Solve Gravity Fun: Exploring Earth, Moon & Sun

In summary, the conversation discusses calculating various measurements related to the Earth's rotation and orbit, including the speed of objects on its surface, its mass, and the radius of a geo-synchronous satellite. The conversation also includes a helpful hint and a discussion of finding the mass of the sun. Ultimately, the conversation concludes with the correct calculations for the mass of the Earth and the sun.
  • #1
[SOLVED] gravity fun

Homework Statement

1. Calculate the speed of objects on the Earth's surface caused by the Earth's own rotation around its own axis.

2. Find the mass of the Earth using its time period of revolution of the moon around the earth.

3. Find the mass of the sun using the time period of the Earth around the sun.

4. What is the radius for a geo-synchronous satellite?

Homework Equations

The time period of revolution of the moon around the Earth is 28 days?

The Attempt at a Solution

1. v= 2piR/T = 2pi (6.4E6) / (24hours*60min*60s) = 4.65E2

2. I know how to solve this using F = GmM/(R^2) = mg but I don't know how to use the given 28 days. The answer to this problem should be around 6E24 kg

3. The answer is around 2E31 kg


Thanks in advance!
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Physics news on
  • #2
HINT: What type of motion is the moon in?
  • #3
oooh circular motion? I tried using V = 2piR/T, but I can't get to the right answer. What value would I use for R?
  • #4
Anyone? ):
  • #5
smashingtime said:
oooh circular motion? I tried using V = 2piR/T, but I can't get to the right answer. What value would I use for R?

Maybe R should be the radius of the moon's orbit? You are working on 2), right?
  • #6
Hi smashingtime,

smashingtime said:
2. I know how to solve this using F = GmM/(R^2) = mg but I don't know how to use the given 28 days. The answer to this problem should be around 6E24 kg


This should be F = GmM/(R^2) = ma. (g is the gravitational acceleration at the Earth's surface.) Once you have a in your equation, since it is circular motion, you have a formula for the acceleration in terms of speeds and orbital radius.

You will still need to use your relation V = 2piR/T to get the period into the equation, and I think you will need either the orbital radius of the moon or the orbital speed of the moon.
  • #7
The radius of the moon's orbit is 3.84 * 10^8 m. (I just googled it haha).
I plugged that into v = 2piR/ T to find v, then used v^2 = Gm/R to find the mass, but my answers still don't match up :/
  • #8
What did you get for a number on v and m? That should have worked.
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  • #9
v = 2piR/T
= 2pi(3.84E8)/(28*60^60)
=2.41 E 4

v^2 = 5.82E8 = Gm/R
5.82E8 = (6.67E-11)(m)/(3.84E8)
m = 3.35 E27 kg
What the answer is supposed to be: m = 5.98 E24 kg
  • #10
Well, there you go. 28*60*60sec is 28 hours. 28 days is 28*24*60*60sec. Oh, try to put units on everything, ok?
  • #11
ahaha *smacks forehead*
thanks so much!
  • #12
I just worked out (3.) using the same method.
I found the distance between the Earth and the sun to be 1.5E11m.

= 2pi (1.5 E 11) / (365*24*60*60)
= 2.99 E 4
V^2 = 8.95 E 8 = Gm/R
8.95 E 8 = (6.67E-11)(m) / (1.5E11)
m = 2 E 30 kg
Established answer: m = 2 E 31 kg
  • #13
oh nvm.
yay, the established answer IS 2E30 kg.

FAQ: Solve Gravity Fun: Exploring Earth, Moon & Sun

1. How does gravity work?

Gravity is a natural phenomenon by which objects with mass attract each other. The larger the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational pull. In the case of the Earth, its mass creates a gravitational force that keeps objects, including humans, anchored to its surface.

2. What is the role of gravity in the solar system?

Gravity is a fundamental force that plays a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of the solar system. It keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun and creates a stable system for all celestial bodies to coexist.

3. How does gravity differ between the Earth, Moon, and Sun?

The strength of gravity between two objects depends on their masses and the distance between them. The Earth has a larger mass than the Moon, so it has a stronger gravitational pull. The Sun has the largest mass in the solar system, making its gravitational pull the strongest of all.

4. Can gravity be manipulated or controlled?

No, gravity is a natural force that cannot be manipulated or controlled by humans. However, scientists and engineers have developed technology, such as rockets and space shuttles, to overcome gravity and travel into space.

5. How does gravity affect our daily lives?

Gravity plays a significant role in our daily lives, from keeping us grounded to influencing the tides and weather patterns. It also affects the motion of objects and the way they interact with each other on Earth. Without gravity, life as we know it would not be possible.
