Gravitacional Field and momentum conservation

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of conservation of momentum and energy in relation to a hypothetical scenario involving a third body (A) equidistant from Earth and the Moon. The conversation also touches on the role of general relativity in understanding gravitational forces and the importance of continuous learning and curiosity in studying physics.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So imagine we have Earth and Moon, and there is a tird body(A), equidistant from moon circular tragectory in one point, from Earth. whoever, that body haven't enought graviticional Force to pull moon from his orbital around the Earth.
Whoever too, that gravitacional force provokes positive linear aceleration when moon is aproching the equidistant point(somewhat like a comet aproxing the sun, provoking increase of velocity), and provokes negative linear aceleration when the moon is moving away from that equidistant point(like when a spaceshutlle is tring to move away from Earth): as aceleration has the same direction when the moon is aproching that point, and have opposite direction when the moon is moving away from that point).

So, we can say the moons momentun is conserved, as in a complete rotation, the moon's velocity is the same.

Now, hypoteticly Imagine Human already can transform all mass in energy, by Emc^2.
So, when the moon was moving away from the equidistant point, Human would transform all the (A) mass in energy, what would happen to the gravitational Field of (A)?? would the gravitational field disappear??

Homework Equations

P=mv(just the concept)
E=mc^2(just the concept)
Pf=Pi(momentum conservation)

The Attempt at a Solution

So, my real point is, if gravitational field disappear, the moon, instead of losing the velocity by (A) graviticional aceleration, it won't, what makes the moon to have highter momentum than in the beginning of the process...
if we would transform that energy in mass again when the moon was aproaching the point again(after semi period), the moon would get positive aceleration again...
Where is the logical error here(if there is), has there is no momentum conservation. what can't be true has there are no dissipative forces included here...

thank you in advance,
Regards, Littlepig
Physics news on
  • #2
Where to begin. Firstly in relativity classical momentum is not a conserved quantity; however, energy and momentum must be conserved. Secondly, in general relativity the gravitational 'force' is produced by the curvature of space-time (as you have probably heard). Now, not only does mass curve space time; but energy also causes space-time to curve (momentum also curves space time). Therefore, if 'somehow' we could convert the mass of this mysterious body into energy, the gravitational field would not disappear.

I think that'll do for starters. (Btw is this a homework question - interesting course if it is)
  • #3
Hootenanny said:
Where to begin. Firstly in relativity classical momentum is not a conserved quantity; however, energy and momentum must be conserved.

yeh, I understood the concept not the detail, has you said, even in relativity must be a conservation, and that thing was missing me in this question...

Secondly, in general relativity the gravitational 'force' is produced by the curvature of space-time (as you have probably heard).
well, but i preferred to use the classical mecanics in gravity has I'm not quite known about general relativity(has you said, "heard" about)

Now, not only does mass curve space time; but energy also causes space-time to curve (momentum also curves space time).
that is waht i didn't know...:biggrin: and that was mistake...:P (always learning)

I think that'll do for starters. (Btw is this a homework question - interesting course if it is)
i'm 17years old, not have relativity still, but was in classroom when i putted this question to myself(so i can say is a homework right?) don't put a post so basic like this in the general forum, i preferred to put it here, in a "lower degree" :approve:

tks for the rapid answer,
regrads, Littlepig
  • #4
Littlepig said:
that is waht i didn't know...:biggrin: and that was mistake...:P (always learning)
Learning it good, its when we stop learning that's the problem...:rolleyes:

Littlepig said:
i'm 17years old, not have relativity still, but was in classroom when i putted this question to myself(so i can say is a homework right?) don't put a post so basic like this in the general forum, i preferred to put it here, in a "lower degree" :approve:
Never be scared of asking a question, if you have an inquisitive mind, you'll not go far wrong with your studies. (And who says that homework forums are at a "lower degree" that the general forums, you should see some of the posts in there :smile: )
Littlepig said:
tks for the rapid answer,
regrads, Littlepig
It was a pleasure :smile:

FAQ: Gravitacional Field and momentum conservation

What is a gravitational field?

A gravitational field is a region in space where an object with mass experiences a force due to the presence of another object with mass. It is a vector quantity, which means it has both magnitude and direction.

How is a gravitational field measured?

A gravitational field is measured using a quantity called gravitational acceleration (g). This is the acceleration an object experiences when it falls freely in a gravitational field. The unit of measurement for g is meters per second squared (m/s^2).

What is momentum conservation?

Momentum conservation is a fundamental law of physics that states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant over time, even if individual objects within the system exchange momentum. This means that in the absence of external forces, the total momentum before and after a collision or interaction remains the same.

How is momentum conserved in a gravitational field?

In a gravitational field, momentum is conserved as long as there are no external forces acting on the objects in the system. This means that the total momentum of all objects in the system before and after any interactions or movements remains constant.

What are some real-life examples of momentum conservation in a gravitational field?

One example of momentum conservation in a gravitational field is the motion of planets in our solar system. The gravitational pull of the sun keeps the planets in their orbits, and the total momentum of the planets remains constant as they move around the sun. Another example is the conservation of momentum in a falling object. As an object falls towards the Earth, its momentum increases, but the Earth's momentum decreases by an equal amount, keeping the total momentum of the system constant.
