Energy density expression of a Gaussian pulse

In summary, the conversation discusses the energy density equation for the ith annular section of a Gaussian pulse, which includes the total energy, waist size, and a Gaussian spatial profile. The question is then raised about finding the overall energy density of the pulse and how it relates to the average energy density. The conversation also mentions a separate equation for intensity and the relationship to the energy density equation. The question is how to find the overall energy density from the given equation.
  • #1

Energy density of the ith annular section of a Gaussian pulse is written as

F(r_i, r_i+1)=2*totalEnergy/[(r_i+1^2-r_i^2)*w^2]*integral(r*exp(-r^2/w^2),from r_i to r_i+1)

where r spans from r=0 to r=r_n (theoretically infinity) in n steps, w is the waist size of the beam.

This equation is for i. annular part. How can I write the whole energy density of a Gaussian pulse?
I know F_average = 2*totalEnergy/[pi*w^2]

What is the equivalance of F_average in its exact form considering Gaussian spatial profile?

Any answer will be highly appreciated!

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  • #2
The question can be misunderstood.
I know I = I0*(w/w0)^2*int(r*exp(-2r^2/w^2)*int(-2t^2/tho_laser) and
F = I*tho_laser.

My question is how or.. can I find F(r) from F(r_i, r_i+1) [the equation above] ?
  • #3

Hello Fulya,

Thank you for sharing your expression for the energy density of a Gaussian pulse. It is important to consider the energy density of a pulse when studying its properties and interactions with other systems.

To calculate the total energy density of a Gaussian pulse, you can integrate the expression you provided over all annular sections. This will give you the total energy density of the pulse in terms of its waist size and the total energy. So the expression for the total energy density would be:

F_total = integral(F(r_i, r_i+1), from i=1 to n)

This integral will give you the energy density at each annular section and summing them up will give you the total energy density of the pulse.

As for the equivalence of F_average in its exact form for a Gaussian spatial profile, it is equal to the average energy density over the entire beam profile. This can be calculated by dividing the total energy density by the area of the beam profile, which is given by pi*w^2. So the expression for F_average would be:

F_average = F_total/(pi*w^2)

I hope this helps to answer your questions. Let me know if you have any further inquiries. Good luck with your research!


FAQ: Energy density expression of a Gaussian pulse

1. What is the formula for the energy density expression of a Gaussian pulse?

The energy density expression of a Gaussian pulse is given by E(x) = (1/2) * E0 * exp(-x2/w2), where E0 is the maximum electric field amplitude and w is the beam waist.

2. How is the energy density of a Gaussian pulse affected by the beam waist?

The energy density of a Gaussian pulse is inversely proportional to the square of the beam waist. This means that as the beam waist decreases, the energy density increases.

3. What is the physical significance of the maximum electric field amplitude in the energy density expression of a Gaussian pulse?

The maximum electric field amplitude, E0, represents the peak intensity of the pulse. It is the highest value of the electric field that is achieved during the pulse's propagation.

4. How does the energy density expression of a Gaussian pulse differ from that of a flat-top pulse?

The energy density expression of a flat-top pulse is constant throughout its duration, whereas the energy density of a Gaussian pulse decreases as the pulse propagates. Additionally, the shape of the energy density profile is different, with a Gaussian pulse having a bell-shaped curve and a flat-top pulse having a rectangular profile.

5. What are some applications of the energy density expression of a Gaussian pulse?

The energy density expression of a Gaussian pulse is commonly used in optics and laser physics to describe the intensity profile of a laser beam. It is also used in fields such as spectroscopy, communications, and medical imaging.

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