How Do Wind and Plane Angles Affect Flight Direction and Speed?

  • Thread starter ilene
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In summary, the plane's new velocity with respect to ground in standard location is 239.27 km/h heading 190.89 degrees clockwise from North. This was calculated by using Pythagoras' theorem to find the resultant speed and then using the cosine ratio to determine the angle with respect to South, and adding 180 degrees to get the standard location heading.
  • #1
Example question:
A plane is flying due west at 235 km/h and encounters a wind from the north at 45 km/h. What is the plane's new velocity with respect to ground in standard location?

Plane Equation (magnitude) (COS Angle) = x and (magnitude) (SIN Angle) =y
Wind Equation (magnitude) (COS ANgle) =x and (magnitude) (SIN Angle) =y
adding your x's and y's

Angle tan-1 y/x

plane angle + wind angle = adjusted angle
adjusted angle - new angle = current angle

Magnitude = square root of x squared and y squared

My attempt:
Before I start I just want to apologise for spelling all my equations out because I have no idea what I am doing here. This is my first time taking a physics course and I am completely lost

THe first issue that I was presented in this problem is finding out the angles. Which I am still unsure about. I know for example, northeast with no angle is a 45 degree angle, but if it is due north, due east, due south and due west i really have no idea. If someone can clarify that for me that would be great.

(235 km/h) (COS 0) =235 (235km/h) (SIN 0) =0
* I picked 0 for the angle (due west) because flying in a horizontial line would not have an angle?!*

(45 km/ h) (COS 90) = 0 (45 km/h) (SIN 90) =45
* I picked 90 for the angle (due north) because flying in a vertical line would create a 90 degree?!*

Current Angle:

angle tan-1 = 235/45 =79.11


Current Magnitude:

square root (235) squared + (45) squared = 239.27

New velocity to respect of ground 239.27 km/h < 190.89 WN

I tried to make an educated guess on my vector angles, but am unsure if I chose wisely. Besides checking my work can someone clarify that due north and south will always be 90 degrees and due east and west will always be 0 degrees (unless otherwise specified).

Thank you,
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  • #2
Your answer for speed is correct.

Although you could have simply used Pythagoras: A2 + B2 = C2.

2352 + 452 = C2
Sqrt(2352 + 452) = C

So now you have the resultant speed which is 239.27 and you know that will be between West and South (wind coming from the North = heading South).

To get the resultant angle, do it wrt South. So your hypotenuse is 239.27 and your adjacent is 45. Combine that with SOH CAH TOA: Cos(theta) = a/h ad that gives you the angle the aircraft will be flying in wrt South.

Now, it asks for standard location so I'd assume that means you need to give it wrt North - in this case, just add 180 (angle from North to South) and you have a heading clockwise from North which is how headings are given on an aircraft.

FAQ: How Do Wind and Plane Angles Affect Flight Direction and Speed?

What is the importance of determining the correct angle in scientific experiments?

The correct angle is crucial in scientific experiments as it can significantly affect the accuracy and reliability of the results. In some cases, even a slight deviation from the correct angle can lead to erroneous conclusions and wasted resources.

How is the correct angle determined in experiments?

The correct angle is determined by considering multiple factors such as the experimental setup, the type of equipment used, and the desired outcome. It may involve calculations, measurements, and trial-and-error methods to find the optimal angle for the experiment.

What are the tools and techniques commonly used for determining the correct angle?

The tools and techniques used for determining the correct angle may vary depending on the experiment. Some common tools include protractors, rulers, levels, and specialized equipment such as spectrophotometers and goniometers. Techniques such as triangulation and polarimetry are also commonly used.

What are the potential sources of error when determining the correct angle?

There are several potential sources of error when determining the correct angle. These can include human error, limitations of the equipment, environmental factors, and interference from other variables. It is essential to identify and minimize these errors to ensure accurate results.

How can the correct angle be adjusted in an experiment?

The correct angle can be adjusted by making necessary changes to the experimental setup or equipment. This may involve adjusting the position or angle of the equipment, using different tools or techniques, or making modifications to the experimental design. It is crucial to document any adjustments made and their effects on the results.
