Difference between a red/blue shifted object and one in rest.

In summary, the conversation discusses the question of how scientists can differentiate between red shift caused by an object moving away from us and an object at rest emitting that same wavelength. The answer lies in the precise measurement of spectral lines, which can determine the shift in frequency/wavelength of light emitted by objects. This technique is used for both stars and distant galaxies, and allows scientists to gather information about the velocity and distance of these objects. The conversation also addresses a potential explanation for this phenomenon, which involves intelligent guessing, but this is not the accurate method used by scientists.
  • #1

I'm pretty much a pop science guy so I can't say I know much about the underlying math or physics, but after listening to these lectures about pretty much everything over and over again, there is one thing I just can't seem to find the answer to.

The explanation of red/blue shift is pretty clear to me, however, how do we know the difference between the red shift from an object moving away from us and an object in rest emitting that same wavelength to begin with?

If our only source of information from distant stars is light in an expanding universe, how do we know what they would look like at rest to begin with?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I can't seem to find a good explanation.

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
This is actually a very good question with a simple answer: we don't. A redshifted photon looks exactly the same as one which is emitted in the lab under at the same energy.

However, this doesn't mean we can't acquire information about distant stars. For example, we know that hydrogen emits a photon with wavelength 656.3 nm during the transition from n=3 to n=2. This is obviously independent of where the photon is being emitted! So, if we see a distant star which has the same line except at a wavelength of, say, 670nm, we can conclude something about the speed the star must be moving away from us. This is only one line, but in practice it happens with an entire array of spectrum lines, all of which are well known from Earth laboratories, and all of which are shifted by the same amount.

This is the general procedure for analyzing spectra from distant stars to obtain velocity measurements (and distance, for objects that hubble's law applies to).
  • #3
Welcome to PF!

Hi Cipz! Welcome to PF! :smile:
Cipz said:
The explanation of red/blue shift is pretty clear to me, however, how do we know the difference between the red shift from an object moving away from us and an object in rest emitting that same wavelength to begin with?

We recognise the patterns …

it's like a barcode, or tree-rings …

different molecules produce lines at particular wavelengths, always the same wavelengths, and we can recognise those lines, by the way they're spaced. :wink:
  • #4
Thanks tiny-tim and thanks both of you for your answers, now I know what to look for when reading more about this :)
  • #5
Yeah this is a question i have been having for sometime, i found an explanation which i kind of liked

You will need to take the spectra of a star/object and find different wavelengths corresponding to the different frequencies of the light emitted

Now when this is seen, we will know that a particular wavelength, say red, would be either less or more; now the question is how are we so sure whether this is a red giant or is the star moving away from us.

Here we get into a little bit of guesswork, now let us just say that the visual diameter of the star measured does not measure to be like a giant at all we can safely say its moving away.

Also we will know that a particular wavelenght cannot be in excess by emission alone, what we would need to reason would be whether it is theoritically possible to have the concentrations to emit so much of light.

So its a kind of intelligent guessing, but yes i don't think its possible to say for certain of course this applies only to confusion for redshifts, for intance when we see a blue star we know for sure its blue cos something can't be rocketing into Earth :smile:
  • #6
If the object was moving, the frequency/wavelength of light would be shifting (either towards more blue or more red depending on which direction it was moving). If the object is static and blaring a steady red light at us, the f/wave-l wouldn't change.

Simple :)
  • #7
raknath said:
Yeah this is a question i have been having for sometime, i found an explanation which i kind of liked

You will need to take the spectra of a star/object and find different wavelengths corresponding to the different frequencies of the light emitted

Now when this is seen, we will know that a particular wavelength, say red, would be either less or more; now the question is how are we so sure whether this is a red giant or is the star moving away from us.

Here we get into a little bit of guesswork, now let us just say that the visual diameter of the star measured does not measure to be like a giant at all we can safely say its moving away.

Also we will know that a particular wavelenght cannot be in excess by emission alone, what we would need to reason would be whether it is theoritically possible to have the concentrations to emit so much of light.

So its a kind of intelligent guessing, but yes i don't think its possible to say for certain of course this applies only to confusion for redshifts, for intance when we see a blue star we know for sure its blue cos something can't be rocketing into Earth :smile:

That explanation isn't right; measurement of Doppler shifts isn't guesswork, but rather a very precise science. As Nabeshin said, scientists use spectral lines to calculate redshift/blueshift, and spectral line wavelengths are usually published with 8 or so digits. This works both for stars and for distant galaxies, except in the most distant, faint galaxies in which spectral lines can't be resolved. In such cases, telescopes take photos in different wavelengths, and the differences in brightness are compared to the differences expected given current models of galaxy evolution. Redshift is then inaccurately estimated.
  • #8
ideasrule said:
That explanation isn't right; measurement of Doppler shifts isn't guesswork, but rather a very precise science. As Nabeshin said, scientists use spectral lines to calculate redshift/blueshift, and spectral line wavelengths are usually published with 8 or so digits. This works both for stars and for distant galaxies, except in the most distant, faint galaxies in which spectral lines can't be resolved. In such cases, telescopes take photos in different wavelengths, and the differences in brightness are compared to the differences expected given current models of galaxy evolution. Redshift is then inaccurately estimated.

I think you got me wrong there, i said the interpretation is a little bit of guesswork, because we cannot really parametrically say that this is caused because of the redshift alone.

Calculation of the doppler is certainly very precise, we however are not sure what's causing the doppler

Related to Difference between a red/blue shifted object and one in rest.

What is the difference between a redshifted and a blueshifted object?

A redshifted object appears to have longer wavelengths than expected, while a blueshifted object appears to have shorter wavelengths than expected. This is due to the relative motion of the object and the observer.

How does the Doppler effect explain redshift and blueshift?

The Doppler effect is a phenomenon where the observed frequency of a wave is shifted when the source or observer is in motion. In the case of redshift and blueshift, the motion of the object causes the observed wavelength to be longer (redshift) or shorter (blueshift) than it would be at rest.

Why is redshift often associated with objects moving away and blueshift with objects moving towards us?

This is because of the way light behaves. When an object is moving away from us, the light waves are stretched out, resulting in longer wavelengths and a redshift. On the other hand, when an object is moving towards us, the light waves are compressed, resulting in shorter wavelengths and a blueshift.

Can we use redshift and blueshift to determine the velocity of an object?

Yes, the amount of redshift or blueshift observed can be used to calculate the velocity of an object. This is known as the redshift/blueshift equation, which takes into account the speed of light, the observed and rest wavelengths, and the velocity of the object.

What are some real-world applications of redshift and blueshift?

Redshift and blueshift are commonly used in astronomy to study the movement and distances of celestial objects. They have also been used in navigation systems, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), to accurately determine the location of objects on Earth.

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