Calculating Angles Between Vectors: Formula and Help for Your Exam

In summary: So, the angle between u and v is \theta = cos^{-1}\left(\frac{u.v}{\left\|u\right\| \left\|v\right\|}\right)
  • #1
how is this done? say angles between 2i -3j -k and 4i+2k-3j got an exam coming up soon and can't find the formula for it anywhere help please?
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  • #2
and also is the cross product just the determinant?
  • #3
A.B=|A||B|cos(t) (dot product). And you can USE a determinant to find the cross product. I wouldn't think of it as being primarily a determinant, it's a vector.
  • #4
so angles between is just |A||B|cos(t) and cross product is just using the det so for A=2i-3j-k and B=4i+2k-3j i would have angle between of root 14 root 29 cos(T) would that just be the answer? still confused on that one and for the cross product would the answer be 12i-2j+16k?
  • #5
Yes. A.B=sqrt(14)*sqrt(29)*cos(T). So now if you can figure out A.B then you can find cos(T) and then T. I don't get what you get for the cross product. For example for the i component I figure (-3)(2)-(-3)(-1)=(-9).
  • #6
not a clue where that determinants coming from, how do you do the determinant of a 3 by 2 matrix
  • #7
franky2727 said:
not a clue where that determinants coming from, how do you do the determinant of a 3 by 2 matrix

There is no such thing as the determinant of a 3x2 matrix. Check out
  • #8
ahah got ya! right now just give me 5 minutes to get stuck on finding A.B and i'l be right back!
  • #9
sorry i still have no clue where your plucking them numbers from for the determinant isn't the determinant AD-BC but on your answer you seen to have done AB-CD
  • #10
What are the second and third rows of your determinant? I can guess what you are doing wrong. Notice the components in vector B are written in the order ikj. Not ijk. I was wondering if it's a typo, but you repeated it twice, so I'm guessing that's how it's written in the problem.
  • #11
ye just me being dum that's a typo ment to be ijk so it is AD-BC ye?
  • #12
I get [2, - 3, - 1] x [4, 2, - 3]=[11, 2, 16], if that's the problem you are trying to solve...
  • #13
Well, if the two vectors u and v that are nonzero (in [tex]R^{2}[/tex] or [tex]R^{3}[/tex]) the angle between them is given by the formula;

[tex]\theta = cos^{-1}\left(\frac{u.v}{\left\|u\right\| \left\|v\right\|}\right)[/tex]

In your question you have u = [tex]\left(2, - 3, - 1\right)[/tex] & v = [tex]\left(4, 2, -3)[/tex]

But you have to put your equation system in the form of an argumented matrix!

FAQ: Calculating Angles Between Vectors: Formula and Help for Your Exam

1. What are angles between vectors and why are they important?

Angles between vectors refer to the measure of the angle formed between two vectors in a multi-dimensional space. They are important in various fields of science, such as physics and engineering, as they help in understanding the relationship between different vectors and their direction.

2. How are angles between vectors calculated?

Angles between vectors can be calculated using the dot product or the cross product of the two vectors. The dot product formula is: θ = cos⁻¹ (a · b / |a||b|), where θ is the angle between the two vectors a and b, and |a| and |b| represent the magnitudes of the two vectors. The cross product formula is: sinθ = |a x b| / |a||b|, where θ is the angle between the two vectors a and b, and |a x b| represents the magnitude of the cross product between the two vectors.

3. What is the range of angles between vectors?

The range of angles between vectors is from 0° to 180°. This range includes acute angles (less than 90°), right angles (exactly 90°), and obtuse angles (greater than 90°). The angle of 0° represents parallel vectors, while the angle of 180° represents antiparallel vectors.

4. Can angles between vectors be negative?

No, angles between vectors cannot be negative. The angle between two vectors is always considered positive, and it represents the smallest angle between the two vectors. However, if the two vectors are pointing in opposite directions, the angle can be considered as either 180° or -180°, depending on the convention used.

5. How can angles between vectors be used in real-life applications?

Angles between vectors have numerous applications in real-life scenarios. They are used in navigation systems to determine the direction and orientation of objects, in computer graphics to create visual effects and animations, in physics to calculate forces and velocities, and in engineering to design structures and machines. They are also used in mathematics to solve problems related to geometry and trigonometry.
