs.
  • #7
What exactly do you need to do in terms of your code?
  • #8
I m stuck on how to write the loops for the points on airfoil where i have to plot the pressuer values
  • #9
kronecker77 said:
I m stuck on how to write the loops for the points on airfoil where i have to plot the pressuer values

You can use code tags by typing in:

<copy paste your code here>[code] 

Replace the second code with /code for it work properly. Then you can explain what you are doing and what is going wrong. I've read about doing what you're asking in several books, but I have not implemented it, so I'll try and give a stab at it because I'd like to see it work. My background is flight dynamics and controls, not aerodynamics, so we need to be careful in doing things right. You will also have to supply me with the equations you are using, and what books they are coming from.
  • #10
clear all 
close all

v_inf = input('  Enter the Speed [m/s]: ');
v = v_inf/v_inf;
alpha = input('  enter angle of attack [deg]: ');
alpha = alpha*pi/180;
s_x = input('  Circle Origin, X_0 [m]: ');
s_y = input('  Circle Origin, Y_0 [m]: ');
s = s_x + 1i*s_y;
r = input('  Radius [m]: ');rho = 1.225;

lambda = s_x + sqrt(r^2-s_y^2)%% this is the "C" in the currie book

%  beta = (alpha);
%  k = 2*r*v*sin(beta);
%  Gamma = k/(2*pi) %CIRCULATION

w = v * exp(1i*alpha);

% toll = +5e-4;

x = meshgrid(-10:.2:10);
y = x';

z = x + 1i*y;

% Inside-circle points are Excluded!
for a = 1:length(x)
    for b = 1:length(y)
        if abs(z(a,b)-s) <=  r
            z(a,b) = NaN;
J = z+lambda^2./z;

%GRAPHIC - Circle and Joukowski Airfoil
angle = 0:.1:2*pi;
z_circle = r*(cos(angle)+1i*sin(angle)) + s;
z_airfoil = z_circle+lambda^2./z_circle;

% L = v_inf*rho*Gamma;
% L_str = num2str(L);


%Circulation necessary to satisfy Kutta Condition

Kutta_C = 4*pi*v_inf*r*sin(alpha+asin(s_y/r))

%Chord Length 
c_length = max(real(z_airfoil))-min(real(z_airfoil))

h = 2*s_y

%thickness t??
t = max(imag(z_airfoil))-min(imag(z_airfoil))

% complex POTENTIAL
%f =w*(z) + (v*exp(-(1i)*alpha)*r^2)/lambda + 1i*k*log(z);% Coefficient of lift from circulation
%lift force, Y = pro*v_inf*circulation
%C_lift = Y/(1/2)*pro*v_inf^2*l
C_lift = 2*Kutta_C/(v_inf*c_length)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

%Coefficient of lift from thickness, chord length and curvature approach in

Curr_cl = 2*pi*(1+0.77*(t/c_length))*sin(alpha+2*(h/c_length))

w_tilde = v_inf.*exp(-i.*alpha) + i.*Kutta_C./(2*pi.*((r-s)-z)) + v_inf.*(r.^2)*exp(i.*alpha)./(((r-s)-z).^2);
w = w_tilde./(1 + (z-(r-s)).^2/(s.^2)); 
value = abs(w.^2);

%aphi = (s.^2 - lambda^2)/s.^2;
hold on
axis equal
axis on
axis([-10 10 -10 10])
hold on
% contour(real(J),imag(J),real(f),[-10:.5:10])

axis equal
axis on
axis([-10 10 -10 10])
title('Transformed Airfoil');

P_airfoil = 99500 + 0.5*1.225*((v_inf.^2) - (abs(w).^2)); 
%Pressure distribution
 a = linspace(0,c_length,101);
 Cp = (P_airfoil - 99500)./(0.5*1.225*((v_inf.^2) - (abs(w).^2)));
%Coefficient of pressure

% cp = 1 - 4*sin(t).^2 + 2* G / (pi*a*V_i) *sin(t) - (2* G/ (pi*a*V_i) )^2 ;


this program takes the coordinates of a cylinder in one plane and transforms it into an airfoil using the joukowski tranformation. The pressure distribution part is at the end. This is not working. I have no ideas on how to appraoch that. Sorry if i sound ignorant.
  • #11
First thing I will say, is ditch the user input at the command window. Have a variable for speed and AoA. Just set those variables before you hit run. You only really want user input if you are making something for other people to run. Every time you have to test your program, you waste time entering in values.
  • #12
clear all 
close all

Actually, the way to do it is a 

[ code ] tag 
<your code>
followed by a slashed code tag 
[ /code ]

and leave out the spaces I've used to disable it.
  • #13
Can you explain this first block of code

v_inf = input(' Enter the Speed [m/s]: ');
v = v_inf/v_inf;
alpha = input(' enter angle of attack [deg]: ');
alpha = alpha*pi/180;
s_x = input(' circle Origin, X_0 [m]: ');
s_y = input(' Circle Origin, Y_0 [m]: ');
s = s_x + 1i*s_y;
r = input(' Radius [m]: ');

