Is dating a younger guy a bad idea?

  • Thread starter mooberrymarz
  • Start date
In summary: I don't get it.Do you think it's because we're more experienced, or what?Hehe... Younger=more mature? kerrie. Congratulations.! :biggrin: Evo how come you almost always date younger guyz..?They're easier to train. :biggrin:There's nothing wrong with younger guys (or younger girls). I've almost always dated older girls (a couple of years or so, for example), and always had good relationships. Lately it seems women my age (25) no longer want to date men... they want to date women half their age (18
  • #36
WOOOOaaahh! 18 years, oh my hat. that's pretty cool that u look younger.! yes ure rite maturity does matter more i guess. How do u manage 2 look so young,.. ure really lucky, some women hve it all... :biggrin: :biggrin:
Physics news on
  • #37
Evo said:
I've almost always dated younger men.

Like the younger guys, don't you?
  • #38
Chrono said:
Like the younger guys, don't you?

Chrono's got a little sumpin sumpin. Watch out Evo :biggrin:
  • #39
18 years younger? My first thought was that he asked you to buy beer for him. Then I thought maybe he was asking you to get him into an R rated movie!

Good for you, provided he was 18. If he was 17 years, 364 days old, then shame on you! :wink:

  • #40
Njorl said:
18 years younger? My first thought was that he asked you to buy beer for him. Then I thought maybe he was asking you to get him into an R rated movie!

Good for you, provided he was 18. If he was 17 years, 364 days old, then shame on you! :wink:

He was 25 when we met. It took him six months to convince me to date him. I was a bit skeptical about the age difference, but he's very mature, perhaps more so than me, and he's freeking brilliant, and funny and talented in both music and art.
  • #41
The_Professional said:
Chrono's got a little sumpin sumpin. Watch out Evo :biggrin:

You trying to hook us up?
  • #42
Just give me the hook and I'll hook you up
  • #43
I am 38 years old and I am dating a guy that is 22. I've been with him for over 2 years.
  • #44
That is one hell of a dig for a first time poster in a thread about dating younger men in a physics-related forum :smile:edit... mooberrymarz: how did this younger guy work out?
  • #45
Well for me personally I have lots of fun with him and he acts really mature for his age.
  • #46
Some of these 'revived' threads have some interesting 'insights'----

The women I've dated have been at or within '+ and/or -' 16 years, but

'The Very Best' have always been about the same age---it makes 'relating' a lot easier
  • #47
mattmns said:
edit... mooberrymarz: how did this younger guy work out?
Somehow, I doubt she's going to answer that one.
  • #48
Gokul43201 said:
Somehow, I doubt she's going to answer that one.

You have no faith... just because she hasn't posted here in three years doesn't mean she won't answer my question :smile:
  • #49
Age is just a number. It doesn't matter...
  • #50
mooberrymarz said:
heya! this really cute guy asked me out today, but 5 minutes later i found out that he's 2 years younger than me. he's ok with it but I feel kinda funny bout going out wit him. most of my girl friends think its a bad idea... Wot do u guyz tink? :confused:
This was posted 4 years ago so now he's two years older than you.
  • #51
mooberrymarz said:
hahah. yeah ok... but u don't understand these are my friends from school. i went to this prissy catholic all girls school, they are uptight bout stuff like that. I know , its sound stupid.. I'm an adult now and I should be able be myself, but I've known these girls since i was like 8, and wot they think matters to me. My best friend went out wit this guy who had.. well... a pretty crappy sense of style ... and they literally sat her down and told her to break up wit him. She did it in the end coz the social pressure within the group was too much... !

If you are so slavish to the criticisms of your "friends" then he might be better off without you. However if you do go out with him then it shows that you are an independent individual who does care what their friends think but that you have a strong enough personality to be assertive and disregard the comments of them when what they have to say is none of their business. As long as you are not infringing upon their territory then I see not why they should care. Or perhaps you are simply taking their harmless advice as though it were an order. I'm not trying to be disparaging but trying to encourage you to be more independent and assertive. :-p Think about your reasons for liking the boy and try to come to a conclusion as to why you care about the social impacts that you would be in for challenging the norm (and a silly norm at that). Good luck :D
  • #52
Why are people talking to a non-existant member?
  • #53
Oh come on! He's only 2 years younger than you, who cares! At least get to know him a little more, maybe you'll like him enough to say screw what my friends think :)
  • #54
Evo said:
Why are people talking to a non-existant member?

