How Do You Calculate the Charge on Two Suspended Spheres Using Coulomb's Law?

In summary, two small spheres of equal mass are suspended from a common point by threads of equal length. Each sphere carries the same charge and is at an angle of 20 degrees with the vertical. By analyzing the forces acting on one of the spheres, specifically electrostatic repulsion, tension, and gravity, and setting the net force in both the x and y directions to 0, the magnitude of the charge can be found using the equation F=kq1q2/r^2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two small spheres of 15 g each are suspended from a common point by threads of length 35 cm. Each thread makes an angle with the vertical of 20 degrees. Each sphere carries the same charge. Find the magnitude of this charge.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Well I basically found out the force from each ball from F = mg, than I found out the distance between them with trigonometry which was 23.94 cm.
I then plugged this into the equation to get:
0.147 = kq^2/(23.94^2).
I understand why this is wrong as this force is not the force between the two... I am a bit stuck on how you work backwards with this question so you get the force between the two first.
Thanks :)
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  • #2
Hi physmania, welcome to PF.
In the equilibrium position, three forces are acting on each sphere. Can you identify them?
Once you do that, identify one of the forces which is neither horizontal nor the vertical. Resolve this force into vertical and horizontal components. Find ΣFx and ΣFy. And proceed.
  • #3
Thaks for the reply.
Is the equilibrium position the position it is in the question? As this is where the forces are keeping each ball.
Are the forces magnetic, electric, and the work force?
I did (mg x d) to get the work force, and then split it up into x and y. The x components canceled out and the y component doubled.. I then used this force in the equation
0.098 = k(q^2)/(23.9^2). I got it wrong.
I got no idea really.
  • #4
There's no such thing as the "work force"; mgd is potential energy. mg is force.

There are three forces: electrostatic repulsion, tension (in the strings), and gravity. Try drawing a free-body diagram on one of the balls and writing out Newton's second law for both the x and y directions.
  • #5
My bad.
Alright i got it out... It still doesn't make complete sense to me though.
I was first getting confused by finding the x and y components than finding the resultant of that for the tenision and then using the distance between the two spheres. You have to do them seperately and then find the resultant of the charges in the x and y direction.
However, I don't understand how the forces from weight and the acceleration on one sphere are related to the electrostatic repulsion between the two? While working it out you only use one sphere, I guess this is because they are equal, but they are not added togethor or anything. What if one of the spheres weighed 50 grams and was at an angle of 40 degrees.
Sorry I am struggling to get my head around it haha.
Thanks for the help!
  • #6
physmania said:
I was first getting confused by finding the x and y components than finding the resultant of that for the tenision and then using the distance between the two spheres. You have to do them seperately and then find the resultant of the charges in the x and y direction.

You do them separately, but you don't find the "resultant of the charges". You set Fnet=0 for both the x and y directions because the balls aren't moving.

However, I don't understand how the forces from weight and the acceleration on one sphere are related to the electrostatic repulsion between the two?

Electrostatic repulsion is F=kq1q2/r^2. Notice that it involves both charges.

Are you familiar with free-body diagrams? You isolate each object and separately analyze the forces on it. For this question, you only need to analyze one ball because the two balls are identical. However, there's no harm in analyzing both to prove to yourself that it doesn't change the answer.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Charge on Two Suspended Spheres Using Coulomb's Law?

1. What is Coulomb's Law with Statics?

Coulomb's Law with Statics is a fundamental law in physics that describes the electrostatic interaction between two charged particles. It states that the force between two charged objects is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

2. How is Coulomb's Law with Statics calculated?

The equation for Coulomb's Law with Statics is F = k(q1q2/r^2), where F is the force, q1 and q2 are the charges of the two particles, r is the distance between them, and k is a constant known as the Coulomb's constant. It is typically represented as k = 8.99 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2.

3. What is the difference between Coulomb's Law with Statics and Coulomb's Law with Dynamics?

Coulomb's Law with Statics describes the force between two stationary charged particles, while Coulomb's Law with Dynamics describes the force between two moving charged particles. Additionally, Coulomb's Law with Dynamics takes into account the effect of the particles' velocities on the force.

4. How does distance affect the force in Coulomb's Law with Statics?

According to Coulomb's Law with Statics, the force between two charged particles decreases as the distance between them increases. This is because the force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the particles, meaning that as the distance doubles, the force decreases by a factor of four.

5. What is the significance of Coulomb's Constant in Coulomb's Law with Statics?

Coulomb's Constant, represented by the symbol k, is a proportionality constant that relates the force between two charged particles to their charges and the distance between them. It is a fundamental constant in electrostatics and is used to calculate the magnitude of the force between two charged particles.
