Help Needed: Exploring the Force of Water & Weight of a Jetliner

In summary, the Mariana Trench is located at a depth of 11,000 m in the Pacific Ocean and the density of seawater is 1025 kg/m^3. If an underwater vehicle with an observation window radius of 0.10 m were to explore this depth, the water would exert a force of p*g*h*pi*r^2. For comparison, a jetliner with a mass of 1.2x10^5 kg would have a weight of m*g. The aorta carries blood at a speed of 40 cm/s and has a radius of 1.1 cm, eventually branching into a large number of tiny capillaries with a blood speed of 0.07 cm/s and a
  • #1
I'm having a lot of trouble with fluids I need some help on these two questions :/

the mariana trench is located in the floor of the Pacific Ocean at a depth of about 11 000 m below the surface of the water. The density of seawater is 1025 kg/m^3.
if an underwater vehicle were to explore such a depth, what force would the water exert on the vehicles observation window (radius=.10m)?
For comparison, determine the weight of a jetliner whose mass is 1.2x10^5 kg

The aorta carries blood away from the heart at a speed of 40 cm/s and has a radius of 1.1cm. The aorta branches eventually into a large number of tiny capillaries that distribute the blood to various organs. In a capillary, the blood speed is about .07 cm/s and the radius is about 6x10^-4cm. Treat the blood as an incompressible fluid, and use these data to determine the approximate number of capillaries in the human body

any help please? thanks a lot!
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  • #2
Ok... I am new to this forum but I noticed your post and thought I'd lent a hand. I am enrolled in Advanced Placement Physics at my high school and we already went over fluids so I think i can help.

For your first question:

P = p*g*h
P = F/A
A = pi*r^2

and the other part:

F = ma
Fg = m*g

For the second question:

It is flow rate...

AV(before) = AV(after)
A = pi*r^2
pi*r^2*V = pi*r^2*V

since there are multiple capilaries...

r(of aorta)^2*V(of a.)
------------------------ (divided by) = Number of capilaries
r(of capilaries)^2*V(of c.)

Hope this helped
  • #3

I am happy to assist with your questions regarding fluids. Let's start with the first question about the force of water at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. To calculate this, we can use the formula F = ρghA, where ρ is the density of the fluid (in this case, seawater), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), h is the depth (11,000 m), and A is the area of the observation window (πr^2, where r is the radius of 0.10 m). Plugging in these values, we get a force of approximately 34,000 N.

Now, moving on to the comparison with the weight of a jetliner. The weight of an object is equal to its mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity. So, for the jetliner with a mass of 1.2x10^5 kg, its weight would be roughly 1.18x10^6 N.

For the second question, we can use the equation Q = A1v1 = A2v2, where Q is the flow rate, A is the cross-sectional area, and v is the velocity. We can assume that the flow rate is constant throughout the aorta and the capillaries, so we can set the two equations equal to each other. Solving for the number of capillaries (n), we get n = (A1v1)/(A2v2). Plugging in the given values, we get approximately 2.5x10^9 capillaries in the human body.

I hope this helps with your understanding of fluids. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Keep up the curiosity and good luck with your studies!

FAQ: Help Needed: Exploring the Force of Water & Weight of a Jetliner

1. How does the force of water affect a jetliner during takeoff and landing?

The force of water, specifically from a water cannon or fire hose, can create a cushioning effect for a jetliner during takeoff and landing. This helps to reduce the impact and stress on the landing gear and tires, making for a smoother landing and takeoff.

2. What is the weight of a jetliner and how does it impact the force of water?

The weight of a jetliner can vary depending on the type of aircraft and the amount of cargo and passengers on board. On average, a fully loaded jetliner can weigh anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000 pounds. The weight of the jetliner impacts the force of water by increasing the amount of pressure and resistance it experiences when coming into contact with the water.

3. How does the force of water help to cool down a jetliner?

Water has a high heat capacity, meaning it can absorb a lot of heat before its temperature changes. When water is sprayed onto a jetliner, it helps to dissipate the heat generated by the engines and other components. This is important for preventing overheating and maintaining the safety of the aircraft.

4. Can the force of water damage a jetliner?

The force of water can potentially damage a jetliner if it is too strong or directed at specific areas, such as the engines or windows. This is why it is important for the water to be sprayed at a safe distance and with the appropriate pressure to avoid any potential damage.

5. How do scientists study the force of water on a jetliner?

Scientists can study the force of water on a jetliner by conducting experiments and simulations in a controlled environment. They can also analyze data from previous incidents or accidents involving water and jetliners to gain a better understanding of the effects. Additionally, computer models and simulations can be used to predict and analyze the forces at play during different scenarios.
