Calculating A Double Integral Using Polar Coords

In summary, the problem was that the integral was being done on a tablet, and the symbols were not appearing correctly. The solution was to transform the problem into a polar form, and to use long division to get the integrand in an inegrable form.
  • #1
I'm on a tablet and having trouble with the math symbols so, for clarity, ∫[a,b] xdx is the integral from a to b of x with respect to x, and f(x) |[a,b] is a function of x evaluated from a to b.


∫[-1,1]∫[-√(1 - y2),√(1 - y2)] ln(x2 + y2 + 1)
Relevent Equations:

x2 + y2 = r2

∫udv = uv - ∫vdu

My Attempt:

Immediately I recognized that transforming this to a polar integral would make this much easier. The natural log is being integrated over a circular region radius 1 in the x-y plane, so the polar integral would be:

∫[0,2π]∫[0,1] ln(r2 + 1)rdrdθ
u = ln(r2 + 1) dv = rdr
du = (2r)/(r2 + 1) dr v = 1/2 • r2

∫[0,2π] 1/2 • r2 • ln(r2 + 1) |[0,1] -∫[0,2π]∫[0,2π] (r3)/(r2 + 1) • rdrdθ
Note, I simplified vdu.

Evaluating the first integral yields:

∫[0,2π] 1/2 • ln2 dθ
The second integral is not in an inegrable form. To get it in integrable form, I performed long division. I can't really display that on here in a neat manor, but I just did r4/(r2 + 1), which equals r2 - 1 + 1/(r2 + 1). So, the new integral is:

- ∫[0,2π]∫[0,1] [r2 - 1 + 1/(r2 + 1)] drdθ
The negative came from the earlier integration by parts step. I noticed that the third term in this integral fit the formula for tan-1. Integrating the second integral term by term and distributing the negative yields:

∫[0,2π] [-1/3 • r3 + r - tan-1(r)] |[0,1] dθ

∫[0,2π] [(-1/3 + 1 - π/4) - (0 + 0 - 0)] dθ
You can now either combine both integrals or evaluate them term by term. Once you evaluate, you get:

θ(1/2 • ln2 + 2/3 - π/4) |[0,2π]

2π(1/2 ln2 + 2/3 - π/4)
That's my final answer. The correct answer is π(ln4 - 1). These two are not equivalent.
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  • #2
When on a tablet, it is usually easier to just type out the LaTeX - which is worth learning anyway.

You needed to evaluate:
iismitch55 said:
∫[-1,1]∫[-√(y2-1),√(y2-1)] ln(x2 + y2 + 1)
... which I read is:
$$\int_{-1}^1\int_{-\sqrt{y^2-1}}^{\sqrt{y^2-1}} \ln (x^2+y^2+1)\;\mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}y$$

Is that correct?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
When on a tablet, it is usually easier to just type out the LaTeX - which is worth learning anyway.

You needed to evaluate:

... which I read is:
$$\int_{-1}^1\int_{-\sqrt{y^2-1}}^{\sqrt{y^2-1}} \ln (x^2+y^2+1)\;\mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}y$$

Is that correct?

100% correct. Sorry for the messyness. My tablet doesn't like to do the limits, and I'm not that experienced with how the code works.
  • #4
OK then - did you sketch those limits?
note: ##x=\pm\sqrt{y^2-1}:\; y\in [-1,1]## is that a circle?
  • #5
Simon Bridge said:
OK then - did you sketch those limits?
note: ##x=\pm\sqrt{y^2-1}:\; y\in [-1,1]## is not a circle.

My fault. I wrote the initial problem backwards. Should be x = +/- √(1 - y2). I will edit it so no one gets confused. I did draw the circle though.
  • #6
OK so ... the polar form would be: $$\int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^1 \ln(r^2+1)r\;\mathrm{d}r\mathrm{d}\theta = 2\pi\int_0^1 \ln(r^2+1)r\;\mathrm{d}r$$ ... since there is no ##\theta## dependence in the integrand (always do the easy part first.)

You combined some crucial steps in your working so I'm having a hard time following what you did ... what did you get for the indefinite integral wrt r?

Note: the latex is not hard.
int[a,b] becomes \int_{a}^{b} for example, while the natural log symbol is \ln ... it's a bit of a pain having to shift keyboards for the backslashes and curly-brackets but you learn to anticipate and type a row of them while the correct keyboard is active.
  • #7
Okay, I will give latex a shot. Are you looking for the final indefinite integral with respect to r?

That would be:

\frac{1}{2} ln2 + \frac{2}{3} - \frac{π}{4}
If you would like, I can try retyping it with latex, although I cannot seem to get it to work properly
  • #8
Simon Bridge said:
OK so ... the polar form would be: $$\int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^1 \ln(r^2+1)r\;\mathrm{d}r\mathrm{d}\theta = 2\pi\int_0^1 \ln(r^2+1)r\;\mathrm{d}r$$ ... since there is no ##\theta## dependence in the integrand (always do the easy part first.)

You combined some crucial steps in your working so I'm having a hard time following what you did ... what did you get for the indefinite integral wrt r?

Note: the latex is not hard.
int[a,b] becomes \int_{a}^{b} for example, while the natural log symbol is \ln ... it's a bit of a pain having to shift keyboards for the backslashes and curly-brackets but you learn to anticipate and type a row of them while the correct keyboard is active.

