Conservation of Angular Momentum

In summary, the putty falls straight down towards a rotating disk and collisions with it, resulting in a force of 713 newtons acting on the putty.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 500 gram piece of putty falls straight down and sticks to a 4 kg rotating solid disk below. The uniform disk has a radius of 3 meters, and the putty hits the disk 2.5 meters from its center. You may neglect all forces other than that of the collision.
a- If the disk was initially rotating at 10.0 rad/s, find its final angular velocity.
b- The putty takes 15 ms to collide with the disk. Calculate the avergae force on the putty.

Homework Equations

I = mr^2 and .5 mr^2, L = I omega

The Attempt at a Solution

For part a,
I found moment of inertia of the disk (I_d) = 1/2 * 4kg* (3m) ^2 =
18 kg m^2
moment of inertia of putty = .5kg*(2.5m)^2 = 3.13 kgm^2
Since the putty falls straight down, i assumed the initial angular momentum of the putty was 0. So the initial angular momentum of the system is L_d = 18kgm^2*10 rad/s) = 180 kgm^2/s
Lf = Li, so (I_p + I_d) * angular velocity = 180, angular velocity = 8.52 m/s.

I'm really unsure about this, so I just wanted someone to doublecheck it. Also, I don't really know how to find the average force for part b.
Physics news on
  • #2
Part (a) is right, except angular velocity isn't m/s.

Hint for part (b): Look up the impulse-momentum theorem
  • #3
I looked up the impulse-momentum theorem, and I see that force = change in velocity over time. How can I apply this if I don't know the initial velocity of the putty? Can I use angular velocity and say vf - vi = 8.52 rad/s- 0? So force on putty would just be 8.52/.015 seconds?
  • #4
1. That is not an accurate statement of the theorem. Re-look at it.

2. No, you cannot simply use the angular velocity. You have to convert it into a linear velocity. How?

You do not know the vertical velocity, so you are right, you cannot say anything about the vertical force that acts on the putty.
  • #5
I converted the final angular to linear using omega = v/r
8.52 = v/ 2.5
v= 3.41

Since the putty is dropped straight down, can I say the initial velocity in the horizontal was 0 and the final is 3.41 m/s?
  • #6
Answer to your question: Yes.

Whether 8.52 = 3.41 / 2.5: No.
  • #7
OK, so now I have vf = 8.52rad/s * 2.5 m = 21.3 m/s

p initial = 0
p final = mvfinal = 21.3 m/s(.5kg) = 10.7 kg m/s

pf - pi = 10.7 kg m/s = J

Force avg = J/ time = 107. kg m/s / .015 s = 713 N

Please let me know if I have done this correctly.

FAQ: Conservation of Angular Momentum

What is Conservation of Angular Momentum?

Conservation of Angular Momentum is a fundamental law of physics that states that the total angular momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external torque.

What is Angular Momentum?

Angular Momentum is a measure of the amount of rotational motion an object has. It is the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity.

How is Angular Momentum Conserved?

Angular Momentum is conserved because there is no external torque acting on a system. This means that as long as there are no external forces or torques acting on a system, the total angular momentum of the system will remain constant.

What are some examples of Conservation of Angular Momentum?

Some examples of Conservation of Angular Momentum include a spinning top, a spinning ice skater pulling their arms closer to their body, and the orbit of the Earth around the Sun.

Why is Conservation of Angular Momentum important?

Conservation of Angular Momentum is important because it helps us understand the motion of objects and systems in our universe. It is a fundamental law of physics that is used to explain many natural phenomena, and it is essential in fields such as astrophysics, engineering, and robotics.
