Energy levels in Hydrogen - derivation

In summary, the conversation discusses the method of finding the energy using the Hamiltonian and the wavefunction. The speaker mentions shortcuts for evaluating expectation values of the Hamiltonian and tabulated values for certain integrals. The method of using the raising operator to terminate the circular orbit wavefunction is also mentioned. The conversation ends with a request for the speaker to demonstrate their method.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We know that:


[tex]H=-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 - \frac{Ze^2}{4\pi\epsilon_0 r}[/tex]
[tex]\psi=R(r)Y(\theta, \phi)[/tex]
If I want to find the energy, do I just evaluate this integral over all space? I started doing it, but it becomes very untidy at a point - I just wanted to ask if this is the method.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Mod Note: moved to advanced physics. Please post such a question in that forum.
  • #3
Essentially yes. However, there are shortcuts you can take to evaluate expectation values of the Hamiltonian. Is psi in an eigenstate (discrete portion of the spectrum), no integral necessary. Likewise for a weighted sum of eigenstates.
  • #4
Psi is a wavefunction, and an eigenstate - but I believe it has to be an integral. However, can you tell me what these shortcuts are?
  • #5
Tabulated (as a result of integrations on which you needn't worry) values for

[tex]\langle nlm |\frac{1}{r} | nlm \rangle [/tex](nlm are eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian) exist and ease your work.
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  • #6
I know these values - for inverse 1st, 2nd and 3rd powers - my concern is the first term - the one involving the differential - it is going to produce 2 integrals on its own.
  • #7
NO, this is most definitely not the standard method. Do you know what eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are?
  • #8
Yes, I do ofc. I know how to find the energy by requiring the raising operator to terminate the circular orbit wavefunction, I was just wondering is you can do it by directly evaluating this integral.
  • #9
Grand said:
I know how to find the energy by requiring the raising operator to terminate the circular orbit wavefunction,

This is surely not the standard way. Please do demonstrate.
  • #10
Grand said:
I know these values - for inverse 1st, 2nd and 3rd powers - my concern is the first term - the one involving the differential - it is going to produce 2 integrals on its own.
So what specifically is the problem? These aren't particularly tricky integrals. They're straightforward but tedious. Show us what you've done so far.

FAQ: Energy levels in Hydrogen - derivation

1) How are energy levels in Hydrogen derived?

The energy levels in Hydrogen are derived using the Schrödinger equation, which describes the behavior of quantum particles. The equation is solved using mathematical techniques to determine the allowed energy levels for a Hydrogen atom.

2) What is the significance of the energy levels in Hydrogen?

The energy levels in Hydrogen determine the possible states that an electron can occupy around the nucleus. This is important because it explains the stability of the atom and its ability to emit and absorb energy in the form of photons.

3) How do the energy levels in Hydrogen relate to the emission spectrum?

The energy levels in Hydrogen correspond to specific wavelengths of light that are emitted when an electron transitions from a higher energy level to a lower one. This produces the characteristic emission spectrum of Hydrogen.

4) How do the energy levels in Hydrogen change with the addition of an electron?

The energy levels in Hydrogen are affected by the presence of an additional electron, as the electron-electron interactions alter the energy levels. This is why atoms with multiple electrons have more complex energy level diagrams.

5) What is the Bohr model and how does it relate to energy levels in Hydrogen?

The Bohr model is a simplified version of the energy level diagram for Hydrogen, proposed by Niels Bohr. It shows the electron in discrete energy levels and explains the observed spectral lines. However, it does not fully explain the behavior of electrons in atoms and has been replaced by more accurate models, such as the Schrödinger equation.
