What is the Kinetic Energy of a Space Probe Launched from Zero?

In summary, the conversation discusses a hypothetical planet, Zero, with a mass of 5.0*10^23 kg, a radius of 3.0*10^6m, and no atmosphere. The conversation then goes on to discuss a 10kg space probe that is launched vertically from its surface. Part a of the conversation focuses on calculating the probe's kinetic energy when it is 4.0*10^6m from the center of Zero, given an initial energy of 5.0*10^7 J. The attempt at a solution involves using conservation of energy, but the numbers were not provided to determine the accuracy of the attempt. In part b, the conversation discusses finding the initial
  • #1

Homework Statement

Zero, a hypothetical planet, has a mass of 5.0*10^23 kg, a radius of 3.0*10^6m, and no atmosphere. A 10kg space probe is to be launched vertically from its surface. (a) If the probe is launched with an initial energy of 5.0*10^7 J, what will its kinetic energy be when it is 4.0*10^6m from the center of Zero? (b) If the probe is to achieve a maximum distance of 8.0*10^6m from the center of Zero, with what initial kinetic energy must it be launched from the surface of Zero?

Homework Equations

[tex]U = -\frac{GMm}{r}[/tex]

[tex]U_f + K_f = U_i + K_i[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

For part a I attempted to find the potential energy while the probe was on the surface of the planet then find the final potential energy when the probe is at the correct distance then since I knew the total energy and the gravity force is conservative I though I'd use conservation of energy and find the change in potential energy and use that to somehow find K, but it didn't work and I'm clueless...

For part b I don't even know where to begin...
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  • #2
It sounds like you have the right idea for a). But I can't tell what went wrong without knowing what your numbers are. For b) it's the same thing, you know the difference in potential energy between the surface and the destination, final kinetic energy is zero, then just solve for initial.
  • #3
Dick said:
It sounds like you have the right idea for a). But I can't tell what went wrong without knowing what your numbers are. For b) it's the same thing, you know the difference in potential energy between the surface and the destination, final kinetic energy is zero, then just solve for initial.

Ah for b I though about doing that but I wasn't sure if the probe started to orbit the plant, wouldn't it have kinetic energy if it did? And is there anyway to tell it isn't since the problem never stated anything about that.

Thanks for the help by the way.
  • #4
Feldoh said:
Ah for b I though about doing that but I wasn't sure if the probe started to orbit the plant, wouldn't it have kinetic energy if it did? And is there anyway to tell it isn't since the problem never stated anything about that.

Thanks for the help by the way.

Well, it doesn't say anything about orbiting, so I'd assume all motion was vertical.
  • #5
Ah ok, thanks

FAQ: What is the Kinetic Energy of a Space Probe Launched from Zero?

What is energy?

Energy is the ability to do work or cause change. It exists in many forms, including kinetic, potential, thermal, and chemical energy.

What is gravitation?

Gravitation is the force of attraction between two objects due to their mass. It is described by Newton's law of universal gravitation, which states that the force of gravity is directly proportional to the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

How are energy and gravitation related?

Energy and gravitation are related through the concept of potential energy. When an object is raised to a certain height, it gains potential energy due to its position in a gravitational field. This potential energy can be converted into other forms, such as kinetic energy, as the object falls back to the ground.

What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?

Potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position or state, while kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. In the context of energy and gravitation, potential energy is associated with an object's position in a gravitational field, while kinetic energy is associated with the object's motion as it moves due to the force of gravity.

How does gravity affect energy on a large scale?

Gravity plays a crucial role in the formation and behavior of large-scale structures in the universe, such as galaxies, stars, and planets. It affects the motion and orbits of these objects, as well as the release and transfer of energy within them. Without gravity, these structures would not have formed or evolved in the same way.
