Finding the Max Value of a Function on a closed interval

In summary: The 'taking the ln of the whole thing' is a completely wrong move. E.g. ln(0)=-infinity and there is no rule that says ln(a+b)=ln(a)+ln(b). Rearrange the equation first. Start by writing .5*a*e^(.5*t)=-.9*b*e^(.9*t). Now move all of the e^ type things over to one side and everything else over to the other. Now 'take the ln of the whole thing'.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Finding the Max Value of a Function on a closed interval

Homework Statement

Hi, I'm reposting this because it's a subsection to a larger question I had and I figured more people might be able to help with a new topic name.

anyway i have the equation (eq1) C(t) = C + a(e^.5t) + b(e^.9t) t>0 [3,12]

a,b and C are constants.

The Attempt at a Solution

I realized from long ago that the max and mins of a function occur when y'=0

So I took the derivative of the function which gave me

C(t) = Css + a(e^.5t) + b(e^.9t) t>0

c'(t)= .5a(e^.5t) + .9b(e^.9t) = 0

i took the ln of the whole thing

and that gave me

[ln(.5a)*.5t] + [ln(.9b)*.9t] = 0

my question now is can use the property that ln(xy) = ln(x)+ln(y) to combine the two ln's and thereby combining the coeffiecients of t such that it is .5t+.9t = .14t

and the whole thing would be .14t*ln(.45ab)= 0

... that seems to be wrong considering that the t's cancel out but I can't think of much else...
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  • #2
danbone87 said:

Homework Statement

Hi, I'm reposting this because it's a subsection to a larger question I had and I figured more people might be able to help with a new topic name.

anyway i have the equation (eq1) C(t) = C + a(e^.5t) + b(e^.9t) t>0 [3,12]

a,b and C are constants.

The Attempt at a Solution

I realized from long ago that the max and mins of a function occur when y'=0
Not quite. If the max and/or min occur in the interior of an interval, they must occur where y'= 0. The max and/or min may occur at the endpoints of the interval.

So I took the derivative of the function which gave me

C(t) = Css + a(e^.5t) + b(e^.9t) t>0

c'(t)= .5a(e^.5t) + .9b(e^.9t) = 0

i took the ln of the whole thing

and that gave me

[ln(.5a)*.5t] + [ln(.9b)*.9t] = 0
No, no no! Ln(x+ y) is NOT ln(x)+ ln(y)!
You could write it as .5ae.5t= -.9be.9t and take logs of both sides of that. Be careful about signs. One of a and b must be negative but you don't know which one. Either .5ae.5t= -.9be.9t or -.5ae.5t= .9be.9t gives you positive numbers on each side so you can use logarithms. Try both and see what happens.

my question now is can use the property that ln(xy) = ln(x)+ln(y) to combine the two ln's and thereby combining the coeffiecients of t such that it is .5t+.9t = .14t

and the whole thing would be .14t*ln(.45ab)= 0

... that seems to be wrong considering that the t's cancel out but I can't think of much else...
Yes, that is wrong!
  • #3
The 'taking the ln of the whole thing' is a completely wrong move. E.g. ln(0)=-infinity and there is no rule that says ln(a+b)=ln(a)+ln(b). Rearrange the equation first. Start by writing .5*a*e^(.5*t)=-.9*b*e^(.9*t). Now move all of the e^ type things over to one side and everything else over to the other. Now 'take the ln of the whole thing'.
  • #4
danbone87 said:

Homework Statement

Hi, I'm reposting this because it's a subsection to a larger question I had and I figured more people might be able to help with a new topic name.

anyway i have the equation (eq1) C(t) = C + a(e^.5t) + b(e^.9t) t>0 [3,12]

a,b and C are constants.

The Attempt at a Solution

I realized from long ago that the max and mins of a function occur when y'=0
Not quite. If the max and/or min occur in the interior of an interval, they must occur where y'= 0. The max and/or min may occur at the endpoints of the interval.

So I took the derivative of the function which gave me

C(t) = Css + a(e^.5t) + b(e^.9t) t>0

c'(t)= .5a(e^.5t) + .9b(e^.9t) = 0

i took the ln of the whole thing

and that gave me

[ln(.5a)*.5t] + [ln(.9b)*.9t] = 0
No, no no! Ln(x+ y) is NOT ln(x)+ ln(y)!
I recommend factoring out e.5t: e.5t(.5a+ .9be.4t)= 0. Since e.5t is never 0, you must have .5a+ .9be.4t= 0. That should be easy to solve for t. Of course, one of a and b must be negative for this to be true.

my question now is can use the property that ln(xy) = ln(x)+ln(y) to combine the two ln's and thereby combining the coeffiecients of t such that it is .5t+.9t = .14t

and the whole thing would be .14t*ln(.45ab)= 0

... that seems to be wrong considering that the t's cancel out but I can't think of much else...
Yes, that is wrong!
  • #5
Should've kept those calc books thanks for the help guys
  • #6
Just to clarify, I said that the ln(x*y) = ln(x) +ln(y) not ln(x+y)

that is correct isn't it?
  • #7
That's correct. That's what you SAID. If you look back at what you actually USED, it was ln(x+y)=ln(x)+ln(y) (?) when you 'took the ln of the whole thing'.
  • #8
yeah, I figured that. It just comes into play right after when I seprate these t's out so i wanted to double check. Thanks again.

FAQ: Finding the Max Value of a Function on a closed interval

1. What is the definition of a closed interval in mathematics?

A closed interval in mathematics is a range of numbers that includes both of its endpoints. This means that the interval includes the starting point and the ending point, and all the values in between.

2. How do you find the maximum value of a function on a closed interval?

To find the maximum value of a function on a closed interval, you need to first graph the function and identify the points where the function reaches its highest value. Then, you can use the first derivative test or the second derivative test to determine the maximum value.

3. What is the first derivative test for finding the maximum value of a function?

The first derivative test is a method used to find the maximum value of a function. It involves finding the derivative of the function and setting it equal to zero. The values of x that satisfy this equation are the critical points, and these points can be evaluated to determine if they are a maximum value.

4. How does the second derivative test help in finding the maximum value of a function?

The second derivative test is another method used to find the maximum value of a function. It involves finding the second derivative of the function and evaluating it at the critical points. If the second derivative is positive, the critical point is a minimum value, and if it is negative, the critical point is a maximum value.

5. Can the maximum value of a function on a closed interval be at an endpoint?

Yes, the maximum value of a function on a closed interval can be at an endpoint. This is because a closed interval includes both of its endpoints, so they are considered part of the interval. Therefore, the maximum value of the function can occur at one of the endpoints.
