Covariant Tensor first order, and antisymmetric second order

I think I should use the definition of a first order covariant tensor to prove that T_{ik} is a second order covariant antisymmetric tensor.
  • #1
Hi there. This is my first time working with tensors, so I have to break the ice I think. I have this exercise, which I don't know how to solve, which says:

If [tex]V=V_1...V_n[/tex] is a first order covariant tensor, prove that:
[tex]T_{ik}=\frac{\partial V_i}{\partial x^k}-\frac{\partial V_k}{\partial x^i}[/tex]

Is a second order covariant antisymmetric tensor.

Now, in my notes I have this definitions:
A vector field V is a first order covariant tensor, if under a change of coordinates from [tex]x[/tex] to [tex]\overline x[/tex] it's components are:
[tex]\overline {V}=\frac{\partial x^r}{\partial \overline {x}^i}V_r[/tex]

I think I should use this, but as I said, I'm starting with this, and I don't know how to work this out.

Any help will be appreciated.
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  • #2
Hi Telemachus! :smile:
Telemachus said:
[tex]T_{ik}=\frac{\partial V_i}{\partial x^k}-\frac{\partial V_k}{\partial x^i}[/tex]

Write out the barred version of that equation, then use the chain rule to compare one with the other. :wink:
  • #3
Thank you Tim.

FAQ: Covariant Tensor first order, and antisymmetric second order

1. What is a covariant tensor of first order?

A covariant tensor of first order is a mathematical object that represents a linear mapping between vectors and covectors, also known as one-forms. It is a quantity that changes its components under a change of coordinate system according to specific transformation rules.

2. How is a covariant tensor of first order different from a contravariant tensor?

A covariant tensor of first order transforms its components according to the inverse of the transformation rules for the coordinate system, while a contravariant tensor transforms its components according to the same rules as the coordinate system. This means that a covariant tensor changes its components when the coordinate system changes, while a contravariant tensor remains the same.

3. What is an antisymmetric second order tensor?

An antisymmetric second order tensor is a type of tensor that has the property of changing sign when two of its indices are interchanged. This means that the tensor is equal to its negative when two indices are swapped. Antisymmetric tensors are often used to represent physical quantities such as angular momentum and electromagnetic fields.

4. What is the significance of the antisymmetric property in second order tensors?

The antisymmetric property in second order tensors is significant because it allows for the representation of quantities that have a direction or orientation, such as rotational motion. It also simplifies mathematical calculations, as it reduces the number of independent components in the tensor.

5. How are covariant tensors and antisymmetric tensors related?

Covariant tensors and antisymmetric tensors are related in that they both involve transformations of components under changes in coordinate systems. However, they serve different purposes and have different properties. A covariant tensor represents linear mappings between vectors and covectors, while an antisymmetric tensor represents quantities with a direction or orientation.
