Coolest Word Ever: Defenestration | I Challenge All!

  • Thread starter Smurf
  • Start date
In summary: 1083 М 1052 м 1084 Н 1053 н 1085 О 1054 о 1086 П 1055 п 1087 Р 1056 р 1088 С 1057 с 1089 Т 1058 т
  • #1
the act of throwing someone out of a window

- Is definately the coolest word ever. I challenge all to find one suprerior. :-p

(Contraantidisestablishimentarianism doesn't count)
Physics news on
  • #2
My vote is for paneity: The quality of being bread.
  • #3
...although I have always been a fan of quonking.
  • #4
Ivan Seeking said:
...although I have always been a fan of quonking.

*sigh* :rolleyes: Another word I now have to look up.

Okay, looked it up, and found this! Have a field day!
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  • #5
Moonbear said:
*sigh* :rolleyes: Another word I now have to look up.

Well, you are a boffin.
  • #6
Here is one that I use in S&D: bogometer :biggrin:
  • #7
I don't know if you'd consider it cool or not, but I never cease to be amused by 'snorkel'.
  • #8
Smurf said:
the act of throwing someone out of a window

Defenestration comes from fenestra, the latin for window.

Fenetre (missing an accent) is also window in french.
  • #9
Anybody ever use crocus cloth for anything?
  • #10
Does anyone like self-defecating humor?
  • #11
My faviorate is Sesquipedalian... Given to the use of long words.
  • #12
ivan seeking said:
My vote is for paneity
Hmm I should've known Ivan would come up with some fierce competition.
  • #13
Ivan Seeking said:
Well, you are a boffin.

:biggrin: Good thing I kept that page open. :smile: For a moment there, I thought you might be suggesting I was a bosthoon.

Oh, crikey, in the process, I found out what a boojum is, finally!
  • #14
Janitor said:
Anybody ever use crocus cloth for anything?

(10 char)
  • #15
Use this link to download a neat program. Click on a word and immediately you’re provided with the definition and can chose other options besides the dictionary,i.e.:

" is also a start toward a new search paradigm... real instant information, not just links to pages where that information may, or may not, be found. I urge you to try it."

de·fen·es·tra·tion n. An act of throwing someone or something out of a window.

Paneity - the quality of being bread; e.g., the paneity of the eucharistic bread

Quonking - also quonk [imitative] noise (as from conversation) that disturbs or disrupts a television or radio program due to proximity to the microphones or cameras; or, noise from the sidelines that interrupts an athlete's (or a performer's) concentration
(both of these are vallidated Scrabble words)

bof·fin also Bof·fin (bŏf'ĭn) n. Chiefly British Slang. A scientist, especially one engaged in research.

Bogometer /bog OM eter/ a conversational device used for the rhetorical measurement of bogosity

Bogosity [jargon] /bog OS ity/ the degree to which something is bogus (i.e., bad)

snor·kel (snôr'kəln. A breathing apparatus used by swimmers and skin divers, consisting of a long tube held in the mouth.

cro·cus (krō'kəs) n., pl. -cus·es or -ci (-sī, -kī). 1.Any of various perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Crocus, having grasslike leaves and showy, variously colored flowers.
a. Any of several other plants, such as the autumn crocus.
2. A grayish to light reddish purple.
3. A dark red powdered variety of iron oxide, Fe2O3, used as an abrasive for polishing.
4. A coarse, loosely woven material like burlap, once used to make sacks for shipping saffron. See Regional Note at gunnysack.

def·e·cate (dĕf'ĭ-kāt') v., -cat·ed, -cat·ing, -cates.
To void feces from the bowels.
1. To remove (impurities, as in a chemical solution); clarify.
2. To void (feces) from the bowels.

ses·qui·pe·da·lian (sĕs'kwĭ-pĭ-dāl'yən) n. A long word.
1. Given to the use of long words.
2. Long and ponderous; polysyllabic.
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
Does anyone like self-defecating humor?

All the time.
  • #17
Geniere... your a nerd.

:!) Keep it up!
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  • #18
I can't tell you my favourite! :cry:

I just went into 'Control Panels' and found out that this stupid OS doesn't support cyrillic characters.
  • #19
Here you go Danger.

