Galois Theory- number of automorphisms of a splitting field

In summary: She is unsure about the second part of the question and gives an example of her attempt at a solution. She is still looking for help. In summary, Zoe is seeking clarification on a question about finding degrees of splitting extensions and the number of automorphisms of the splitting field.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The question says:

Find the degrees of the splitting extensions of the following polynomials, and show that
in each case the number of automorphisms of the splitting field is at most the degree
of the extension.

i) x^3 - 1 over Q
(3 others)

Homework Equations

tower theorem
the fact that if f is irreducible over K with splitting field L, and a,b are roots of f, then K(a) is isomorphic to K(b), so there is an automorphism i:K -> K with i(a) = b

The Attempt at a Solution

Just a bit confused by the question- does it mean the number of automorphisms that fix the original field K?? I'm fine with finding the degree of the extension its the second bit that's new to me.

I *think* for the example shown, the degree of the extension is 2 and there is only one automorphism, that taking exp(i*PI/3) to exp(-i*PI/3). Clearly 1 is less than or equal to 2 but I'm not sure a) if this is right or b) how to generalise this concept to the other examples.

Physics news on
  • #2
Sorry for the bump but I'm still stuck on this- can anyone help?

FAQ: Galois Theory- number of automorphisms of a splitting field

What is Galois Theory?

Galois Theory is a branch of abstract algebra that studies the symmetries of solutions to polynomial equations. It provides a framework for understanding the algebraic structure of fields and their extensions.

What is a splitting field?

A splitting field is a field extension of the base field that contains all the roots of a given polynomial. It is the smallest field in which the polynomial can be completely factored into linear factors.

What are automorphisms?

Automorphisms are isomorphisms from a mathematical structure to itself. In the context of Galois Theory, automorphisms are used to study the symmetries of a field extension and its underlying polynomial equation.

How do you calculate the number of automorphisms of a splitting field?

The number of automorphisms of a splitting field is equal to the degree of the field extension. This can be calculated using the Galois group, which is a group of automorphisms that preserve the structure of the field extension.

Why is the number of automorphisms of a splitting field important?

The number of automorphisms of a splitting field provides important information about the structure and symmetries of the field extension. It also has applications in determining the solvability of polynomial equations and understanding the Galois groups of different fields.

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