Boycott US Products: Stop Its Drunken Walk

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  • Thread starter Moetasim
  • Start date
In summary, the campaign to boycott American and British products is a non-violent resistance to the American and British imposition of wars on weak and devastated nations and to their corporate interests. The campaign is asking people to voluntarily stop consuming American and British products so as to hurt the corporate interests of the two countries. This is premised in the belief that: (i) Corporate interests are very dear to America and Britain, and are the forces that determine their foreign policies, (ii) The American wars of aggression in the four continents of the world during the last century and in the recent months are essentially aimed at protecting and promoting American corporate interests (besides, of course, creating a secure environment for Israel); (iii) The U.S
  • #1
Boycott US products as its only civilized and possible way to stop its drunken walk...
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes I agree you'd be less off without them. You can probably buy similar products from India and run pirated copies of Windows.
  • #3
Boycott Campaign

The campaign to boycott American and British goods is a non-violent resistance to the American and British imposition of wars on weak and devastated nations and to their corporate interests.
The campaign is asking people to voluntarily stop consuming American and British products so as to hurt the corporate interests of the two countries. This is premised n the belief that: (i) Corporate interests are very dear to America and Britain, and are the forces that determine their foreign policies, (ii) The American wars of aggression in the four continents of the world during the last century and in the recent months are essentially aimed at protecting and promoting American corporate interests (besides, of course, creating a secure environment for Israel); (iii) The U.S. and British war machines have become unbeatable and that political and diplomatic pressures have stopped working on them.
The weaker nations have little option except to either surrender to the whims of the rulers in Washington and London, or to start hurting them where it hurts. Boycott of American and British products is a potent method that is gaining momentum all over the world.
Take American food chains. They promote what is literally called “Junk Food” back in the US as the most fashionable cuisine in many countries, paying to the American principals a royalty of 5% on the sale for using their brand names. It is this 5% that goes to bloat the coffers of American corporations, many of whom are heavy contributors to the state of Israel. A part of the money that we pay to consume American products thus indirectly goes to strengthen American and Israeli defence capabilities, to the American aggressions and to the Israeli atrocities on the Palestinians. Besides, such conspicuous consumption promotes slavery to the American value system which further undermines our society psychologically.
The campaign to boycott American and British products is asking people to stop going to American food chain restaurants like McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc., stop consuming American brand beverages like Coca Cola, Pepsi, 7-U, Sprite, Teem, Fanta, Mirinda, etc., stop using American banks like the City Bank, the Bank of America, etc., and stop purchasing petroleum products from Caltex and Mobil stations. Then there is a long list of products ranging from soaps and detergents to cigarettes and clothes that must also be boycotted. The campaign asks consumers to instead buy substitute products.
If people all over the world indeed follow the boycott calls, there will be two simultaneous impacts. One it will drastically reduce the money flowing out of the countries in the form of royalty. Secondly, it will give a boost to the local industry, encouraging local entrepreneur to increase the volume and quality of his production.
It should be noted that the campaign is not asking the governments to curb the supply side by banning American products and business. It is instead appealing to the demand side by asking consumers to take a conscious decision to choose one rather than the other available product. This way, the campaign is not only giving a voice to the prevalent anti-American sentiments in general but it is also educating the public on how best to resist the new fascism surfacing in America, Britain and Israel.
But the campaign also understands that the boycott call cannot and should not be extended everything American or British. The campaign understands that there is a god side of America and there is a bad side of America. The good side includes American knowledge producers (universities and research institutions), their life-saving drugs, their excellent intellectuals, their dissenters and peace activists, their art and literature, their computers and software industry, their books and journals, etc. Without some of these we will not be able to progress at all. The bad side of America, on the other hand is the very powerful military-industrial complex that wages wars and inflicts miseries on people all over the world, and the capital that promotes conspicuous consumption.
We will never oppose import of American or British industry that enriches our society with better technology and improved means of production. What the campaign points out is the actual absence of these and proliferation of items of conspicuous consumption.
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  • #4
  • #5
good luck with your campaign...
  • #6

Originally posted by Moetasim
Take American food chains. They promote what is literally called “Junk Food” back in the US as the most fashionable cuisine in many countries, paying to the American principals a royalty of 5% on the sale for using their brand names. It is this 5% that goes to bloat the coffers of American corporations, many of whom are heavy contributors to the state of Israel.
Yawn. *Edited*

Watch yourself Mulder. Insults based of race, sex, or religion are especially bad. Go read the PF guidelines beofre you post again-Zero
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  • #7
You want to boycott, that's fine. Doesn't bother me in the slightest. I don't want to participate though.
  • #8
Boycott ALL French products !
(I'd also say Arab Muslim countries - but,
they have none, except oil - and we can't
boycott it. :wink: )
  • #9
Well, I own an American brand car made in a Japanese plant in Detroit. Hmm...