What is v, and why don't you just define it as 1?
Also, what is s_x, s_y, and s?
  • #14
s_x and s_y are the coordinates of the center of the circle and r is the radius of the circle in a complex plane which i have to transform to an airfoil using joukowski transform.

s is he distance of the center of the circle from the origin. The imaginary part is there because this is a complex plane.

i can define v as 1 but this doesnot make any difference
  • #15
kronecker77 said:
s_x and s_y are the coordinates of the center of the circle and r is the radius of the circle in a complex plane which i have to transform to an airfoil using joukowski transform.

s is he distance of the center of the circle from the origin. The imaginary part is there because this is a complex plane.

i can define v as 1 but this doesnot make any difference

If v is one, then define:


it is a bad habbit to do what you did because when someone looks at your code they are goign to wonder why you are dividing a variable by itself, and takes more computational power to perform a division operation than a declaration. These kinds of things are big no-nos in blade element or CFD code, where you have to do lots of operations/loops.

Edit: Also, why do you have '1i'?

I would rewrite your block of code as follows:

%Convert degrees to radian
d2r = pi/180; s

%Define freestream velocity
v_inf = 30;  %[m/s]
v = 1;

%Define AoA
alpha = 5*d2r;

%Define transform coordinates 
s_x = 0.2; %[m]
s_y = 0.2 %[m]
s = s_x + i*s_y;
r = 2; %[m]
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  • #16
Cyrus said:
First thing I will say, is ditch the user input at the command window. Have a variable for speed and AoA. Just set those variables before you hit run. You only really want user input if you are making something for other people to run. Every time you have to test your program, you waste time entering in values.

Thank you for that advice. I will implement that.
  • #17
Cyrus said:
If v is one, then define:


it is a bad habbit to do what you did because when someone looks at your code they are goign to wonder why you are dividing a variable by itself, and takes more computational power to perform a division operation than a declaration. These kinds of things are big no-nos in blade element or CFD code, where you have to do lots of operations/loops.

True. M on a learning curve at the moment. Ur advices are helpful.
  • #18
kronecker77 said:
True. I'm on a learning curve at the moment. Your advices are helpful.

I corrected your spelling above. I edited my post, but let's move on to the next block of code.
  • #19
Moving to the next block of code, can you explain what's going on here:

rho = 1.225;

lambda = s_x + sqrt(r^2-s_y^2)%% this is the "C" in the currie book

% beta = (alpha);
% k = 2*r*v*sin(beta);
% Gamma = k/(2*pi) %CIRCULATION

w = v * exp(1i*alpha);

% toll = +5e-4;

x = meshgrid(-10:.2:10);
y = x';

z = x + 1i*y;
  • #20

I just realized the flaw in my code. Thank you all for your help.
  • #21
kronecker77 said:

I just realized the flaw in my code. Thank you all for your help.

Would you mind going over your code anyways?
  • #22
Sure, i will message u back in a day or two. At present i m struggling with a boundary layer velocity profile problem. I have everything. Only problem is in visualizing how to plot the velocity profiles.
The problem is about using blasius solution to plot the velocity profiles of u and v with respect to (x,y) location for a flat plate.
Can you help me with that Sir?

FAQ: Airfoil pressure distribution using joukowski transform

1. How does the Joukowski transform relate to airfoil pressure distribution?

The Joukowski transform is a mathematical mapping technique that is used to transform a circle into an airfoil shape. This transformation allows for a simplified representation of the airfoil's pressure distribution, making it easier to analyze and understand.

2. What is the significance of the airfoil pressure distribution?

The pressure distribution over an airfoil is a crucial factor in determining its aerodynamic performance. It is responsible for generating lift, which is essential for flight. Understanding the pressure distribution allows for the design and optimization of more efficient airfoils.

3. How is the Joukowski transform used to calculate airfoil pressure distribution?

The Joukowski transform involves a series of mathematical equations that are applied to the coordinates of a circle to obtain the coordinates of an airfoil shape. These transformed coordinates can then be used to calculate the pressure distribution over the airfoil using the principles of fluid dynamics.

4. What factors can affect the airfoil pressure distribution?

The airfoil pressure distribution can be affected by various factors, such as the angle of attack, airfoil shape, airfoil thickness, and airspeed. These factors can alter the flow of air around the airfoil, resulting in changes to the pressure distribution.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Joukowski transform for airfoil pressure distribution analysis?

While the Joukowski transform is a useful tool for analyzing airfoil pressure distribution, it does have its limitations. It assumes that the airfoil is two-dimensional and that the flow of air is steady and incompressible. Real-life airfoils may deviate from these assumptions, so other methods may need to be used for more accurate analysis.
