Electric Field and Uniformly Charged Planes (conceptual)

In summary, the conversation is about finding the electric field between two plates of a capacitor with unequal charges. The formula for electric field between two plates with equal charges is mentioned and the question is raised whether this formula can still be used for unequal charges. The solution is to consider the net electric field at any point on the interior of a plate, which should equal the force on a test charge due to that plate. The formula for force on a test charge is provided, and it is shown that the electric field due to the two plates can be calculated by adding the electric fields due to each individual plate.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am pursuing conceptual help regarding electric field due to uniformly charged planes.

Homework Equations

[tex]E=\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I understand that a capictor has plates that are +/-Q. However, how would you calculate the elctric field between the plates if the plates are not equal in charge? Would the electric field between the plates still be uniform?

[tex]E=\frac{\sigma _1}{2\epsilon} + \frac{\sigma _2}{2\epsilon} [/tex]
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There's a simple way to find that out!
Consider an arbitrary charge distribution on the two plates, of the capacitor. Find out the expression for the net electric field, at any point on the interior of a plate. What should it be equal to?
  • #3
The force on a test charge q, due to plate Q1, would be:

F= (kqQ1)/r^2


therefore, E=[kq(sigma)A]/(r^2*q) =[k(sigma1)A]/r^2

If there was an addition plate with charge Q2, we would have E=[k(sigma1)A]/r^2

Therefore, the electric field due to the two plates would be:
E=[k(sigma1)A]/r^2 + [k(sigma1)A]/r^2
  • #4
Does that look correct?
  • #5
= \frac{Q_1}{2A\epsilon} + \frac{Q_2}{2A\epsilon} = \frac{Q_1+Q_2}{2A\epsilon}

In order to calculate the electric field between two plates that are not equal in charge, you would use the equation E=\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon}, where \sigma is the surface charge density and \epsilon is the permittivity of the medium. The electric field between the plates will still be uniform, as long as the plates are parallel and the distance between them is small compared to their size.

However, if the plates have different charges, the electric field between them will not be the same. The electric field will be stronger near the plate with the higher charge and weaker near the plate with the lower charge. This is because the electric field is directly proportional to the charge, so a higher charge will result in a stronger electric field.

To calculate the total electric field between the plates, you can add the individual electric fields from each plate. In the equation, \frac{\sigma _1}{2\epsilon} represents the electric field from the first plate and \frac{\sigma _2}{2\epsilon} represents the electric field from the second plate. So, the total electric field would be the sum of these two terms, which is \frac{Q_1+Q_2}{2A\epsilon}.

It is important to note that this equation assumes that the plates are infinite in size. If the plates are not infinite, then the electric field will not be completely uniform and will vary slightly near the edges of the plates. In this case, a more complex equation would be needed to accurately calculate the electric field between the plates.

FAQ: Electric Field and Uniformly Charged Planes (conceptual)

What is an electric field?

An electric field is a region in space where a charged particle experiences a force. This force can either be attractive or repulsive depending on the sign of the charge. The strength of the electric field is measured in units of Newtons per Coulomb (N/C).

How is the electric field of a uniformly charged plane calculated?

The electric field of a uniformly charged plane is calculated by dividing the surface charge density (charge per unit area) by the permittivity of free space (ε0 = 8.85 x 10^-12 C^2/Nm^2). This results in a constant electric field that is perpendicular to the plane and has the same magnitude at all points in space near the plane.

What is the direction of the electric field near a uniformly charged plane?

The electric field near a uniformly charged plane is always perpendicular to the plane and points away from the plane for a positive charge, and towards the plane for a negative charge. This is because the electric field lines always point in the direction of the force that a positive test charge would experience if placed in the field.

Can the electric field of a uniformly charged plane be changed?

Yes, the electric field of a uniformly charged plane can be changed by altering the surface charge density or by changing the distance from the plane. The closer the point is to the plane, the stronger the electric field will be.

How does the electric field change as you move away from a uniformly charged plane?

The electric field of a uniformly charged plane follows an inverse square law, meaning that as you move away from the plane, the strength of the electric field decreases proportionally to the square of the distance. This means that the electric field becomes weaker the further away from the plane you are.
