Energy-Momentum Tensor: Validity in Relativity?

In summary, the conversation discusses the expression of the energy-momentum tensor in the context of Einstein's equation. The speaker shares their findings on a general way to express the tensor and expresses uncertainty about its validity. Another participant suggests using the Hilbert stress-energy tensor as a more general approach, and the conversation delves into the different types of matter and fields that contribute to the stress-energy tensor.
  • #1
As you may know from some other thread, I was interested through the week in finding a general way of express the energy-momentum tensor that appears in one side of the Einstein's equation.
After much trials, I found that

$$T^{\sigma \nu} = g^{\sigma \nu} \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \partial_{\mu} \phi} \partial_{\nu} \phi - g^{\sigma \nu} \delta^{\mu}{}_{\nu} \mathcal{L}$$ where ##\mathcal{L}## is the Lagrangian density.

As I haven't found an expression like this one on web, I'm unsure about its validity in Relativity.

I would appreciate if someone could tell me whether this expression is valid or not.

I can post here links to the pdf's I have read and how I arrived at the above result.
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  • #2
davidge said:
I was interested through the week in finding a general way of express the energy-momentum tensor

What you are doing is not general enough; you're assuming that the matter is a scalar field (that's what ##\phi## is).

The most general way of expressing the stress-energy tensor that appears on the RHS of the Einstein Field Equation is the Hilbert stress-energy tensor, given here:–energy_tensor#Hilbert_stress.E2.80.93energy_tensor

Note that this expression just involves ##\mathcal{L}_{\text{matter}}##, i.e., the Lagrangian density for matter, without making any assumptions about the form that Lagrangian density takes.

davidge said:
I would appreciate if someone could tell me whether this expression is valid or not.

Even leaving out the above, your expression is not valid on its face because the indexes don't match up; you have ##\sigma## and ##\nu## as free indexes on the LHS but ##\sigma## and ##\mu## as free indexes on the RHS.

However, as above, the more general problem with your expression is that it assumes that the matter is a scalar field, which you shouldn't do if you want the most general expression possible.

Even for matter as a scalar field, though, your expression is not correct. You can use the general Hilbert form I linked to, plus the correct form of ##\mathcal{L}_{\text{matter}}## for a scalar field, which is not just ##\phi##, to derive what the correct stress-energy tensor is for a scalar field.
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  • #3
Thanks Peter.
PeterDonis said:
your expression is not valid on its face because the indexes don't match up; you have ##\sigma## and ##\nu## as free indexes on the LHS but ##\sigma## and ##\mu## as free indexes on the RHS.
I'm sorry, it was a typo. The correct would be inserting ##\mu## instead of ##\nu## on the left hand side.

PeterDonis said:
you're assuming that the matter is a scalar field (that's what ##\phi## is).
I thought we could always represent matter as a scalar quantity, represented by a scalar field. Why it is not the case?

PeterDonis said:
The most general way of expressing the stress-energy tensor that appears on the RHS of the Einstein Field Equation is the Hilbert stress-energy tensor
Unfortunately the Wiki article don't provide a derivation for it. But it's interesting to see its form. The Lagrangian density is dependent of what quantities?
  • #4
davidge said:
I thought we could always represent matter as a scalar quantity, represented by a scalar field.

I have no idea why you would believe that. In any case, it's false. All ordinary matter is fermions, which are spinor fields (spin 1/2), not scalar fields (spin 0). All gauge bosons in the Standard Model are spin-1 fields. The only spin-0 field in the Standard Model is the Higgs.

More generally, at the macroscopic level, the simplest model of matter is a perfect fluid, which is not the same as a scalar field, as is evident from looking at their respective stress-energy tensors.

davidge said:
The Lagrangian density is dependent of what quantities?

It depends on what kind of matter you are talking about. There is no general rule. That's why the Hilbert stress-energy tensor makes no assumptions about its form or what it depends on.
  • #5
davidge said:
the Wiki article don't provide a derivation for it.

Click on the "Einstein-Hilbert action" link.
  • #6
PeterDonis said:
I have no idea why you would believe that. In any case, it's false. All ordinary matter is fermions, which are spinor fields (spin 1/2), not scalar fields (spin 0). All gauge bosons in the Standard Model are spin-1 fields. The only spin-0 field in the Standard Model is the Higgs.
That's because I've seen many times phrases like "the field has a mass m"; "a massive field"; etc... (as when one talks about the Klein-Gordon Equation). So I related these things in my mind.
PeterDonis said:
It depends on what kind of matter you are talking about. There is no general rule. That's why the Hilbert stress-energy tensor makes no assumptions about its form or what it depends on.
  • #7
davidge said:
I've seen many times phrases like "the field has a mass m"; "a massive field"; etc... (as when one talks about the Klein-Gordon Equation)

Sure, the scalar field can have a mass. But that doesn't mean the scalar field is the only field that can have a mass, which is what your belief that all matter can be described by scalar fields implies. You will see similar statements made about fermion fields and the Dirac equation in many texts. You will also see many texts talking about massive spin-1 fields in the context of showing what kinds of experiments might tell you whether photons have mass or not.
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  • #8
By the way, if you want to understand the coupling of spin 1/2 to gravity, you need the vielbein-(or tetrad)formalism. See e.g. Carroll on GR or Samtleben on SUGRA.
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  • #9
PeterDonis said:
that doesn't mean the scalar field is the only field that can have a mass, which is what your belief that all matter can be described by scalar fields implies

Actually, even this isn't broad enough. Massless fields can also contribute to the stress-energy tensor. Typically the term "radiation" is used for massless fields (such as photons in the early universe), but as far as GR is concerned, stress-energy is stress-energy, and all types of stress-energy appear in the Einstein Field Equation. In other words, "matter" as the term is usually used is not general enough to describe all of the possible sources in the EFE.
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FAQ: Energy-Momentum Tensor: Validity in Relativity?

1. What is the Energy-Momentum Tensor and why is it important in relativity?

The Energy-Momentum Tensor is a mathematical object used to describe the distribution of energy and momentum in a given space. In relativity, it is important because it provides a way to describe the conservation of energy and momentum in a relativistic framework.

2. How is the Energy-Momentum Tensor related to Einstein's field equations?

The Energy-Momentum Tensor is one of the sources of the gravitational field in Einstein's field equations. It is related to the curvature of space-time, which is described by the metric tensor.

3. Is the Energy-Momentum Tensor valid in all theories of relativity?

Yes, the Energy-Momentum Tensor is a fundamental concept in all theories of relativity. It is used in both special and general relativity to describe the conservation of energy and momentum.

4. Can the Energy-Momentum Tensor be used to describe both matter and non-matter systems?

Yes, the Energy-Momentum Tensor can be used to describe both matter and non-matter systems. It is a general mathematical object that can be applied to any system that has energy and momentum.

5. How is the Energy-Momentum Tensor used in practical applications?

The Energy-Momentum Tensor is used in many practical applications, such as in the study of black holes, gravitational waves, and cosmology. It is also used in the development of new technologies, such as space propulsion systems and energy production methods.
