Boundary Value Problem + Green's Function

In summary, the BVP can be solved by finding the Green's function. The function can be found by solving the associated homogeneous problem, variation of parameter, and boundary condition.
  • #1
Boundary Value Problem + Green's Function
Consider the BVP


Find the Green's function for this problem.

I am completely lost can someone help me out?
Physics news on
  • #2
I am no expert, this looks like just an ODE problem where you only have one independent variable x:

1) Solve the associate homogeneous problem [itex]y''+4y=0[/itex] which is a second degree DE with constant coef.

2) Then use variation of parameter to get the particular solution.

3) [tex]y=y_c + y_p[/tex]

4) Then use boundary condition to find the constant.

Just my 2 cents
  • #3
yea but for a boundary condition should you have y(0) = c1 & y(t) = c2 , instead of y'(t) = c2
  • #4
benronan said:
yea but for a boundary condition should you have y(0) = c1 & y(t) = c2 , instead of y'(t) = c2

I have not work through the problem, I am studying Green's function and that's the reason I look at this post.

I don't see from [itex]y''+4y=e^x[/tex] that it is even multi variables. Only independent variable is x. From my understanding, Green's function only deal with multi-variables. This is a simple 2nd degree non-homogeneous ODE with constant coef. with boundary condition.
  • #5
Hi. I'm not very familiar with Green's functions, but let me suggest a direction I think you need to go:

Consider the linear differential equation (of one variable):


where the L is the differential operator like in your case, it's [itex]L=\frac{d^2}{dx^2}+4[/itex]. Then we can show the solution can be written in terms of a Green's function as:

[tex]y(x)=\int G(x,u)f(u)du[/tex]


[tex]G(x,u)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{\phi_n(x)\phi_n^{*}(u)}{\lambda_n}[/tex]

where [itex]\phi_n[/itex] is a orthonormal set of eigenfunctions for the operator L, that is, normalized solutions to the equation:

[tex]y''+4y=\lambda_n y[/tex]

subject to the given boundary conditions. So, just need to find those huh? Also, keep in mind the conjugate ([itex]\phi^{*}[/itex]) of a real-valued function is just the function.

See: "Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics" by F. Byron and R. Fuller. Whole chapter on Green's functions.
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  • #6
I suggest taking a look at "Mathematical Physics" by Hassani or alternatively "Mathematical Methods for Physicists" by Arfken. Both have well developed sections on the use of Green's functions in solving ODEs.

FAQ: Boundary Value Problem + Green's Function

1. What is a boundary value problem?

A boundary value problem is a type of mathematical problem that involves finding a solution to a differential equation subject to specified conditions on the boundary of the domain in which the solution is defined. It is commonly used in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields to model and solve real-world problems.

2. How is a boundary value problem solved using Green's function?

Green's function is a mathematical tool used to solve boundary value problems. It involves breaking down the problem into smaller, simpler problems that can be solved using known solutions. The Green's function is then used to combine these solutions and provide a solution to the original boundary value problem.

3. What are the advantages of using Green's function for solving boundary value problems?

There are several advantages to using Green's function for solving boundary value problems. One advantage is that it allows for the use of superposition, which means that the solution can be found by adding together simpler solutions. Additionally, Green's function can be used for a wide range of boundary value problems, making it a versatile tool for scientists and engineers.

4. Are there any limitations to using Green's function for boundary value problems?

Yes, there are some limitations to using Green's function for boundary value problems. One limitation is that it can only be used for linear boundary value problems, meaning that the equation being solved must be linear. Additionally, the Green's function approach may not be the most efficient method for solving certain types of boundary value problems.

5. Can Green's function be used for boundary value problems in higher dimensions?

Yes, Green's function can be used for boundary value problems in higher dimensions. In fact, Green's function was originally developed for three-dimensional problems, but it can also be applied to problems in two or more dimensions. However, as the dimensionality increases, the complexity of the problem and the computations involved also increase.

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