Having some trouble interpretting several problems (link fixed)

  • Thread starter EasyStyle4747
  • Start date
In summary, the person is requesting assistance in understanding several math problems and is struggling with math terminology. They have provided a link to the problems, but it is not working. They do not want the answers, but rather an explanation of the problems in a way that is easy to understand. The problems involve finding equations for different variables, deducing coordinates, and using Pythagorean theorem. The person also mentions having difficulty with finding the distance between a point on a curve and the x-axis. They are requesting further clarification and explanation.
  • #1
HI, i previously posted this message but i think someone took it off because my link doesn't work. Try it now. Copy and paste this if the link don't work


thats the link to some questions that I don't quite understand. The thing is, I'm horrible at math terminology, so i have no idea what those things are even asking me to do. My teacher spent all of class explaing the second half of my homework and so i don't know how to do these problems. I have much more problems than those, but those are one of each type. You don't have to give me the answer, infact, i don't want you to. Someone just help me explain those problems as thoroughly as possible. And please don't use too much math terminology because i don't really understand too much of it.
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  • #2
i duno wat is wrong, but if u click the link it takes you right back here. U have to copy and paste it for it to work.
  • #3
Link works if you copy and paste.

For 66: find equations for p and h that have x as the variable
70: You can deduce the x-coordinates of the points of intersection of the rectangle and semicircle from the diagram. From there, you should be able to find the length of the short side of the rectangle, and thus calculate the area.
73: Hint: you know speed = distance/time.
74: Visualize the circle (disk) formed by the line segment when it is revolved. You know that A = πr². So you need to find the length of the radius in terms of x...
  • #4
OK, i still have some issues with each of these, and like i said, i my teacher hasnt explained any of these yet.

66. So i assume u mean to find the equation for the line p and h right? But how do you do that? how do u find the equation between that point on the curved line and the x-axis?
70. Well, i can easily find the area in numbers. But express as a function of x? What do i needa do?
73. I still dunt understand the figure. Are we supposed to find the shortest point from the start to destination or are we suppose to follow the dotted path they give us? And, again, the express as function of x thing again. How does that kick in?
74. Again, how do you solve the distance between a point on the curve and the x-axis (aka in this problem, the radius) ?

Thanks for the tips, but please enlighten me some more.
  • #5
66: OK, find the coordinates of the point of intersection between h and the circle in terms of x only (hint: if the x-coordinate is x, what is the y coordinate -- use the equation)
70: Sorry, I was wrong here. Use the same approach as 66. The x-coordinate of the point of intersection is given to you as x...what is the y-coordinate? You should be able to get the area from there.
73: You follow the hypothenus of each triangle. Find the length of each hypothenus using Pythagorus. For each segment, you have the speed and the distance, so you should be able to find time (in terms of x because you used lengths in terms of x to calculate the length of each hypothenus).
74: You must understand that the y-coordinate of a point on a function is its vertical distance fromt the x-axis. If the coordinates of a point are (x, y), use the same technique as 66 and 70 to find the y-coordinate (from eqn.) and use that to find the area of the disc.

FAQ: Having some trouble interpretting several problems (link fixed)

1. How can I improve my problem-solving skills?

Improving problem-solving skills requires practice and understanding of core concepts. Start by breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Then, try to identify any patterns or similarities among the parts. Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek additional resources if needed.

2. What should I do if I get stuck on a problem?

If you get stuck on a problem, take a step back and try to approach it from a different angle. Sometimes, taking a break and coming back to the problem with a fresh mind can also be helpful. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance or seek out additional resources for guidance.

3. How do I know if I am understanding the problem correctly?

One way to check if you are understanding the problem correctly is to try explaining it to someone else. You can also try breaking down the problem into smaller parts and identifying any key concepts or information that may be relevant to solving it.

4. How do I know if I am using the right approach to solve the problem?

The best way to determine if you are using the right approach is to check your progress along the way. If you are making progress and getting closer to a solution, then you are likely on the right track. If you are feeling stuck or not making any progress, it may be time to reassess your approach and try a different method.

5. How can I apply problem-solving skills to other areas of my life?

Problem-solving skills are not limited to just scientific or academic problems. They can be applied to many different areas of life, such as personal relationships, work-related challenges, and everyday tasks. By practicing problem-solving in different contexts, you can improve your overall critical thinking and decision-making abilities.
