Heisenberg - Uncertainty principle - lifetime of a particle

In summary, the energy-time uncertainty principle states that the shorter the lifetime of a particle, the greater its uncertainty in energy, as determined by the standard deviation in energy. This is different from the momentum-position uncertainty principle and has implications for particle decay and detection. The uncertainty in time is defined in relation to an observable and there is a corresponding relation for the half-life of a quantum state. For more details, see the linked paper.
  • #1
I have seen that the more a particle has a high energy, i.e ##E##, the more its lifetime is short, respecting so the uncertainty principle.

But by the definition of this uncertainty principle :

##E\,\Delta t \geq \dfrac{\hbar}{2}##, I can write :

##\Delta t \geq \dfrac{\hbar}{2E}##, then ##\Delta t## has a lower limit and not an upper limit.

If this was a upper limit, this would mean that ##\Delta t##, i.e. the apparition time, should be observed in a time interval lower than ##\dfrac{\hbar}{2E}## : for example, if a detector had a time resolution greater than ##\dfrac{\hbar}{2E}##, the particle could not be detected, could it ?

So in which case can we write : ##\Delta t \leq \dfrac{\hbar}{2E}## ??

It seems that I have confusions with this principle.
Any clarification is welcome
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  • #2
I think the correct version of this states that when a particle or system has a short lifetime, then it has a large uncertainty ##\Delta E## in the energy. This can be seen in e.g. the collision cross sections of particle reactions. So it's the ##\Delta E##, not ##E## that we're talking about.

This kind of uncertainty relation is not the same as the momentum-position uncertainty, because the time ##t## is not a real observable.
  • #3
The energy-time uncertainty relation:

[itex]\Delta E \Delta t \geq\frac{\hbar}{2}[/itex]

is special because [itex]\Delta t[/itex] is actually defined relative to some observable [itex]\hat{L}[/itex] (whichever one you want) as the approximate amount of time it takes the statistics of [itex]\hat{L}[/itex] to drift by one standard deviation [itex]\Delta L[/itex]. More formally:

[itex]\Delta t \equiv \frac{\Delta L}{\Big|\langle\frac{d \hat{L}}{dt}\rangle\Big|}[/itex]

where [itex]\langle \cdot \rangle[/itex] denotes expectation value or mean value.

As far as particle lifetimes go, you can use the corresponding relation derived from this one which gives bounds on the half-life [itex]\tau_{1/2}[/itex] of a given quantum state:

[itex]\tau_{1/2}\Delta H \geq \frac{\pi\hbar}{4}[/itex]

Where particle decays are transitions from one quantum state to another, this relation gives a solid lower bound to the half-life of an unstable particle given the standard deviation of its energy [itex]\Delta H[/itex]

For a well-written, if technical discussion of the energy-time uncertainty relation, see:
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FAQ: Heisenberg - Uncertainty principle - lifetime of a particle

1. What is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It states that it is impossible to know with absolute certainty both the position and momentum of a particle at the same time.

2. What is the lifetime of a particle?

The lifetime of a particle refers to the duration of time that a particle exists before it decays or disappears. This can vary greatly depending on the type of particle and its interactions with other particles.

3. How does the Heisenberg uncertainty principle relate to the lifetime of a particle?

According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less we know about its momentum, and vice versa. This means that the more we know about a particle's lifetime, the less we know about its other characteristics and vice versa.

4. Can the lifetime of a particle be accurately measured?

The lifetime of a particle is not a fixed value and can only be measured probabilistically. This means that we can only determine the likelihood of a particle's lifetime, rather than a precise value.

5. How does the Heisenberg uncertainty principle impact scientific research?

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle has significant implications for scientific research, particularly in the field of quantum mechanics. It means that there will always be a level of uncertainty in our measurements and observations, which can make it challenging to make accurate predictions and understand the behavior of particles at a subatomic level.

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