Ya. Good luck.
  • #10
Well what I said wasn't in the slightest bit racist ...but I certainly won't be boycotting US/UK companies. I don't agree with anyone living in these countries doing so either, whatever their race. Anyone outside can do what they want for me.
  • #11
Boycott boycotts!
  • #12
I never eat at Burger King or Whataburger. Is that a boycott, stupidity or simply individual free expression?
  • #13
Originally posted by N_Quire
I never eat at Burger King or Whataburger. Is that a boycott, stupidity or simply individual free expression?
Its a question of MOTIVE.
  • #14
I don't like their burgers, and at Whataburger they have dead, stuffed, hairy animals on the wall which kinda puts me off my food.
  • #15
^Getting further off topic lol, but I know someone who found some kind of cyst in a McDonald's burger
  • #16
Boycott all non-GM food!
  • #17
For your "boycott" to have any meaningful effect your corner of the globe will have to develope a modern economy, to do that, you will need to develope a modern goverment. As long as a medival oriented church is allowed to run your lives your boycott will have no effect. Perhaps it is time for the modern, educated protion of your population to assert themselves and demand a say in the ruling of your country.
  • #18
Originally posted by Integral
For your "boycott" to have any meaningful effect your corner of the globe will have to develope a modern economy, to do that, you will need to develope a modern goverment. As long as a medival oriented church is allowed to run your lives your boycott will have no effect. Perhaps it is time for the modern, educated protion of your population to assert themselves and demand a say in the ruling of your country.
Um, wouldn't that boycott also have to include a boycot of modern economics and government? Catch-22 :wink:
  • #19
Lets see what happens to this campaign..But one thing I know is that human history tells that strong nations always tried to conquere weak nations and world has always raised its voice against such aggressions. And its also seen in histroy that no one can remain in power for infinite time. There will be a decline and may be in future, our campaign come in history as one of the attempt and reason in this regard. Its a slow process, it may take years but we believe that slow changes are sustainable.
  • #20
I don't think the Roman Empire fell by people refusing to buy pizza. Nor will America decline because a few folks decide not buy carbonated water and hamburgers.
  • #21
Originally posted by N_Quire
I don't think the Roman Empire fell by people refusing to buy pizza. Nor will America decline because a few folks decide not buy carbonated water and hamburgers.
Certainly that's true if you set upper limits to days, months..Revolutions never occur in days. There was a time when in British Empire, Sun never set. There was a time when USSR was the largest country in the world...History is full of great conquerer's tales but none of the empires could live for ever. Rise and fall always come in the life of nations...Anyone has to born to substitute America and when something is at decline then even little things might be very effective (A very little force is needed to slip something at decline!). Its not time to feel proud of your power but to think and look for remedies from such a decline...Few folks boycotting US products doesn't matter today but it may MATTER tomorrow, who knows!
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  • #22
Originally posted by Moetasim
There was a time when in British Empire, Sun never set. There was a time when USSR was the largest country in the world...History is full of great conquerer's tales but none of the empires could live for ever.
Phew. Fortunately the US is neither a "great conquerer" nor an empire. So we'll be ok...
  • #23
Originally posted by russ_watters
Phew. Fortunately the US is neither a "great conquerer" nor an empire. So we'll be ok...

Those were just used as exmples not in comparison. Also, the campaign is not for toppling america but to make authorities realize that if these polices persisted then history may repeat itself...
  • #24
The people who hate America so much still love its products. They sit around drinking Cocal Cola while planning their boycotts. It is very funny.
  • #25
The REAL boycott would be if foreign laborers would refuse to work for American companies. Imagine what would happen to Nike if they didn't have Indonesians making their sneakers for $6 a day...
  • #26
That would make much more sense...The Western world, the USA, especially, is the the target audience for US companies' products. Most of the rest of the world is rather auxiliary in sales. However, much of the means of production is in second- and third-world countries.
  • #27
Yeah, it would make real sense, especially when those foreign laborers stared starving. It's not like they need to work, or that they gain anything from trade.
  • #28
Does anyone recall that President Clinton prevented US products from being exported to Pakistan (and India) due to A Bomb tests? This ban was lifted by President Bush as a gesture of thanks, for assistance in removing the Taliban Government, to Pakistan and much appreciated by the Pakistani government.

