Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation Captured with App - Some Questions

In summary, the speaker's car did not have any vibrations before their annual MOT, but they were advised to replace their front tires. After this, they noticed a periodic vibration at various speeds, especially at 85mph. They used a vibration app and found interesting peaks in the frequency response, but they are unsure what is causing the vibration. They have ruled out issues with the CV joints and leakage from the boots, but some suggest that the hub centric rings or spigots may be responsible. The wheels have been balanced and aligned, but the speaker is still looking for a solution to the periodic vibration.
  • #1
Hi Folks,

Prior to leaving my car in for the annual MOT (UK), there were no vibrations to be felt at any speed. However, to pass the MOT I was advised to replace the 2 front tyres as they were worn. Ever since then, there is a periodic vibration which I can distinctly feel at 85mph but it is also occurring at other speeds (at any speed? I am not sure). I can't help but feel its the tyres is responsible but I am not sure how they can induce a periodic vibration.

So I decided to try a vibration app on my phone which i taped to the headrest of the passenger seat as this position acted like a good amplifier to the frequencies at play.
I got the time domain response and converted it to the freq domain as attached. I am just trying to see is there a correlation with the wheel speed (18.8Hz - 85mph based on tyre diameter)
From the freq response, there are interesting peaks at ~ 16, 20, 32 and 35 Hz. They look like sidebands to me and very symmetrical about ~25Hz.
Any ideas what is happening? I am quite baffled how I can feel a periodic vibration or a periodic modulation, where is it coming from?

Note that since it passed the MOT, I presume there are no issues with the CV joints. I also had a look myself and did not see any leakage from the boots.

The wheels are custom and so there are hub centric rings or spigots to locate the wheel to the hub. Some people say these can be responsible for vibrations but I am not convinced especially for periodic vibrations.
The wheels are balanced and aligned (well at least the OEM maintenance garage say so)

Any ideas? Cheers


  • Vibration Response Time Domain.png
    Vibration Response Time Domain.png
    27.1 KB · Views: 495
  • Vibration Response Freq Domain.png
    Vibration Response Freq Domain.png
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  • #2
Its most likely one of two problems:

1- unbalanced tire
2- out of round tire

I would recommend getting a rebalanace, and if that can't fix it you may try to have the tires replaced under warranty.

FAQ: Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation Captured with App - Some Questions

1. What is Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation?

Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation refers to the regular oscillation or fluctuation of a car's movement. This can be caused by various factors such as engine vibrations, road conditions, and tire rotation.

2. How is Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation measured?

Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation can be measured using specialized equipment such as accelerometers or vibration sensors. These sensors detect and record the vibrations in the car's movement, which can then be analyzed to determine any irregularities or patterns.

3. What is the significance of capturing Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation with an app?

Capturing Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation with an app allows for more convenient and accurate monitoring of a car's movement. The app can display real-time data and provide detailed analysis, making it easier to identify and diagnose any potential issues with the car.

4. What types of problems can be detected through Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation analysis?

Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation analysis can detect various problems with a car, including engine issues, suspension problems, and tire imbalances. It can also identify potential safety hazards and help prevent breakdowns or accidents.

5. How can Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation analysis benefit car maintenance?

Regular Car Periodic Vibration/Modulation analysis can help car owners and mechanics stay on top of maintenance and prevent potential problems before they become more severe and costly. It can also improve overall vehicle performance and extend the lifespan of the car.

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