Exact Classical Correspondence in Quantum Cosmology?

In summary: Right, Garth, another interesting piece of work gradualy adding plausibility to a non-accelerating universe in the present epoch.
  • #1
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A paper published in 'Gravitation and Cosmology', [21, 208 (2015)] and on today's physics ArXiv claims to have found a solution to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation that exactly corresponds to the classical evolution of a Friedmann model with appropriate matter/energy density: Exact Classical Correspondence in Quantum Cosmology, interestingly it states:
It is of particular interest to note that for the open case in this scenario, after the inflationary epoch, the universe enters a coasting evolution
a ∝ t and continues to expand in this fashion. The spontaneous creation of the coasting universe obtained in the present paper from nothing is an attractive problem worth pursuing.

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  • #3
Garth said:
A paper published in 'Gravitation and Cosmology', [21, 208 (2015)] and on today's physics ArXiv claims to have found a solution to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation that exactly corresponds to the classical evolution of a Friedmann model with appropriate matter/energy density: Exact Classical Correspondence in Quantum Cosmology, interestingly it states:

After the inflationary era? Pretty sure that would run afoul of primordial nucleosynthesis observations.
  • #4
Chalnoth said:
After the inflationary era? Pretty sure that would run afoul of primordial nucleosynthesis observations.
Yes, he doesn't look at the CMB - or nucleosynthesis for that matter - perhaps there is work to be done on this model!

To be explicit, it is important to try alternative approaches in tentative 'toy models' that may not be able immediately to explain all observations, while explaining others, because they may be modified into a concordant model at a later date.

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  • #5
If the time was NOW and THEN, could it be true that LHC's primordial soup is the one that was in the beginning? What if we are in the beginning and the end?
  • #6
Alex Kostko said:
If the time was NOW and THEN, could it be true that LHC's primordial soup is the one that was in the beginning? What if we are in the beginning and the end?
Hi Alex and welcome to these Forums!

However you will have to rephrase your question so that it makes sense - I can't tell whether you are 'coming or going'!

The LHC, although it does attain the highest energies/temperatures anywhere seen on Earth - especially under laboratory conditions - is nowhere near as energetic as the Inflation era.

Inflation is thought to take place from about t ~ 10-36 until 10-33-10-32 seconds after the 'BB' when the energy scale was around 1016 GeV or 10−3 times the Planck energy. By contrast the present enhanced LHC is capable of around 14 Tev or 14 x 103 GeV - some 12 orders of magnitude less.

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Likes Alex Kostko
  • #7
Right, Garth, another interesting piece of work gradualy adding plausibility to a non-accelerating universe in the present epoch.
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Likes slatts