I don’t know what you envision as a life-style but suspect it is to be lived under an Islamic fundamentalist regime. Individual citizens are forced to behave and think in a prescribed fashion.

Depressing the US economy depresses the world’s economy. If that’s your goal, go for it! The US will simply have the same share of a smaller pie. Simply put, if a force field was built around the US, letting nothing in or out, we’d survive quite well, perhaps better.

Zero - Imagine what the Indonesians would do without the $6 a day. If you suggest more pay, then jobs would be lost, factories closed, the manufacturing done in the USA, and your shoes would cost $350.00.

  • #29
Originally posted by Moetasim
There will be a decline and may be in future,
our campaign come in history as one of the
attempt and reason in this regard. Its a slow
process, it may take years but we believe that
slow changes are sustainable.
Ah yes ! And once that happens, what ?
The arab muslim countries will rize ?
Doubt that, you see by that time their oil
will be long gone and they'll die from starvation
at the absense of any other production and
income and the "declining" US will not be
in a condition to feed them. Maybe China,
Japan, Russia, EU, Australia or some of the
developed(by that time) African countries
will help them.

The price of freedom is eternal vigelance.

Live long and prosper.
  • #30
Originally posted by GENIERE
Does anyone recall that President Clinton prevented US products from being exported to Pakistan (and India) due to A Bomb tests? This ban was lifted by President Bush as a gesture of thanks, for assistance in removing the Taliban Government, to Pakistan and much appreciated by the Pakistani government.

I don’t know what you envision as a life-style but suspect it is to be lived under an Islamic fundamentalist regime. Individual citizens are forced to behave and think in a prescribed fashion.

Depressing the US economy depresses the world’s economy. If that’s your goal, go for it! The US will simply have the same share of a smaller pie. Simply put, if a force field was built around the US, letting nothing in or out, we’d survive quite well, perhaps better.

Zero - Imagine what the Indonesians would do without the $6 a day. If you suggest more pay, then jobs would be lost, factories closed, the manufacturing done in the USA, and your shoes would cost $350.00.


lets not show it as a Muslim-US problem. If there is boycott going on in the world then its free of this religion concept. You know common people around the world never think bad for each other. The concept of enemy just rests with the govts and policy makers.
Also, "might is right" is animal world's concept..if we try to follow it in human world then why don't we add ourselves in animals. Just tell me when UN is there to decide rigth and wrong then who gave US authority to ask countries directly about their affairs?
  • #31
Originally posted by Moetasim
Also, "might is right" is animal world's concept..
if we try to follow it in human world then why
dont we add ourselves in animals.
Actually we are animals, unless you
believe otherwise. And no might is not
right on its own, it is right when
the majority of freethinkers think it is.

Live long and prosper.
  • #32
Originally posted by drag
Actually we are animals, unless you
believe otherwise. And no might is not
right on its own, it is right when
the majority of freethinkers think it is.

human is called social animal no doubt but is superior than animals because can differentiate between right and wrong. Tell me when US was invading iraq who was favoring US? Majority actually came out to streets (there were record gathering across the world) to shout against war. There is another difference between human and animal i.e; human blood is something sacred for humans, humans always avoid bloodshed but when there comes animal instinct in humans, they forget the sacredness of other human bloods just like animals. Might becomes right and silence of the weak is counted as consensus.
  • #33
Originally posted by drag
Actually we are animals, unless you
believe otherwise. And no might is not
right on its own, it is right when
the majority of freethinkers think it is.

Live long and prosper.

That's nonsense. 'Right' isn't up for a vote...even though by yout standards 'freethinkers' only include people who agreee with you, right?
  • #34
Greetings !
Originally posted by Moetasim
human is called social animal no doubt but is
superior than animals because can differentiate
between right and wrong.
No. Humans ARE animals and they don't really
know what exactly is right and wrong, they have
general tendencies and upkeep of social order.
Originally posted by Moetasim
Tell me when US was invading iraq who was
favoring US? Majority actually came out to
streets (there were record gathering across
the world) to shout against war.
First of all that was not the majority
on the streets. {b]*Edited for Physics Forums Guidelines violations*[/b]
Live long and prosper.
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  • #35
Originally posted by drag
Greetings !

No. Humans ARE animals and they don't really
know what exactly is right and wrong, they have
general tendencies and upkeep of social order.

If humans in that very part of the world are like that then I agree with drag but in my part they are surely superior than animals and do 've the ability to realize their social values.
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