Finding Charge Conjugation Eigenvalues

In summary, charge conjugation is a discrete symmetry that transforms a particle to its antiparticle without changing its spin or momentum. In order to return to the initial state, one needs to exchange the momenta in the spatial wave function and the spin in the spin wave function, resulting in a factor of (-1)^(L+S). In the case of fermion-antifermion states, this factor is always odd, resulting in a charge conjugation value of -1. This is similar to parity, which also acts as a discrete symmetry but changes the sign of the momentum and the intrinsic parity, giving a value of (-1)^(L+1). However, the two symmetries act differently and cannot be used interchange
  • #1
I've just recently been introduced to charge conjugation while reading the introductory particle physics texts by Griffiths and Perkins, and neither one really seem to explain how you go about finding the values for C.

For example, if I wanted to find the value for the [itex]\rho^0[/itex] meson (which I believe should be -1), the only real example in Perkins simply says [itex]C_{\rho} = -1 [/itex] since [itex] \rho^0 \rightarrow e^+e^-[/itex], from which I assume that we (somehow) know that the [itex]e^+e^-[/itex] system has C=-1 and by charge conjugation conservation so does the [itex]\rho^0[/itex]. But how does actually go about figuring out the [itex]C_{e^+e^-}[/itex]?
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  • #2
Both the [itex]\rho^{0}[/itex] and the [itex]e^{+}e^{-}[/itex] system are fermion-antifermion states. For these states, the eigenvalues of C depend on the spin and orbital angular momentum of the system. The reason is that the C operator transforms a particle to its antiparticle, but doesn't change the spin or momentum. Therefore, in order to return to the initial state one needs to exchange the momenta in the spatial wave function which gives a factor [itex](-1)^{L}[/itex] and the spin in the spin wave function which gives a factor [itex](-1)^{S+1}[/itex] (when adding two spin 1/2, s=0 antisymmetric, s=1 symmetric). in addition there is another (-1) factor due the exchange of two fermions. therefore, in total you get that C=[itex](-1)^{L+S}[/itex]. In the quark model [itex]\rho^{0}[/itex] is a quark anti-quark bound state with S=1 and L=0 (J=1), and therefore C=-1. Meaning that a [itex]e^{+}e^{-}[/itex] state that it would decay to must have an odd L+S.
  • #3
Ah I see, that makes sense. So charge conjugation in fermions is similar to parity then (when you say you need to exchange angular momentum/spin to return to the original state), or is this not a good way to think about it?
  • #4
They are both discrete symmetries, but they act differently.
In the case of parity, the spin doesn't change and the particle identity doesn't change, it is only the momentum which changes sign. In order to return to the initial state one has to change the momenta sign in the orbital wave function, which gives a factor [itex](-1)^{L}[/itex]. In addition, the intrinsic parities of a fermion and its antiparticle are of opposite sign, therefore the a fermion-antifermion pair has odd intrinsic parity. This give another factor (-1),
giving a value of P=[itex](-1)^{L+1}[/itex]. For example the pion, which has L=0, has P=-1 (pseudoscalar).

FAQ: Finding Charge Conjugation Eigenvalues

1. What is charge conjugation and why is it important in physics?

Charge conjugation is a fundamental symmetry operation in physics that involves replacing particles with their corresponding antiparticles. It is important because it helps us understand the behavior of particles and their interactions in the universe.

2. How do you find charge conjugation eigenvalues?

To find the charge conjugation eigenvalues, we use mathematical equations and principles of quantum mechanics to analyze the properties and interactions of particles and their antiparticles. This allows us to determine the values of charge conjugation for different particles.

3. What is the significance of charge conjugation eigenvalues in particle physics?

The charge conjugation eigenvalues play a crucial role in understanding the symmetry and behavior of particles in the universe. They also help us classify particles and their interactions, which is essential in developing theories and models in particle physics.

4. Can charge conjugation eigenvalues change over time?

Yes, charge conjugation eigenvalues can change over time. This is because particles can undergo transformations and interactions that can alter their charge conjugation properties. However, the total charge conjugation of a system is always conserved.

5. How are charge conjugation eigenvalues experimentally measured?

Charge conjugation eigenvalues are measured through high-energy particle collision experiments, such as those conducted at particle accelerators. By analyzing the properties and reactions of particles and their antiparticles, scientists can determine their charge conjugation values and confirm theoretical predictions.

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