An infinite grid of 1ohm resistor

In summary: The total resistance would be infinite as you are essentially putting an infinite number of resistors in parallel, each with some finite resistance. So the equivalent resistance would be R = 1/infinity = 0.In summary, the conversation is discussing a problem involving calculating the total resistance of an infinite grid. The problem was first seen on the Google Labs Aptitude Test and has been a topic of discussion on various platforms. There is debate over whether the resistance would increase or decrease towards infinity, with one person arguing that it would increase and the other saying it would decrease. However, it is generally agreed that the total resistance of an infinite grid would be infinite.
  • #1

"I first saw this problem on the Google Labs Aptitude Test. A professor and I filled a blackboard without getting anywhere. Have fun."

Engineering news on
  • #2
This is an old chestnut.

It's not really indicative of someone's smarts, in my opinion. I don't think anybody who hasn't seen it before is going to be able to come with the solution on the spur of the moment. See:

The "across a diagonal" problem is the difficult one. The "across one of the resistors" problem can be solved with a few moments thought.
  • #3

What would be the total resistance... the equivalent resistance of the entire grid?

i.e.) If you have a grid that is very large (assume infinite) but yet is still finite how would one being to calculate the total resistance of the grid?

  • #4
strokebow said:

What would be the total resistance... the equivalent resistance of the entire grid?

i.e.) If you have a grid that is very large (assume infinite) but yet is still finite how would one being to calculate the total resistance of the grid?


Ummmm, infinite or not? Pick one. The ohmeter will settle on a value and that is it. If you carried out a very very very large number of places to the right of the decimal point and had the remaining hardware built precise enough to get a sensible measurement you would see the resistance fall but never approach zero. It is like rolling out a tape measure to 100 feet and then cut it off at 50, then cut it off at 25, then 12.5, etc. The tape continues to get smaller but never will get to zero.
  • #5
How so?

From what I have read it appears the opposite to what you say.

The resistance will increase but at a very slow rate. And when one gets to the boundary (obviously there is no boundary to infinity - but for a huge grid) you would expect that actually the resistance would make bigger jumps to a large finite resistance.
  • #6
You put ohmeter leads across a single resistor or a pair of series resistors that are in parallel depending on how you position the probes. Tell me how the resistance can increase. Unless we continually insert resistance in series with the resistors that are directly across the probes, the resistance cannot increase. If you don't believe me, start with one resistor across the ohmeter leads and then start adding to it in parallel. Do the math with each resistor addition.
  • #7
On a very large -> infinite grid.

If you have a reference point at node x and you measure the resistance further and further away from the reference towards infinity you will find that your resistance increases and also tends towards infinity.
  • #8
I misunderstood your first question.

FAQ: An infinite grid of 1ohm resistor

1. What is an infinite grid of 1ohm resistor?

An infinite grid of 1ohm resistor is a theoretical concept in which an infinite number of resistors with a resistance value of 1 ohm are connected in a grid-like pattern. This means that each resistor is connected to its neighboring resistors, creating an infinite network of resistors.

2. Why is an infinite grid of 1ohm resistor important in science?

An infinite grid of 1ohm resistor is important in science because it allows us to understand and analyze the behavior of electric circuits with multiple resistors. It also helps in understanding the flow of electricity and the distribution of current within a circuit.

3. How is an infinite grid of 1ohm resistor different from a regular circuit?

An infinite grid of 1ohm resistor is different from a regular circuit because it contains an infinite number of resistors, whereas a regular circuit has a finite number of components. This means that the behavior and calculations for an infinite grid of resistors can be more complex and require different methods of analysis.

4. What is the resistance of an infinite grid of 1ohm resistor?

The resistance of an infinite grid of 1ohm resistor is not a fixed value, as it depends on the arrangement and connection of the resistors within the grid. However, as the number of resistors increases, the overall resistance of the grid approaches infinity.

5. How is an infinite grid of 1ohm resistor used in practical applications?

An infinite grid of 1ohm resistor is used in practical applications as a model for understanding and analyzing more complex circuits with multiple resistors. It can also be used in simulations to test the behavior of different circuit configurations and to predict the overall resistance of a circuit with a large number of resistors.
