Electrostatic Self-Energy of a uniform charged sphere

In summary: Q as charge, r as radiusIn summary, the problem involves calculating the self-energy of a uniformly charged electron with a given radius and distributed charge. The formula for self-energy is given and the attempt at a solution involves finding the work required to add thin spherical shells to the sphere and integrating over the different variables. However, there were some misunderstandings about the charge and potential, leading to incorrect calculations. The correct expressions for charge and potential are provided as \rho(\vec r)=\frac{e}{(4/3)\pi R^3} and \phi(\vec r)=\frac{Q}{R} (\frac{3}{2}-\frac{r^2}{2R^2}), respectively.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello, I have to calculate the self-energy of an uniform charged electron with radius R. The distributed charge is e.

Homework Equations

The SE is given as:
[itex] E=\frac{1}{2}\int dV \int dV' \frac {\rho(\vec r)\rho(\vec r')}{ |\vec r - \vec r'|}[/itex]
according to the problem sheet.

The Attempt at a Solution

Since it's uniformly charged I guess [itex] \rho(\vec r)=\rho(\vec r')=\frac{e}{(4/3)\pi R^3}[/itex]

And from here I'm stuck, I tried to evaluate the (ugly) integral: [itex] \int_{0}^{2\pi} \int_{0}^{2\pi} \int_{0}^{\pi} \int_{0}^{\pi} \int_{0}^{R} \int_{0}^{R} \frac{e^2r'^2r^2sin(\theta')sin(\theta)}{2[(4/3)\pi R^3]^2\sqrt{(r-r')^2+(\theta-\theta')^2+(\phi-\phi')^2}} \, drdr'd\theta d\theta' d\phi d\phi' [/itex] (In spherical coordinates.)

But maple just crashed when I put it in.
What am I doing wrong? Did I misunderstand the meaning of the prime? (Can I set [itex]\vec r' = \vec 0 [/itex]?)

Any hints are very appreciated.
Kind regards Alex
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  • #2
It looks like you are approaching this problem in a very difficult, brute force way. Suppose you have a uniformly charge sphere of radius ##r##. What is the energy required to add a thin, uniformly charge spherical shell of thickness ##dr## to it? See if you can use the answer to this question to help solve your problem.
  • #3
I think the work to add the shell is given by:
[itex]W=\frac{1}{2} \int \rho(\vec r)\phi(\vec r)dr [/itex]
The potential [itex]\phi(\vec r)[/itex] is caused by the sphere with radius [itex]r[/itex]. I think it can be viewed as a point charge potential, when seen from the outside. [itex](>r)[/itex]
Then I would add up these shells ([itex]dr [/itex]) until I reach R.
Am I correct so far or am I confusing myself?
  • #4
AwesomeTrains said:
##W=\frac{1}{2} \int \rho(\vec r)\phi(\vec r)dr##
I think that you have the right idea, but this formula is wrong. You should be able to see that the units are wrong. Recall that ##dq=\rho dV## where ##dV## is a differential volume element. So you need to find ##dV## for a thin spherical shell.
  • #5
That means r is constant:
[itex]dV=r^2sin(\theta)d\theta d\phi[/itex]
If it's right I put it in W and integrate w from 0 to R over r?
  • #6
That's right. Remember to integrate over ##\theta## and ##\phi## as well.
  • #7
Thanks a lot for the help. Will evaluate the integral tomorrow and post the result, it's getting late :) NN
  • #8
Good morning, I'm stuck again :)
The work to add the spherical shell with radius [itex] dr [/itex] to the sphere with radius [itex] r [/itex]:
[itex]W=\frac{1}{2}\int\rho(\vec r)\phi(\vec r)r^2sin(\theta)d\theta d\phi[/itex]

Since it's uniformly charged: [itex]\rho(\vec r)=\frac{e}{(4/3)\pi r^3}[/itex]
And the potential is: [itex]\phi(\vec r)=\frac{e}{r}[/itex]
(I'm not sure about the charge, because we would end up with more than e charge on the sphere when we add all the shells to the sphere with radius [itex] r [/itex]?)

The work is then: [itex]W=\frac{1}{2}\int_{0}^{2\pi} \int_{0}^{\pi} \frac{e}{(4/3)\pi r^3}\frac{e}{r}r^2sin(\theta)d\theta d\phi=\frac{3e^2}{2r^2}[/itex]

Then I wanted to integrate through all the thin shells from [itex]0[/itex] to [itex]R[/itex] but [itex]\int_{0}^{R} \frac{3e^2}{2r^2} dr [/itex] is division by zero. Are the limits of the integral wrong?
  • #9
AwesomeTrains said:
Since it's uniformly charged: ##\rho(\vec r)=\frac{e}{(4/3)\pi r^3}##
And the potential is: ##\phi(\vec r)=\frac{e}{r}##
Both of these are incorrect. If the sphere is uniformly charged, then ##\rho## is constant, i.e. independent of ##r## right? The potential is ##
\phi(\vec r)=\frac{q(r)}{r}## where ##q(r)## is the charge of a uniformly charged sphere of radius ##r##. ##q(r) \neq e##!
  • #10
ZetaOfThree said:
Both of these are incorrect. If the sphere is uniformly charged, then ##\rho## is constant, i.e. independent of ##r## right? The potential is ##
\phi(\vec r)=\frac{q(r)}{r}## where ##q(r)## is the charge of a uniformly charged sphere of radius ##r##. ##q(r) \neq e##!

Correct: ##\rho(\vec r)=\frac{e}{(4/3)\pi R^3}## , R as radius. And ##\phi(\vec r)=\frac{Q}{R} (\frac{3}{2}-\frac{r^2}{2R^2})##

FAQ: Electrostatic Self-Energy of a uniform charged sphere

1. What is the Electrostatic Self-Energy of a uniform charged sphere?

The Electrostatic Self-Energy of a uniform charged sphere is the amount of energy required to bring all the charges on the sphere from infinity to their respective positions on the sphere, while keeping the sphere at a constant charge and size.

2. How is the Electrostatic Self-Energy of a uniform charged sphere calculated?

The Electrostatic Self-Energy of a uniform charged sphere can be calculated using the formula U = (3/5)(kQ^2)/R, where U is the self-energy, k is the Coulomb's constant, Q is the charge of the sphere, and R is the radius of the sphere.

3. What is the relationship between the Electrostatic Self-Energy and the charge and radius of the sphere?

The Electrostatic Self-Energy is directly proportional to the square of the charge of the sphere and inversely proportional to the radius of the sphere. This means that as the charge of the sphere increases, the self-energy also increases, while as the radius of the sphere increases, the self-energy decreases.

4. Why is the Electrostatic Self-Energy of a uniform charged sphere considered a form of potential energy?

The Electrostatic Self-Energy of a uniform charged sphere is considered a form of potential energy because it represents the energy stored within the system of charges, which can be released or used to do work in the presence of an external force or influence.

5. How does the Electrostatic Self-Energy affect the stability of a charged sphere?

The Electrostatic Self-Energy plays a crucial role in the stability of a charged sphere. It causes the charges on the surface of the sphere to repel each other, leading to an equilibrium state where the charges are evenly distributed on the surface. If the self-energy is too high, the sphere may become unstable and collapse, while if it is too low, the sphere may disintegrate or lose its shape.