I'm going to also add in a picture of mywork. It may help since we are having trouble with latex.

  • #9
Excuse me, I had to step out for a bit.
... we are having trouble with latex...
[vis] \frac{1}{2} ln2 + \frac{2}{3} - \frac{π}{4}
... that's good - but you have to tell PF to render that as maths instead of code.
To do that, you put double-dollar signs on either side of it. Then it comes out as: $$\frac{1}{2} ln2 + \frac{2}{3} - \frac{π}{4}$$... see: not a problem :) The "ln" should be "\ln" and the pi symbol is \pi (all Greek letters not already in the Latin charset, are a backslash followed by the letter name i.e. \pi is ##\pi## and \Pi is ##\Pi## ... neat huh?).

However, that is the result of the definite integral.
The indefinite integral would be the result of: $$\int r\ln(r^2+1)\;\mathrm{d}r$$
  • #10
Simon Bridge said:
Excuse me, I had to step out for a bit.

... that's good - but you have to tell PF to render that as maths instead of code.
To do that, you put double-dollar signs on either side of it. Then it comes out as: $$\frac{1}{2} ln2 + \frac{2}{3} - \frac{π}{4}$$... see: not a problem :) The "ln" should be "\ln" and the pi symbol is \pi (all Greek letters not already in the Latin charset, are a backslash followed by the letter name i.e. \pi is ##\pi## and \Pi is ##\Pi## ... neat huh?).

However, that is the result of the definite integral.
The indefinite integral would be the result of: $$\int r\ln(r^2+1)\;\mathrm{d}r$$

Sorry, fell asleep last night.

So, the result of the indefinite integral using integration by parts:

$$\int r\ln(r^2 + 1)dr$$
$$u = \ln(r^2 + 1); dv = rdr$$
$$du = \frac{2r}{r^2 + 1} dr; v = \frac{1}{2} r^2$$
$$\frac{1}{2} r^2 \ln(r^2 + 1) - \int \frac{2r • r^2}{2(r^2 + 1)} rdr$$
$$\frac{1}{2} r^2 \ln(r^2 + 1) - \int \frac{r^4}{(r^2 + 1)} dr$$
Using long division on the remaining integral (still not sure how to display that step):

$$\frac{1}{2} r^2 \ln(r^2 + 1) - \int [r^2 - 1 + \frac{1}{r^2 + 1}] dr$$
Term by term integration, where the third term is tan-1:

$$\frac{1}{2} r^2 \ln(r^2 + 1) - \frac{1}{3} r^3 + r - arctan(r)$$
  • #11
OK - there's something wrong in that set of calculations... that 1/3 shouldn't appear ferinstance and there is no need for the trig function since ##r\neq \tan\theta##.
I think your substitution is off but I'm not about to pour through it.

Why didn't you just set u=r^2+1 so you need only evaluate:
$$\int \ln(r^2+1)r\;\mathrm{d}r= \frac{1}{2}\int \ln u \; \mathrm{d}u$$ ... then just look u the integral of ln(u).

LaTeX notes:
trig functions are their name after a backslash - in general that is how latex tries to do things. so \arctan x gets you ##\arctan x##.
Sowing long division involves alignments - though you can show the stages in one line each.
  • #12
I didn't remember the antiderivative of lnu du off hand. I reworked the problem today. The mistake I made was in this step:

$$\frac{1}{2} \ln(r^2 + 1) - \int \frac{2r • r^2}{2(r^2 + 1)} r dr$$

I stuck an extra r in next to dr. I assumed that if I integrated again in polar (drdθ) then I needed r. If you don't stick that r in, the problem works out the same as of you did a u sub.

Thank you for your help, and Latex advice!
  • #13
No worries - usually if you know where to look you can find.

Note: I don't memorize integrals either - I just look them up.
$$\int \ln(x)\;\mathrm{d}x = x\big(\ln(x)-1\big) + c$$

For more on the LaTeX typesetting system:
... you only need the math section though.
There is also online documentation and for specific effects you can google for the effect name with "latex".
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Related to Calculating A Double Integral Using Polar Coords

What is a double integral?

A double integral is a type of mathematical operation that involves integrating a function over a two-dimensional region in a coordinate plane. It can be thought of as finding the volume under a curved surface.

Why would I use polar coordinates to calculate a double integral?

Polar coordinates are particularly useful for calculating double integrals when the region of integration is circular or has rotational symmetry. They can simplify the integration process and make it easier to express the limits of integration.

How do I convert from rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates?

To convert from rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar coordinates (r, θ), you can use the following formulas: r = √(x² + y²) and θ = tan⁻¹(y/x). Keep in mind that θ is measured in radians, not degrees.

What are the limits of integration in a double integral using polar coordinates?

The limits of integration in a double integral using polar coordinates are expressed in terms of the polar angle θ and the radius r. The lower limit for θ is typically 0, while the upper limit depends on the shape of the region. The lower limit for r is often 0, while the upper limit can be a function of θ or a constant value.

Are there any special considerations when calculating a double integral using polar coordinates?

Yes, there are a few special considerations to keep in mind. It is important to correctly identify the region of integration and choose the appropriate limits for θ and r. Additionally, you may need to use trigonometric identities or make adjustments to the integrand based on the conversion to polar coordinates.

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