Heat Transfer Calculation in Lab Furnace

In summary, a PhD student is researching ways to build inexpensive high temperature ovens. He is looking for recommendations for a suitable heat transfer system and power input. He has consulted with electricians and heating element manufacturers, and has determined that he will need to use less power than is necessary to reach the target temperature. He is also considering designing the oven around the experiments he wants to run, rather than relying on pre-determined specifications. Any advice on how to find the information he needs would be greatly appreciated.
  • #1
Greetings All,

I am a PhD student in a physical chemistry department. Our research group would like to build our own high termperature ovens for preparing samples. Nothing fancy, just a controlled rise in temperature to a given setpoint, hold it there for a designated amount of time and the cool down. The controllers that will do this are inexpensive and also the relays and thermocouples...that is not a problem. The question is about heat transfer and power.

We will be using Kantahl resistance heating wire. It is serviceable to 1350°C and we have a 230V, 16 Amp service to the normal labortory outlet. The question is how much power input to heating chamber should we design to reach temperature "X" in a heating chamber of volume "Y". The volume we have in mind is about 2700 Cubic Centimeters (15cm X 15cm X 12cm). This can all be calculated through the heat transfer equaitons and knowing the R factor of the insulation, surface area...etc.
Does anyone know of some softwear that can simplify this process?

Thank You,
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  • #2
For safety I would leave the design of these furnaces to the engineers that design them for a living.

Centorr vacuum furnaces has a lot of lab furnaces.


I recommend you contact them.

  • #3
I will admit that I am not an electrician. That is why I work closely with the department electrician and he advises me as to what is safe with our system. Also I get advice form the technical support department at the heating element and insulation manufactures.

The way I usually work it is to design the furnace around the experiments I want to run. Then make a CAD drawing and send my idea to the heating element company to see if there elements will perform in this configuration. If they suggest changes then I change the design with their suggestion in mind. But they are not furnace builders and do not tell me how much power and insulation I will need to reach a certain temperature and what the surface temperature of the furnace shell will be when the heating chamber is at temperature “X”. That I have to figure out for myself.

So I have the safety issues well covered with technical advice from the manufactures and also by our electrician. Also, my actual training is as a machinist. I did not start studying science until I was 27.

One may ask “Why go through all this trouble…there are furnace companies that will sell you one.” Sure there are companies that will sell me one…as long as you have the money to pay for it, they can supply it. But you have to have the money to pay their price. High temperature furnaces are something that our research group does not have in the budget.

Also, most people would be surprised at how inexpensive the parts are that go into making a furnace compared with the finished product. For instance, the temperature control system (controller, thermocouple and solid state relay) can be put together for under 200 dollars. But you have to buy the parts separately and put it together yourself.

Next year I hope to be done with my PhD and I intend to open my own lab. I already talked to the technology transfer office about what I intend to produce there and after considering my proposal they are have indicated that they are willing to support the venture. The ability to not only build my own equipment but also fix it myself if it needs repair will be a tremendous business advantage.

But back to the original problem of this post…
I am not sure how to calculate how much power I need to maintain a certain temperature with a given amount of insulation. I already built two furnaces but I think I have designed them with more power than was necessary. This is not especially bad but by designing it to use less power I can save space in the heating chamber and on heating element costs.

Any suggestions as to where I can find additional information… webpages, softwear or other resources … to better refine my design would be very helpful.

Thank you,

FAQ: Heat Transfer Calculation in Lab Furnace

What is the purpose of heat transfer calculation in lab furnace?

The purpose of heat transfer calculation in lab furnace is to determine the amount of heat required to achieve a desired temperature within the furnace. This information is important for designing and optimizing furnace operations as well as for understanding the thermal properties of materials being tested in the furnace.

What factors affect heat transfer in a lab furnace?

There are several factors that can affect heat transfer in a lab furnace, including the type of furnace, the material being heated, the temperature gradient within the furnace, and the type of heat source. Other factors such as insulation, furnace design, and air flow can also impact heat transfer.

How is heat transfer calculated in a lab furnace?

Heat transfer in a lab furnace is typically calculated using the equation Q = mc∆T, where Q is the amount of heat transferred, m is the mass of the material being heated, c is the specific heat capacity of the material, and ∆T is the change in temperature. This equation can be modified to account for other factors such as heat loss and heat transfer coefficient.

What are some common methods for measuring heat transfer in a lab furnace?

Some common methods for measuring heat transfer in a lab furnace include thermocouples, infrared cameras, and heat flux sensors. Thermocouples can measure the temperature at specific points within the furnace, while infrared cameras can provide a visual representation of temperature distribution. Heat flux sensors can measure the rate of heat transfer through a material.

How can heat transfer be improved in a lab furnace?

There are several ways to improve heat transfer in a lab furnace, including using better insulation, optimizing furnace design for more efficient heat distribution, and ensuring proper air flow. Other methods may include using different heat sources or adjusting temperature gradients within the furnace. It is important to carefully consider the specific needs of the experiment or process when making changes to improve heat transfer in a lab furnace.
