Caculation of line current on a 3 phases unbalanced delta

In summary,-In a three-phase 220V system, there are three voltages, 220V ac, 120V ac, and 240V ac.-The currents in each line are determined by the voltages and the load between the phases.-The loads between the phases are the same, and there is nothing between the phases.
  • #1
I cannot find back from school, the formula to use:
A 3 phases 220Vac system, no neutral, 3300W of pure resistance load between L2 and L3, the same load between L1 and L3, nothing between L1 and L2.
What will be I1, I2, I3 the current in the 3 lines of the network?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
Assume V1 = 220 / 0, V2 = 220 / 120, V3 = 220 / 240.

Calculate I23 and I13. (I23 is current from L2 to L3 ).

I2 = I23, I3 = -I23 - I13 (KCL)

I1 + I2 + I3 = 0 (KCL)

Calculate with complex numbers all the way.
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  • #3
I agree with Hesch except the voltages are V12=220>0,V23=220>-120,V31=220>-240[or +120] and since the load it is declared as “pure resistance” [cos(fi)=1] the currents will be:


Considering all currents “entering” position:

I1=I13=-I31=-15*[(COS(+120)+SIN(+120)j] =7.5-12.99j;I2=I23=-7.5-12.99j;I3=-I1-I2=2*12.99j=25.98j.Remark: the imaginary part of the current here it does not mean reactive part. The reactive part will be proportional with the sinus of angle between current and supplied voltage[fi] which remains 0 [in this case].

One could calculate also-following Hesch logic-using a trigonometric circle and use X and Y coordinates instead of complex number. The circle radius is equal to I=P/V=3300/220=15 [A]. Then:

I23X=-15*SIN(30)=-7.5[A]; I23Y=-15*SIN(60)=-12.99 [A]; I31X=-15*SIN(30)=-7.5 [A]; I31Y=+15*SIN(60)=12.99[A].

I1=I13=-I31 =7.5X-12.99Y;I2=I23=-7.5X-12.99Y;I3=-I1-I2=-(I1+I2)=2*12.99Y=25.98[A].
  • #4

Thanks for your answers. This is correct. I found it also (with help) with another method and result are the same:
I1=15A I2=15A I3=26A
This method:
Phase currents = I=P/E, = O amps for L1-L2 (ab) 3300/220 = 15A for L2-L3 (bc) & 15A for L3-L1 (ac)
Line currents =
L1 =√(ab²+ac²)+(ab x ac),
L2 =√(ab²+bc²)+(ab x bc),
L3 =√(ac²+bc²)+(ac x bc)

Thanks everybudy
  • #5
It is a very interesting formulas. The complete one it is as following:

L3 =√(ac²+bc²)-2x(ac x bc)xcos(angle)

and for "angle" between ac and bc vectors[let's say "phasors"] of 120o turn it in:

L3 =√(ac²+bc²)+(ac x bc) [as you said]

As you can see for any other angle an error occurs.
  • #6
Hesch said:
Assume V1 = 220 / 0, V2 = 220 / 120, V3 = 220 / 240.
(note my underline).
Babadag said:
I agree with Hesch except the voltages are V12=220>0
JumpZero said:
A 3 phases 220Vac system

Well, in Denmark (Europe) we operate with a phase-system (voltages and currents are as per phase) and a main-system (voltages and currents are phase to phase). So when I read "3 phases 220V", I regard 220V per phase to be meant ( V12 = 220V*√3 )?? In Europa we would write this: A 3×380V system.

I don't want to introduce a discussion about these different terms in US/EU, this is meaningless. I'm just trying to clarify the reason to some confusion
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FAQ: Caculation of line current on a 3 phases unbalanced delta

1. What is the formula for calculating line current on a 3-phase unbalanced delta system?

The formula for calculating line current on a 3-phase unbalanced delta system is: √3 * Vph * Zph, where Vph is the phase voltage and Zph is the phase impedance.

2. How do you calculate the phase voltage on a 3-phase unbalanced delta system?

The phase voltage can be calculated by dividing the line voltage by √3. For example, if the line voltage is 480V, the phase voltage would be 480V / √3 = 277V.

3. What is the difference between line current and phase current on a 3-phase unbalanced delta system?

Line current is the total current flowing through all three line conductors, while phase current is the current flowing through a single phase conductor. In a balanced delta system, the line current and phase current are the same, but in an unbalanced system, they will be different.

4. Can you use Ohm's Law to calculate line current on a 3-phase unbalanced delta system?

Yes, Ohm's Law can be used to calculate line current as long as the phase voltage and impedance are known. The formula would be: Iline = Vph / Zph.

5. How do you handle unbalanced loads when calculating line current on a 3-phase unbalanced delta system?

To handle unbalanced loads, you will need to calculate the line current for each phase separately and then add them together to get the total line current. This is because each phase may have a different impedance and therefore, a different line current.

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