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I've just recently been introduced to charge conjugation while reading the introductory particle physics texts by Griffiths and Perkins, and neither one really seem to explain how you go about finding the values for C.
For example, if I wanted to find the value for the [itex]\rho^0[/itex] meson (which I believe should be -1), the only real example in Perkins simply says [itex]C_{\rho} = -1 [/itex] since [itex] \rho^0 \rightarrow e^+e^-[/itex], from which I assume that we (somehow) know that the [itex]e^+e^-[/itex] system has C=-1 and by charge conjugation conservation so does the [itex]\rho^0[/itex]. But how does actually go about figuring out the [itex]C_{e^+e^-}[/itex]?
For example, if I wanted to find the value for the [itex]\rho^0[/itex] meson (which I believe should be -1), the only real example in Perkins simply says [itex]C_{\rho} = -1 [/itex] since [itex] \rho^0 \rightarrow e^+e^-[/itex], from which I assume that we (somehow) know that the [itex]e^+e^-[/itex] system has C=-1 and by charge conjugation conservation so does the [itex]\rho^0[/itex]. But how does actually go about figuring out the [itex]C_{e^+e^-}[/itex]?