Finding the coefficient of kinetic friction?

In summary, a force of 45.7 N is required to start a 5.0-kg box moving across a horizontal concrete floor. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the floor is .933. If the force continues at the same value, the box accelerates at 0.54 m/s^2. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.545.
  • #1
A force of 45.7 N is required to start a 5.0-kg box moving across a horizontal concrete floor. (a) What is the coefficient of static friction between the box and the floor? (b) If the force continues at the same value, the box accelerates at 0.54 m/s^2. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction?

I've been able to solve part (a) which turned out to be .933. What am I supposed to do with the acceleration to solve for part (b)?
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  • #2
xelda said:
A force of 45.7 N is required to start a 5.0-kg box moving across a horizontal concrete floor. (a) What is the coefficient of static friction between the box and the floor? (b) If the force continues at the same value, the box accelerates at 0.54 m/s^2. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction?

I've been able to solve part (a) which turned out to be .933. What am I supposed to do with the acceleration to solve for part (b)?

A 45.7 N force acts on the 5.0 kg box, so you might expect acceleration. How much acceleration would you expect?? How does that compare with the given 0.54 m/s^2 acceleration?? What would account for the difference?? (Hint: F=ma)

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  • #3
I'm still confused. :x
  • #4
Let's answer the questions in order:
A 45.7 N force acts on the 5.0 kg box, so you might expect acceleration. How much acceleration would you expect?? How does that compare with the given 0.54 m/s^2 acceleration?? What would account for the difference?? (Hint: F=ma)
A 45.7 N force acts on the 5.0 kg box, so you might expect acceleration. How much acceleration would you expect?? (Consider only the 45.7 N force acting alone.)
(Hint: F=ma)

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  • #5
Just to add to xanthym's comments:
xelda said:
What am I supposed to do with the acceleration to solve for part (b)?
Apply Newton's 2nd law to find the net force on the object. Then you can figure out what the kinetic friction force must be.
  • #6
F = ma solves for the net amount of force on the object.

In this problem, you have the Frictional Force going one way and the Applied Force (shown by the acceleration) going the other way.

Ff = (mu) * the Normal Force
Fnet = Fa + Ff (one of these will be negative)

You know the applied force and you know the net force. Go from there.
  • #7
Thanks for the help! I got the right answer after reading all of your hints, but I'll have to think about it some more to make sense of it.

FAQ: Finding the coefficient of kinetic friction?

1. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction?

The coefficient of kinetic friction is a measurement of the friction between two surfaces in motion. It is a unitless value that represents the ratio of the force required to maintain constant motion between the surfaces to the normal force pressing them together.

2. How is the coefficient of kinetic friction determined?

The coefficient of kinetic friction can be determined by conducting experiments in which the force required to maintain constant motion between two surfaces is measured and compared to the normal force applied.

3. What factors can affect the coefficient of kinetic friction?

The coefficient of kinetic friction can be affected by several factors, including the nature of the surfaces in contact, the roughness of the surfaces, and the presence of any lubricants or contaminants between the surfaces.

4. Why is the coefficient of kinetic friction important?

The coefficient of kinetic friction is important because it can help us understand and predict how objects will interact and move across different surfaces. It also has practical applications in industries such as transportation, where reducing friction can increase efficiency and decrease wear and tear on machinery.

5. How does the coefficient of kinetic friction differ from the coefficient of static friction?

The coefficient of kinetic friction represents the friction between two surfaces in motion, while the coefficient of static friction represents the friction between two surfaces at rest. The coefficient of static friction is typically higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction, as it takes more force to overcome the initial resistance and initiate motion between two surfaces.