Each letter can be created by cutting and pasting the cryllic or by typing "" , where nnnn is the 4-digit number following each Cyrillic character. HTML interprets each ' ' combination as a letter, just as TeX interprets its syntax.

А 1040 а 1072
Б 1041 б 1073
В 1042 в 1074
Г 1043 г 1075
Д 1044 д 1076
Е 1045 е 1077
Ж 1046 ж 1078
З 1047 з 1079
И 1048 и 1080
Й 1049 й 1081
К 1050 к 1082
Л 1051 л 1083
М 1052 м 1084
Н 1053 н 1085
О 1054 о 1086
П 1055 п 1087
Р 1056 р 1088
С 1057 с 1089
Т 1058 т 1090
У 1059 у 1091
Ф 1060 ф 1092
Х 1061 х 1093
Ц 1062 ц 1094
Ч 1063 ч 1095
Ш 1064 ш 1096
Щ 1065 щ 1097
Ъ 1066 ъ 1098
Ы 1067 ы 1099
Ь 1068 ь 1100
Э 1069 э 1101
Ю 1070 ю 1102
Я 1071 я 1103

and last but not least ё 1105
  • #20
The Norwegian word "klopp":
Trunk of a tree laid over a brook in order to serve as a bridge.
  • #21
arildno said:
The Norwegian word "klopp":
Trunk of a tree laid over a brook in order to serve as a bridge.
in polish, klop means the sh!ter
  • #22
moose said:
in polish, klop means the sh!ter
It has been known that mooses may walk over a "klopp" lying over a brook in order not to get their feet wet..
The moose is rather intelligent..
  • #23
Integral said:
My faviorate is Sesquipedalian... Given to the use of long words.

...or anything with 150 feet?
  • #24
Astronuc said:
Here you go Danger.

Each letter can be created by cutting and pasting the cryllic or by typing "" , where nnnn is the 4-digit number following each Cyrillic character. HTML interprets each ' ' combination as a letter, just as TeX interprets its syntax.

А 1040 а 1072
Б 1041 б 1073
Ю 1070 ю 1102
Я 1071 я 1103

and last but not least ё 1105
Where do you FIND this stuff?
  • #25
Astronuc said:
Here you go Danger.
While I much appreciate the attempt, all that showed up on my monitor was a bunch of ?'s followed by the numbers. (Which one was svar bizjnic?). Thanks anyhow.

PS: The same thing happened when I tried to wave the Apple logo in Franz's face, so it must have something to do with the site, not just my computer... or maybe the combination thereof.
  • #26
ek said:
Defenestration comes from fenestra, the latin for window.

Fenetre (missing an accent) is also window in french.

Fenestrae (plural) also used in science circles to describe pores or "windows" which exist between cells, typically endothelial cells. Along similar lines it is also used by geologists to describe pores formed within sedimentray rocks.

I'll add slubberdegullion to the list, I just can't say it without smiling :biggrin: .
  • #27
moose said:
in polish, klop means the sh!ter

The next Dr Suess book- Hop in Klop

Today I hopped in klop
Next I saw my popp
hop in klop
I yelled to popp-"STOP"
but popp would not stop
He walked right into the klopp
Oh popp..
Anyone have a mop?
  • #28
  • #29
Though It lacks the originality of quonking- I'm fond of depraved
  • #30
Zantra said:
The next Dr Suess book- Hop in Klop

Today I hopped in klop
Next I saw my popp
hop in klop
I yelled to popp-"STOP"
but popp would not stop
He walked right into the klopp
Oh popp..
Anyone have a mop?
Somewhere, Ted Geisel is spinning in his crypt.
  • #31
I was always fond of:

liquefaction n.

1. The process of liquefying.
2. The state of being liquefied.

As in:

Whenas in silk my Julia goes
Then then, methinks
How sweetly flows
The liquefaction of her clothes
--Robret Herrick
  • #32
onomatopoeia - words that imitate the sound they denote; eg: buzz, hiss, gurgle
  • #33
  • #34
Danger said:
Somewhere, Ted Geisel is spinning in his crypt.

Then my prose was not in vain.
  • #35
maybe you remember that thread i did about my fascination with contractions... well i was thinking about it, and i came up with a crazy one I'dn't've or You'dn't've... that's a 4-in-1, that's cool.

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