Calculating Frictional Force for a Spinning Disk

In summary: I get I = 0.008, which gives a friction force of 0.23N.In summary, the task is to determine the friction force needed to bring a 1.6kg, 20cm diameter spinning disk to a halt in 3.5s. The key equations to use are the moment of inertia, torque, and angular acceleration. The correct formula for moment of inertia for a solid disk is I = 0.5mr^2. After finding the moment of inertia to be 0.008, the torque can be calculated using T = rF. The resulting friction force needed is 0.23N.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The 1.6kg, 20cm diameter disk in the figure below is spinning at 240rpm. How much friction force must the brake apply to the rim to bring the disk to a halt in 3.5s?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know a free body diagram should be drawn for the disk to take all of the forces into account. I know there's the weight pulling down and the frictional force is acting to the right, but I don't know how to set up a solvable equation.
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  • #2
Use 1.6kg, 20cm diameter disk to determine the moment of inertia.

The friction force behaves as a torque with moment r and force f.

Torque/(moment of inertia) = angular acceleration


use the appropriate equation of motion for rotation to determine the time to decelerate from the initial angular velocity to stop in 3.5 s.

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  • #3
Ok, I get that, but how do I find the frictional force?
  • #4
The question isn't asking for time.
  • #5
One is given time, and ask what magnitude of force is require to bring the disk to standstill ([itex]\omega[/itex] = 0) in that time. Use the change in angular velocity and time to find the constant angular acceleration.

Applying an external force (friction) will cause the rotational mass to decelerate.

One must apply the appropriate equation(s) of motion, e.g.

[itex]0 = \omega_0\,+\,\alpha\,t[/itex], where [itex]\omega_0[/itex] is the initial angular velocity, and [itex]\alpha[/itex] is the angular acceleration (or deceleration if negative).

With the angular acceleration (or deceleration), use the relationship between torque and moment of intertia.

Then knowing the net torque required to decelerate the disk, then find the necessary friction force applied at the appropriate moment arm (radius of disk).
  • #6
I did the following... I=m(r^2)=.016. I then converted revolutions per minute into radians per second = 25.133. Then I found angular acceleration by using delta w/delta t = 7.181, and finally I found the torque = I(alpha) = .115. I'm still unsure about finding the friction.
  • #7
aligass2004 said:
I did the following... I=m(r^2)=.016.
That formula is incorrect for a solid disk.

To relate torque to friction force, realize that the friction force acting with a moment arm = r creates the given torque (as Astronuc had stated).
  • #8
Ok so instead I = .032 and T = .23. Then I use T = rF (I think) and I solved for F to get 2.3, but it wasn't right.
  • #9
What formula are you using to calculate I? (It's still not right.) But yes, use T = rF.
  • #10
I'm using I = .5m(r^2) = .5(1.6)(.1^2) = .032
  • #11
aligass2004 said:
I'm using I = .5m(r^2) = .5(1.6)(.1^2) = .032
You're using the correct formula, but recheck your calculation.

FAQ: Calculating Frictional Force for a Spinning Disk

What is frictional force?

Frictional force is a type of force that resists the motion of an object. It is caused by the interaction between two surfaces in contact with each other.

How is the frictional force of a disk measured?

The frictional force of a disk can be measured using a device called a dynamometer. This device measures the force required to move an object across a surface.

What factors affect the frictional force of a disk?

The frictional force of a disk is affected by several factors, including the type of surface the disk is in contact with, the weight of the disk, and the roughness of the surface.

How does the frictional force of a disk affect its motion?

The frictional force of a disk can either increase or decrease its motion, depending on the direction of the force. If the force is in the same direction as the motion, it will slow down the disk. If the force is in the opposite direction, it will speed up the disk.

Can the frictional force of a disk be reduced?

Yes, the frictional force of a disk can be reduced by using lubricants, such as oil or grease, between the surfaces in contact. Reducing the roughness of the surfaces can also decrease the frictional force.
