Entropy: second law for systems with zero input net energy

In summary, the conversation discusses the application of the second law of thermodynamics to a system that is not isolated, but has both inward and outward energy flows. The total energy of the system remains constant, and the question is whether the second law can still be applied in this case. A possible reference for this topic is provided and the distinction between isolated, closed, and open systems is clarified. The conversation also mentions the relevance of this topic to cosmology.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Insights Author
Dear all,

I'm trying to think about applying the second law of thermodynamics to a system which is not isolated, but has an energy flowing inwards and an equal (!) energy flowing outwards, such that the total energy does not change (total energy flux is zero). Can we still apply the second law in this case? And where can I find a reference (here or elsewhere) which treats this case?
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  • #2
If you compress an ideal gas isothermally, there is an influx of work and equal outflux of heat and the internal energy of the gas doesn't change. ( http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/therm/entropgas.html )

Of course if a closed system is in thermal equilibrium with its surroundings, it's constantly exchanging molecular kinetic energy (heat) with the surroundings, but there is no net flow of heat to either direction.
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Likes haushofer
  • #3
Ah, yes, of course, that's a familiar example. Thanks! My thermodynamics is a bit rusty, but I'm reviewing some for applications to cosmology (gravitating systems).
  • #4
haushofer said:
I'm trying to think about applying the second law of thermodynamics to a system which is not isolated, but has an energy flowing inwards

Yes. Here is a place to start.
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Likes haushofer
  • #5
Do we mean the same thing with terms "isolated", "closed", and "open"? An isolated system doesn't exchange either energy or matter with its surroundings. A closed system can exchange heat but not matter. An open system can exchange both heat and matter with the rest of the universe.
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Likes Chestermiller
  • #6
Yes. So I'm referring to the second law for closed systems instead of isolated ones.

FAQ: Entropy: second law for systems with zero input net energy

1. What is entropy?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. It is a thermodynamic quantity that describes the distribution of energy in a system and the tendency of energy to spread out and become more evenly distributed.

2. How is entropy related to the second law of thermodynamics?

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time. This means that as energy is transferred and transformed within a system, the overall randomness and disorder will also increase.

3. Can entropy be reversed or decreased?

In isolated systems, entropy can never decrease. However, in open systems with an input of net energy, it is possible to decrease entropy locally. This is because the energy input can be used to create order and decrease randomness in certain parts of the system.

4. How does the second law apply to systems with zero input net energy?

In systems with zero input net energy, the second law still applies. The total entropy of the system will either remain constant or increase, depending on the processes occurring within the system. However, the second law does not dictate the direction or magnitude of these processes.

5. How is entropy used in practical applications?

Entropy is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics and is used in many practical applications, such as power generation, refrigeration, and chemical reactions. Understanding entropy helps scientists and engineers design more efficient systems and processes.
