Solving Angular Kinematics: Swing Bridge Turned in 120 secs

In summary, to solve this problem, you will need to use the equations:1) angular velocity2 = angular acceleration * 50.42) angular displacement = 0.5*angular acceleration * 50.4^23) angular velocity = angular displacement / 34.84) angular displacement = angular velocity1 * 34.8 + 0.5*angular acceleration * 34.8^25) angular displacement1 + angular displacement2 + angular displacement3 = 1.5708 rads (total angular displacement)6) angular velocity3 = 0 (since the system finishes at rest)These equations have the unknowns: angular acceleration, angular velocity1 and angular
  • #1
A swing bridge has to be turned through a right angle in 120 seconds. The first 50.4 seconds is a period of uniform angular acceleration ; the subsequent 34.8 seconds is a period of uniform angular velocity and the third period of 34.8 seconds is a period of uniform angular retardation. Input your answers to five decimal places when appropriate, and find

the angular displacement that occurred during time period two, (0%) rads
the angular displacement in time period three
the angular acceleration of the bridge , (0%) rads/sec2
the maximum angular velocity (0%) rads/sec
the retardation

Answers:0.706±0.05 rads, 0.353±0.05 rads, 4E-4±1E-4 rads/sec2,0.0202±0.01 rads/sec
-6E-4±1E-4 rads/sec2

Doing some revision and can't work out how to get answers, Tried to write angular displacement in terms of period 2 but can't figure out how to do that

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  • #2
If you create unknowns for the two accelerations, what equations can you write down?
  • #3
I don't know? acceleration1 = angular velocity1 / 50.4
acceleration2 = angular velocity2 / 34.8

  • #4
MMCS said:
I don't know? acceleration1 = angular velocity1 / 50.4
acceleration2 = angular velocity2 / 34.8

OK, but what do you mean by the unknowns angular velocity1 and angular velocity 2? (Aren't they the same value?) And acceleration2 should be negative, agreed?
How about some equation relating acceleration, time and angular distance? You are probably familiar with such for uniform linear acceleration. Well, it's just the same for uniform angular acceleration, but now 'distance' means an angle.
  • #5
i can't work this out, if the angular velocitys are the same should i be using then acceleration1 - acceleration2 / 15.6 s? because that would give me two unknowns when used in the acceleration, time and angular distance formula. as you can tell I am new to this type of problem,

Thanks for your help
  • #6
Was there a reason you chose NOT to use the standard format? In particular the "relevant equations" section would have told us if you know the basic equations.

You should know that for a constant acceleration, velocity equals acceleration times time so it should be easy to determine the velocity of the bridge at the end of that first period. A little bit more complicated, but you are certainly expected know it by the person who gave you this problem is that, with constant acceleration, a, with initial speed v0, the distance traveled is (1/2)at^2+ v0t. Those are the equations you need to solve this problem.
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  • #7
Coping the formulas from a textbook and inputting values is no problem, neither is understanding their use. I am having trouble rearranging any formula algebraically to give me anything with less than 2 unknowns. with the formula (1/2)at^2+ v0t the angular displacement and accelerration are both uknowns.
  • #8
You have a known duration of unknown acceleration to reach an unknown angular velocity: one equation, 2 unknowns.
You can also write down the angle travelled: 1 more equation, one more unknown.
You then have a second known duration. One more equation, one more unknown (the angle traveled in this phase)
Finally, a known period of unknown deceleration to get back to rest. As with the acceleration phase, two equations, but only two more unknowns.
Adding up the angular distances, one more equation, no more unknowns.
You now have an equal number of equations and unknowns, so a solution should be possible.
Please write out all the equations and show your attempt at solving them.
  • #9
period 1

angular velocity 2 = 0 + ang acceleration * 50.4
angular displacement = 0.5*acceleration*50.4^2

period 2

angular velocity = angular displacemnt/34.8

period 3

angular displacement = angular velocity1 * 34.8 + 0.5*acceleration*34.8^2

ang displacement 1+2+3 = 1.5708 rads
  • #10
MMCS said:
period 1

angular velocity 2 = 0 + ang acceleration * 50.4
angular displacement = 0.5*acceleration*50.4^2

period 2

angular velocity = angular displacemnt/34.8

period 3

angular displacement = angular velocity1 * 34.8 + 0.5*acceleration*34.8^2

ang displacement 1+2+3 = 1.5708 rads
OK, now turn that into equations using normal style variable notation. That will help remove ambiguities I see above. And you're missing one equation (from the fact that it finishes at rest). The see what you can do in terms of solving the equations.
  • #11
come on your speaking in cryptic clues to me here. Its common sense getting up to this point, i need help getting an equation with one unknown in and ill be sorted then. From the point I am at now i don't know how to do that. even an example on how to use one of these equations to solve another would be a help.

  • #12
MMCS said:
come on your speaking in cryptic clues to me here. Its common sense getting up to this point, i need help getting an equation with one unknown in and ill be sorted then. From the point I am at now i don't know how to do that. even an example on how to use one of these equations to solve another would be a help.

My job is to lead you through it, one step at a time if necessary.
Please do as I ask wrt writing out the equations. I need to make sure you have the right number of unknowns.
The missing equation is the one that says the system finishes at rest. I'm sure you can figure out what I mean from that.
Once we've got to there, I'll show you how to start eliminating variables.

FAQ: Solving Angular Kinematics: Swing Bridge Turned in 120 secs

1. How do you calculate the angular velocity of a swing bridge?

The angular velocity of a swing bridge can be calculated by dividing the total change in angular displacement (in radians) by the time it takes for the bridge to complete the turn. This can be represented by the formula ω = Δθ/Δt, where ω is the angular velocity, Δθ is the change in angular displacement, and Δt is the time taken.

2. What is the difference between angular displacement and angular velocity?

Angular displacement refers to the change in the angle of an object as it moves in a circular path. It is measured in radians or degrees. Angular velocity, on the other hand, refers to the rate at which the angular displacement is changing. It is measured in radians per second or degrees per second.

3. How does the length of the swing bridge affect the angular velocity?

The length of the swing bridge does not directly affect the angular velocity. However, a longer bridge may take longer to turn due to its increased rotational inertia, which can affect the time taken for the bridge to complete the turn and thus, the angular velocity.

4. Can you use the same formula to calculate the angular velocity for any object in circular motion?

Yes, the formula ω = Δθ/Δt can be used to calculate the angular velocity for any object in circular motion, as long as the angle and time are measured in consistent units (radians and seconds, or degrees and seconds).

5. How can you use the angular velocity to determine the time it takes for the swing bridge to complete a turn?

To determine the time taken for a swing bridge to complete a turn, you can rearrange the formula ω = Δθ/Δt to solve for Δt. This would give you the time taken (in seconds) as Δt = Δθ/ω. Simply plug in the angular displacement and angular velocity values to calculate the time taken for the bridge to complete the turn.
