Calculate Work Done: 40kg Stone, 30o Incline, 100m Height

In summary: He conversation discusses the calculation of work done by pulling a 40kg stone up a 100m smooth ramp inclined at 30 degrees to the horizontal using two methods: a) using the formula "work done = force x distance moved in direction of force" and b) using the conservation of energy principle. The work done is calculated to be 4kJ for method a) and 40kJ for method b). The conversation then discusses the implications of pulling the stone at an angle to the slope and the final question asks to calculate the speed of the stone before it hits the ground when dropped vertically, and what happens to its kinetic energy upon impact.
  • #1
1. A 40kg stone is pulled slowly up a smooth ramp inclined at 30o to the horizontal. It stops at the top, at a height of 100m above its initial height. Calculate the work done by:
a) Using 'work done = force x distance moved in direction of force'.
b) Using conservation of energy

2. F=ma
Work done=Fscos(theta)

3. Weight = 400N
Work done = 600 x 100cos(30) = 52kJ (2sf)

Not sure this is correct
please advise?
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi lemon! :smile:
lemon said:

No … where did the " - 400 " come from?
  • #3
weight - mg = 40kg x 10m/s
  • #4
Right. Sorry. To calculate the Fnet.
Fnet=400sin(30) = 200N
Work done = 200N x 100m = 20kJ
  • #5
F yes :smile:, W no :redface:.

'work done = force x distance moved in direction of force'

so the "x distance" isn't 100.
  • #6
100/sin(30) = 200m

W=200N x 200m =4000J
or 4kJ
  • #7
That's it!

btw, you might like to try this, just to see how it all fits together …

you've assumed that the force is applied the obvious way, by a rope parallel to the slope,

but suppose it is applied by a rope at an angle φ to the slope (φ + 30º to the horizontal) …

what is F then, and what is W? :smile:

And of course try b) (calculate the work done using conservation of energy)
  • #8
So for b) calculate the work done using conservation of energy

Total amount of energy always stays the same, as energy cannot be created nor destroyed, just transferred to other forms.

We have gained height by inputting energy to pull the block up the slope.
So we have gone from kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy. We have calculated that the work done is 4kJ. So:
KE lost = PE gained
4kJ = mgh

I think I'm lost :rolleyes:
  • #9
lemon said:
So for b) calculate the work done using conservation of energy

Total amount of energy always stays the same, as energy cannot be created nor destroyed, just transferred to other forms.

We have gained height by inputting energy to pull the block up the slope.

You can assume the KE is zero all the time …
lemon said:
1. A 40kg stone is pulled slowly …

So the work done is just the difference in PE, which is … ? :wink:
  • #10
mgh - 4kJ
(40kg x 10m/s x 100m) - 4kJ
= 36000j
  • #11
lemon said:
mgh - 4kJ
(40kg x 10m/s x 100m) - 4kJ
= 36000j

No, the work done is just the difference in PE

(oh, and I've just noticed you miscounted the 0s in …)
lemon said:
W=200N x 200m =4000J
  • #12
How can there be a difference in PE when there is no PE at the bottom of the slope?
  • #13
There isn't no PE … the PE is 0.

So the difference is … ? :smile:
  • #14
40kJ - 0?
  • #15
lemon said:
40kJ - 0?

yes, the work done is just mgh.

"Work done" is another name for the difference in PE :wink: (in a conservative field).

ok, your 40kJ is now the same as you should have got under part a). :smile:
  • #16
Man! These questions are brain twisters. I look at them and think they look straight forward, but man! I'm really glad I decided to come on here and get help with these or I don't think I would hardly have understood at all. Is it just me?

Last part:
It is now dropped from the top of the building descending vertically in free fall. Calculate its speed just before it hits the ground. What happens to its kinetic energy?

This is PE to KE
mgh = 1/2mv2
40kJ = 1/2x40xv2
root2000 = 20root5 or 44.7m/s

Kinetic energy is then transferred into any deformation of the ground/stone, and into sound and heat. Is that what the question is looking for?
  • #17
Yes, that's fine. :smile:
  • #18
Thanks again tT

FAQ: Calculate Work Done: 40kg Stone, 30o Incline, 100m Height

1. How do you calculate the work done on a 40kg stone on a 30 degree incline with a height of 100m?

In order to calculate the work done on an object, you need to multiply the force applied to the object by the distance it moves in the direction of the force. In this case, the force is the weight of the stone, which can be calculated by multiplying its mass (40kg) by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8m/s^2). The distance the stone moves is the height of the incline (100m) multiplied by the sine of the angle of the incline (sin 30 = 0.5). Therefore, the work done on the stone is 40kg x 9.8m/s^2 x 100m x 0.5 = 19,600 joules.

2. What units are used to measure work?

The SI unit for work is the joule (J). Other commonly used units include kilojoules (kJ) and calories (cal).

3. How does the incline affect the work done on the stone?

The incline affects the work done on the stone because it changes the distance the stone moves in the direction of the force. If the incline is steeper, the stone will move a greater distance, resulting in more work being done. Conversely, if the incline is less steep, the stone will move a shorter distance, resulting in less work being done.

4. Can the work done on an object be negative?

Yes, the work done on an object can be negative. This occurs when the force applied to the object is in the opposite direction of the movement of the object. In this case, the work done is considered to be negative because the force is doing work against the movement of the object.

5. How does the mass of the object affect the work done?

The mass of the object does not directly affect the work done. However, the weight of the object, which is calculated using its mass, does affect the work done. The greater the weight of the object, the more work is required to move it a certain distance.
