Solve Electron Current in 1.00mm Gold Wire: How Long for 1 Mole?

In summary, an electron flow through a cross section of a gold wire in a day is 2.20*10^23 electrons.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The electron drift speed in a 1.00 -mm-diameter gold wire is 5.50*10^-5 m/s
How long does it take 1 mole of electrons to flow through a cross section of the wire in a day?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

First I figured out the electron current.

i=2.55*10^18 e-/sec

Since electron current is the amount of electrons per second I multiplied by 86,400s in a day:


This gives me the number of electrons that pass through a cross sectional area. Since they are asking for 1 mole I divided by 6.02*10^23

=.366 days

This answer is wrong. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any help?
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  • #2
fsm said:
The electron drift speed in a 1.00 -mm-diameter gold wire is 5.50*10^-5 m/s
How long does it take 1 mole of electrons to flow through a cross section of the wire in a day?
Is there additional information available? Are you sure you copied the problem correctly? The last sentence doesn't make sense.
  • #3
Your question doesn’t make any sense the way it is. This is what I was trying to get you to clarify in the other thread you started on this problem.

Do you mean how long does it take (in days) one mole of electrons to flow through the cross-section, or do you mean how many moles of electrons flow through the cross-section in one day? These are not the same thing, although the calculation will be nearly identical.

I’m guessing it is supposed to read more like “How long does it take 1 mole of electrons to flow through a cross section of the wire, in days?” Please tell me if this is the right interpretation.

The units of your answer is not in days, it is in moles/day. Try taking the inverse of the 0.366 you found, I suspect that will give you the right answer. What you have calculated is 0.366 moles/day (i.e. 0.366 moles will pass through the cross-section in 1 day). What I think you want is how many days will it take for one mole to pass through the cross-section. Can you see what I’m getting at?

You need to make sure your units work out properly when you do this calculation. I think that is likely what is causing the problem here.

Remember that it is 6.022x10^23 electrons/mole. The mole counts as a unit when you are doing this. So be aware of that when you are dividing.
  • #4
Sorry about the confusion. I forgot the s in days. I started a new thread on this because through my own fault made the problem too confusing. I guess I did it again . What I did wrong was I should have divided the constant of a mole by the electron current. This gives moles per second. Then divide that answer by 86400 to get 1 mole in x days which was 2.73 days. Thanks for the help and sorry for the confusion.
  • #5
fsm said:
Sorry about the confusion. I forgot the s in days. I started a new thread on this because through my own fault made the problem too confusing. I guess I did it again . What I did wrong was I should have divided the constant of a mole by the electron current. This gives moles per second. Then divide that answer by 86400 to get 1 mole in x days which was 2.73 days. Thanks for the help and sorry for the confusion.

Glad it's all figured out! :smile:

FAQ: Solve Electron Current in 1.00mm Gold Wire: How Long for 1 Mole?

1. How is electron current calculated in a 1.00mm gold wire?

Electron current is calculated by dividing the total charge passing through the wire by the time it takes for the charge to pass through. This can be represented by the equation I = Q/t, where I is the current, Q is the charge, and t is the time.

2. What is the unit of measurement for electron current in this context?

The unit of measurement for electron current is amperes (A), which represents the amount of charge passing through a point in a circuit per unit of time.

3. How is the time for 1 mole of electrons to pass through the gold wire calculated?

The time for 1 mole of electrons to pass through the gold wire can be calculated by dividing the total number of electrons in 1 mole (6.022 x 10^23) by the current, I, in amperes. This can be represented by the equation t = (6.022 x 10^23)/I.

4. What factors can affect the electron current in a gold wire?

The electron current in a gold wire can be affected by factors such as the length and thickness of the wire, the material and temperature of the wire, and the voltage applied to the wire.

5. Why is it important to calculate the electron current in a gold wire?

Calculating the electron current in a gold wire is important because it allows us to understand the flow of electricity through a circuit, which is essential for many technological applications. It also helps us determine the efficiency and capacity of the wire for different purposes.