...says the one with imaginary friends :-p
  • #55
cristo said:
...says the one with imaginary friends :-p
Hey, my imaginary best friend just returned from Istanbul. He sent me a postcard. :approve:

I'm still looking for an imaginary boyfriend since my imaginary best friend is already taken. Or maybe I will just outlive his girlfriend. :rolleyes:

Quality imaginary people are hard to come by.
Last edited:
  • #56
Evo said:
Quality imaginary people are hard to come by. takes YEEAAARRSSS to get a good one these days...They just don't make them like they used to, you know? :biggrin:

EDIT: Why did I even open this thread...I'm married for crying out loud! To a WOMAN! :rolleyes:
Last edited:
  • #57
mooberrymarz said:
yes my friends are a bit odd. they are very prim and proper...there are lots of thing they don't approve of.

But i bet behind closed doors they...
  • #58
phyzmatix said: takes YEEAAARRSSS to get a good one these days...They just don't make them like they used to, you know? :biggrin:

EDIT: Why did I even open this thread...I'm married for crying out loud! To a WOMAN! :rolleyes:

you're not getting a Klondike bar tonight
  • #59
rewebster said:
you're not getting a Klondike bar tonight

  • #60
Evo said:
Hey, my imaginary best friend just returned from Istanbul. He sent me a postcard. :approve:

I'm still looking for an imaginary boyfriend since my imaginary best friend is already taken. Or maybe I will just outlive his girlfriend. :rolleyes:

Quality imaginary people are hard to come by .

oooohhhh, Evo------

I thought you considered ALL of us at least good 'imaginary people'---
  • #61
rewebster said:
oooohhhh, Evo------

I thought you considered ALL of us at least good 'imaginary people'---
Of course I do!
  • #62
mooberrymarz said:
heya! this really cute guy asked me out today, but 5 minutes later i found out that he's 2 years younger than me. he's ok with it but I feel kinda funny bout going out wit him. most of my girl friends think its a bad idea... Wot do u guyz tink? :confused:

If you are still concerned about what your girlfriends think about the guys you date, perhaps you are too young for this relationship (regardless of your age), hmm?

One of the hallmarks of achieving adulthood is the realization that, when it comes to dating, it is not their opinions that matter.

But if you still want a number:

1] Take your age.
2] Divide it by 2.
3] Add 7 to it.
4] Is he that age or older? Then you're OK.
  • #63
18/2 + 7 = 16 :eek: Luckily I'm 22 :smile:
  • #64
mooberrymarz said:
hahah. yeah ok... but u don't understand these are my friends from school. i went to this prissy catholic all girls school, they are uptight bout stuff like that. I know , its sound stupid.. I'm an adult now and I should be able be myself, but I've known these girls since i was like 8, and wot they think matters to me. My best friend went out wit this guy who had.. well... a pretty crappy sense of style ... and they literally sat her down and told her to break up wit him. She did it in the end coz the social pressure within the group was too much... !

Wow, you have really, really shallow friends. That or you and your friends are still too young to not have those kinds of prejudices (that's my bet). My advice...Keep watching Hello Kitty and whatever other stuff they show on the Disney channel now, and don't let your girlfriends get in the way of this, like, totally super cute guy! ^^ <(^^<) (>^^)> Yaay!
  • #65
Guys, you're talking to a ghost. This person hasn't been here in years.
  • #66
Are you going to say that THREE times, Evo?
what's wrong with you, Evo?

we're MEN!
  • #67
WTF, two years is nothing. (OK when your in like, say, middle school then it does)
  • #68
Double-Post. :(
  • #69
Judging from Evo's last comment, she might be happily married to the guy, now. :-p
  • #70
Evo said:
Guys, you're talking to a ghost. This person hasn't been here in years.
Probably back in school learning to write in English. I hate that abbreviated text style young people use today. It's fine for phone texting where characters are limited but outside that it simply looks illiterate.

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